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The IS-ENES2 climate4impact portal: designed for the climate change impacts community. http://climate4impact.eu/ IS-ENES2 climate4impact partners CERFACS , KNMI, University of Cantabria, SMHI, Wageningen University, CMCC, STFC, CNRS-IPSL Christian Pagé - (CERFACS)
The IS-ENES2 climate4impact portal: designed for the climate change impacts community http://climate4impact.eu/ IS-ENES2 climate4impact partners CERFACS, KNMI, University of Cantabria, SMHI, Wageningen University, CMCC, STFC, CNRS-IPSL Christian Pagé - (CERFACS) Maarten Plieger, Wim Som de Cerff - (KNMI)
Overview • Use cases • ESGF Federation • Architecture • Search, Visualize, Process • Derived Data products • Plans and future http://climate4impact.eu/
21 Use cases (5 countries, 8 themes) • Fews NHI - Deltares Delivery of climate model data from different runs to the FEWS/NHI system. • Climate data for METAPHOR - WUR Delivery of climate model data from different scenario runs for the Metaphor model. • Natuurplanner - WUR Delivery of climate model data from different scenario runs to the Natuurplanner, a model and data manager for ecological models. • EU-CLUE scanner (Land use) – VU / Spinlab Simulate future land-use change over Europe, using Socio-economic and climatic changes as input.
CMCC DKRZ NASA LASG CEA IPSL UVIC Earth System Grid Federation NOAA • Robust • Distributed • Data and processing • Gateway Nodes (blue) • Data nodes (green) • Climate4impact builds on and contributes to this global infrastructure BADC FIO NTNU PCMDI NCI DKRZ NCI NSC-LIU BADC CNRM E-ENIS BCCCSM PCMDI Climate4Impact UCAR TSINGHUA http://esgf.org/wiki/Cmip5Status/ArchiveView
Functionalities – Prototype IS-ENES 1 • Extensive documentation for impact modelers • Guidelines, warnings, do’s and don’ts • Access to CMIP5/CORDEX data • 30 data nodes, ~3 Petabyte of data • Search in a faceted way • Through models, variables, experiments, frequency, dates • Visualize and download any CMIP5/CORDEX dataset • Visualize any gridded dataset offered via OPeNDAP! • Using ADAGUC WMS/WCS • Login with ESGF OpenID Identifier
Functionalities – IS-ENES 2 (October 2013) • Improved search interface • Web Processing Service with ESGF security • Demonstrator online, create timeseries plot on any dataset in ESGF with 3 dimensions • Compose OpenID identifier based on username and gateway • Improved styling based on ENES Main Portal • Less clicking, improved error feedback and improved user friendliness • Still, a lot has to be done
Now with Time Series Generate timeseries plots for a certain location. Supported formats: HTML, JSON, XML and PNG
Global Climate Model Ice in polar stereographic projection
Web Processing Service • Make timeseries • Compare anomalies of precipitation against temperature for France • Extensible architecture that supports the addition to climate4impact of other functionalities
Temperature indices ECA&D indices Humidity indices Heat indices Compound indices Cold indices Rain indices Snow indices Drought indices On-demand Calculations Climate indices calculation in climate4impact: OpenClimateGIS/icclim • Intra-period extreme temperature range [°C] - ETR • Warm days (days with mean temperature > 90th percentile of daily mean temperature) - TG90p • Summer days (days with max temperature > 25 °C) - SU • ... http://eca.knmi.nl/documents/atbd.pdf
Some Issues to be solved • Improve user experience when nodes are down • Monitoring dashboard from CMCC • ESGF data node catalogues refer to missing files • Catalog links are broken / data is missing • Untrusted certificates: users have to confirm security exceptions • OpenID identifier must be provided once for every data node • Cannot search for files by date and time
Next steps • Explore automated bias corrections • Finish the integration of calculate indices (ECA&D) • Connection to downscaling portal of University of Cantabria • Access to reanalysis data and Regional Model data (CORDEX) • Search by MetaData (METAFOR Common Information Model) • Seamless and transparent integration of on-the-fly indices calculations in the Search Interface • Forecast visualization and outreach (SPECS) • Standardize glossary with defined vocabulary (EUPORIAS, Predictia) • Connect to KNMI Climate Explorer
Visit us at http://climate4impact.eu/ and we await your feedbacks