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LGBT+ Inclusive School Policies and Curriculum

Promoting equality and education on LGBT+ topics. Implement school policies and curriculum for an inclusive environment. Resources available for different education levels.

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LGBT+ Inclusive School Policies and Curriculum

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  2. Policy: School Code Example • Respect each other’s: • Age • Disability • Gender • Gender Identity • Marriage • Pregnancy • Race and Nationality • Religion or belief • Sexual Orientation • INCLUSION – HUMAN RIGHTS – OFSTED - SMSC • Our school welcomes everyone from all walks of life. Everyone must welcome and celebrate all others in our school

  3. What does LGBT+Friendly mean? • LESBIAN • GAY • BISEXUAL • TRANS • +

  4. Sexual Orientation Gender Identity • Lesbian • Gay • Bisexual • Asexual • Heterosexual • Pansexual • Transgender • Transsexual • Transvestite • Intersex • Genderfluid • Gender Non Binary

  5. An LGBT+Inclusive Curriculum? • 40% of schools have ‘no subject areas’ where LGBT is present • 53% are not teaching about LGBT relationships • 49% are not teaching the definitions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. That is almost half of our students across the country not receiving any form of LGBT+Inclusive education • 3% of schools have LGBT+ activity in 2 or more subject areas

  6. National Minimum Standards – Jan 2013 • STANDARD 16 – Equal Opportunities • Boarders do not experience inappropriate discrimination because of differences arising out of gender, pregnancy or maternity, disability, race, religion or belief, cultural background, linguistic background, special educational need, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or academic or sporting ability. These factors are taken into account in the care of boarders, so that care is sensitive to different needs. • STANDARD 3 – Health and Well being • The accommodation is adequately staffed by appropriately qualified personnel, adequately separated from other boarders and provides separate accommodation for male and female boarders where this is necessary. • STANDARD 5 • Toilet and washing facilities provide appropriate privacy • STANDARD 11 - Child Protection • The school ensures that: • Arrangements are made to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils at the school; and such arrangements have regard to any guidance issued by the Secretary of State.

  7. OFSTED September 2013 ‘Exploring the school’s actions to prevent and tackle homophobic and transphobic bullying’ • PRIMARY • pupils ever hear anyone use the word ‘gay’ when describing something, or whether they have been told by teachers that using the word ‘gay’, to mean something is rubbish, is wrong, scary or unpleasant and why it is wrong • pupils ever get picked on by other children for not behaving like a ‘typical girl’ or a ‘typical boy’ • pupils have had any lessons about different types of families (single parent, living with grandparents, having step-parents, having two mums or two dads) • pupils think if there is someone born a girl who would rather be a boy, or born a boy who would like to be a girl, they would feel safe at school and be included. • SECONDARY– Inspectors explore whether: • there is any homophobic bullying, anti-gay derogatory language or name calling in school or on social media sites • if a gay pupil was ‘out’ in school, that pupil would feel safe from bullying • they have learned about homophobic/transphobic bullying and ways to stop it happening in school • they learn in school about different types of families – whether anyone is, or would be, teased about having same-sex parents. • there is any homophobic bullying or derogatory language about staff • someone - pupil or teacher - who thought of themselves as the opposite gender, feels safe and free from bullying at school

  8. Update Your School Policies • Equal Opportunities Policy (based on The Equality Act 2010) • Relationships and Sex Education Policy (See Ofsted: Not yet good enough and supplementary guidance 2014 SRE for the 21st Century) • School Code (Be inclusive of the protected characteristics) • Code of Conduct • Uniform Policy (gender neutral) • Behaviour Policy • Safeguarding policy • Anti-bullying • Inclusion • Human rights

  9. Curriculum: PRIDE in Early Years book collection • 12 LGBT+ Inclusive books for early years • The PDF of the collection with learning outcomes can be downloaded from: • www.educateandcelebrate.org/resources/

  10. Pride in Primary Education: books, lessons and songs! • 22 LGBT+ Inclusive books for reception to year 6 • KS1 and 2 lesson plans • 25 SING-A-LONG songs with lyrics, chords and actions. Sponsored by Service Birmingham and NUT • www.educateandcelebrate.org/resources/

  11. Pride in Secondary Education • A set of 22 LGBT+Inclusive teen fiction books for secondary school libraries. • The books can also add value to English lessons and be used for reading groups and peer mentor sessions. • www.educateandcelebrate.org/resources/

  12. Environment • Does your display represent and include everyone?

  13. Celebrating Different Families

  14. Educate & Celebrate Posters • http://www.educateandcelebrate.org/resources/

  15. Pride Youth Networks • A guide for staff and students with step-by-step instructions on how to engage young people in whole school change. • ‘We all have the right to be ourselves in school, I will not be scared away from the issue anymore in my school -‘thank you!’ • www.educateandcelebrate.org/youth-networks/

  16. Edu-bake & Cel-a-cake • Anti-Bullying Week – November

  17. NatCen Research 2014 • Whole school integrated approach ‘was regarded as working better than only using stand alone teaching on HBT bullying specifically’ • HBT bullying reduction ‘was seen as more successful when teaching about LGBT people’ and ‘was incorporated into teaching throughout the curriculum • Having an approach to challenging HBT across the schools activities and involving the whole school’ is ‘seen as working’. • Being clear with faith leaders (who are hostile to LGBT) that HBT bullying is about relationships and bullying and not about sex

  18. The Rainbow Flag • In 1978, Gilbert Baker designed the LGBT flag. Each colour represents a different aspect of life. • Life • Healing • Sun • Nature • Art • Harmony

  19. Alan Turing • In 1952, after a burglary at his home, detectives investigating Turing for espionage discovered he had been in a relationship with a man. • As homosexuality was illegal, Turing was charged with “gross indecency” and given a choice between imprisonment or probation, which included hormone treatment to “lower his libido”. • On June 8th, 1954, Alan Turing was found dead - the cause of death was suicide by cyanide poisoning. • In 2014, as a result of a petition from the public, the Queen officially pardoned Turing, and the government issued an apology for his conviction.

  20. The Stonewall Riots • The modern day LGBT community started as a demand for basic civil rights. • The Stonewall Inn was the scene of five nights of rebellion against the New York Police in protest at their harassment of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who attended the bar. • This anniversary is celebrated on June 28th.

  21. 1970 This led to a higher visibility of LGBT people and ignited the demands for equal rights and a global, overall LGBT culture and community was founded • 1 in every 10 people are LGBT. How many people could be LGBT in this room?

  22. Please Follow Us and Tell Us About Your Work! • enquiries@educateandcelebrate.org • Educate & Celebrate Making schools and organisationsLGBT+Friendly • www.educateandcelebrate.org • http://www.facebook.com/Educate and Celebrate • http://www.twitter.com/educatecelebrat • http://www.instagram.com/educate_and_celebrate

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