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The Middle Ages Military technology

The Middle Ages Military technology. Luis Miguel Agudelo 7.2. Introduction.

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The Middle Ages Military technology

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  1. The Middle Ages Military technology Luis Miguel Agudelo 7.2

  2. Introduction Militarytechnology in theMiddleAgeswasveryadvanced, and withoutit, some of themostimportantwars, liketheCrusades, couldnothavebeenfought. Thereweremanydifferenttypes of weapons and armors.

  3. Why WAS IT IMPORTANT? Militarytechnology in theMiddleAgeswasveryadvanced and italsowasveryimportantbecausewarswere a bigpart of theMiddleAges and warshelptodevelop. Forexample, TheCrusadeswerewarsthatexpandedtradebetweenEurope and theMiddle East. Citiesgained a lot of moneyfromtheCrusades and withoutmilitarytechnologytheycouldnothavebeenfought.

  4. Difficulties Some of thedifficultiesthatmilitarytechnologyhadduringtheMiddleAgeswerethedarkages. In thedarkagestherewere no advancements in science, math and militarytechnologycouldnotdevelop.

  5. WHAT IT ACCOMPLISHED Militarytechnology in theMiddleAgesaccomplishedmanythingslikeimportantwarsbeingfought, and trade and commerceexpanding.

  6. IMPACT Medieval militarytechnology has a bigimpactonourlifesbecausewars in theMiddleAgescouldnothavebeenfoughtwithoutit and somewarslikeTheCrusadeshelpeddevelopment of trade and theeconomygrew so thecitieswouldbericher.

  7. timeline Circa 1000 Thecrossbow comes intowide use. 1095-1291 TheCrusades are fought. 1337 TheHundredYearsWar begins

  8. LONGSWORD Itis a type of Europeanswordmadefortwo-handed use. It has a blade of around 100-120 cm. ItwasfoundthroughouttheHighMiddleAges.

  9. BATTLE AXE A battleaxeisanaxemadespeciallyforcombat. Theywereusuallytwo-handedweaponsbecausetheywere heavy. Theywereusedfordamagingstrongerarmorlikeplatearmor.

  10. CROSSBOW A crossbowis a medieval weapon. Itis a bowmountedon a stock. Itshootsbolts.

  11. LONGBOW ItwasmostlyusedbytheEnglish in theMiddleAges. Itislongerthan a normal bow. Itwasused in theHundredYearsWar.

  12. CHAINMAIL Chainmailis a type of armormade of small metal ringslinkedtogether. Itisstillusedtodayforcut-resistantgloves and shark-resistantwetsuits.

  13. Plate Armor Itis a type of armormadefromironorsteelplates. Itdevelopedduringthe Late MiddleAges. Thearmorwasverystrong and it defended fromswords. ItwasalsousedthroughouttheRenaissance.

  14. SPEAR A spearis a weaponmade up of wood, and a pointy head, usuallymade of metal. Itwasused in theMiddleAgesforhunting and alsoforfighting.

  15. Conclusion In conclusion, militarytechnology in theMiddleAgeswasadvanced and withoutitsome of themostimportantevents in Medieval times, likeTheCrusadeswouldn´thadhappened and wewouldnotbe so developed.

  16. BIBLIOGRAPHY "Medieval Weapons & Armour." Medieval Weapons. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013 "Middle Ages Weapons." Middle Ages Weapons. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013. "The Crusades." The Crusades. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Mar. 2013.

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