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Dedicated RAOB and NOAA AEROSE Validation Campaign Status

Dedicated RAOB and NOAA AEROSE Validation Campaign Status. N. R. Nalli, C. D. Barnet , D. Tobin , M. Divakarla , T. Reale , E. Joseph, V. Morris, D. Wolfe, A. Mollner , T. King, H. Xie , A. Gambacorta , M. Wilson, X. Xiong , X . Liu, S. Kizer , D. Gu , et al.

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Dedicated RAOB and NOAA AEROSE Validation Campaign Status

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  1. Dedicated RAOB and NOAA AEROSE Validation Campaign Status N. R. Nalli, C. D. Barnet, D. Tobin, M. Divakarla, T. Reale, E. Joseph, V. Morris, D. Wolfe, A. Mollner, T. King, H. Xie,A. Gambacorta,M. Wilson,X. Xiong, X. Liu, S. Kizer, D. Gu, et al. CrIMSS EDR Validation Telecon 24 July 2012

  2. ICV 2012 Coordinated Dedicated RAOB Campaign* *Slide originally presented at 2012 IGARSS JPSS Session, Munich, Germany • ARM Sites (n = 450) • Tropical Western Pacific (TWP, island) (90) • Southern Great Plains (SGP) (180) • North Slope Alaska (NSA) (180) • Jul–Sep 2012 • JPSS funded • Kauai, Hawaii (PMRF) Site (n = 20+) • Tropical Central Pacific (island) • May 2012 (20), Sep 2012 (?) • Collocated lidar • Collaborator: The Aerospace Corp. • Beltsville, MD (BCCSO) Site (n = 10+) • Urban midlatitude • Jun–Sep 2012 • Collaborator: HU/NCAS • NOAA AEROSE Cruise (n ≈ 60) • Tropical Atlantic (ship) • September 2012 • Possible HS3 Campaign AC overflight • JPSS funded • Collaborators: HU/NCAS, NOAA/ESRL Nalli, Barnet, et al. - IGARSS 2012

  3. NOAA AEROSE Campaign Status • September2012NOAA Aerosols and Ocean Science Expedition (AEROSE) was cancelledon 29-Aug-12 • Cancelled just prior to the scheduled 31-Aug-12 departure in Bermuda • The NOAA Ronald H. Brown this year had one of its 2 propulsion systems replaced in dry dock • An inspector issued a formal assessment in Bermuda that the original propulsion system was at risk for failure within the next 30 days • Because the cruise was ~35 days, NOAA cancelled it due to the Atlantic hurricane risk • The ship was ordered to deadhead back to Charleston (2.5 day transit) where it will be dry docked for replacement of the propulsion system • 3 dedicated RAOBS were launched for NPP overpasses – we will acquire the matchup granules and combine them with the postponed PNE/AEROSE cruise • AEROSE tentatively postponed to January 2013 • The Brown has offered to hold all scientific equipment for us while the repairs take place, so it should be straightforward for us to resume where we left off at that time. • In the meantime we will use dedicated ROABs from the other sites will be used.   The delay of AEROSE should not impact the schedule for CrIMSS validation. 3

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