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Dubna , 10/2013. PHENIX at RHIC PHENIX → sPHENIX → fsPHENIX → ePHENIX Evolution. Presented by E. Kistenev Brookhaven National Laboratory. Transparensies from sPHENIX workfest at RIKEN , Japan , 7/2013.
Dubna, 10/2013 PHENIX at RHIC PHENIX → sPHENIX→ fsPHENIX → ePHENIX Evolution Presented by E. Kistenev Brookhaven National Laboratory Transparensies from sPHENIXworkfest at RIKEN, Japan, 7/2013
PHENIX Experiment has had more than a decade of exciting physics and collaboration JINR, A.Litvinenko et al .. A combined charged particle tracker and EM preshower
sPHENIX: Major Upgrade to PHENIX Taking advantage of significant technology advances (exciting synergies with LHC upgrades) http://arxiv.org/abs/arXiv:1207.6378
sPHENIX Upgrade is motivated by interest in - the basic nature of the perfect fluid: - its uniquee constituents (or lack thereof?) - its formation vs. temperature/timeJets and their Elossare the most obvious and naturalexternal probe to study the QGP inner working 4ph/s
How could it be relevant to string theory ? It has been postulated (the Maldacena duality, known also as AdS/CFT correspondence) that there is a universal lower viscosity bound for all strongly coupled systems, as determined in dual gravitational system. “Small Shear Viscosity Implies Strong Jet Quenching” A. Majumder, B. Muller, X.N. Wang, PRL (2007). Key is independently measuring both sides of this equation! Modern Physics: Understanding the very small and the very fast. Brant Johnson, PHENIX@RHIC/Physics Department/BNL
This program will need detailed flow measurements Different models, same h/s These developments in the past year underscore the need for measurements to address why and how perfect fluidity arises (BES)
and new ways of Event tagging Jet or photon so the qhat could be inferred from Eloss
and rates: Jets, Dijets, g-Jet Sampling 50 billion Au+Au events in one year (can record 20 billion without selective triggers) 107 jets > 20 GeV 106 jets > 30 GeV 80% are dijet events 104 direct g > 20 GeV A+B p+A (different nuclei) U+U Differential measures Jets Rates for Au+Au @ 100 GeV and Unique Flexibility of RHIC Enable Additional Lever Arm
and full range of energies provided by RHIC/LHC enviroment so the scale at which bulk coupling relate to probe coupling could be found and QGP nature constrained. Coupling parameters like are scale dependent and must approach weak coupling at high energies and strong coupling at thermal energies How does η/s go from being nearly as small as possible near Tcto the weakly coupled limit?
The outcome: Comprehensive picture across scales and QGP temperatures spanned by RHIC and LHC Example: precision extraction of coupling constant from jet asymmetry measured at RHIC (simulation)
BaBarSolenoid • Excellent foundation for sPHENIX and ePHENIX: inner radius 140 cm, length 385 cm, field 1.5 T Just moving to SLAC station A Soon to Brookhaven • Reduces technical risk associated with acquiring new superconducting research magnets
sPHENIX Goals: Summary • What are the inner workings of the sQGP? • Are the key degrees of freedom: quasi-particles? excitations? other? • full jet probes and high statistics dijets • where does jet energy lost go? • direct photons • photon-jet, photon-hadron, jet-hadron correlations • high statistics upsilons, high statistics open heavy flavor also will serve as a base configuration for fsPHENIX and ePHENIX
fsPHENIXDetector: Plugging the hole(s) in sPHENIX η~1 R (cm) MuID η~-1 HCal HCal EMCal EMCal& Preshower RICH η~4 Central silicon tracking GEM Station2 z (cm) Silicon Station1 GEM Station3 GEM Station4 p p p A A A Forward field shaper The idea is to try to not build anything that can’t be used in ePHENIX, if we can
fsPHENIX: Two Benchmark Measurements Focusing on transversely polarized p+p and p+Aphysics • Drell-Yan : (p+p@510, p+A@200) • Transversely polarized p+pcan test sign change of Sivers function (non-universality of PDFs) • p+A collisions can study the cold nuclear matter initial state • Hadrons/Jets : (p+p@510,p+p@200,p+A@200 • Transversely polarized p+pcan separate the ANs into initial state (Sivers) and final state (Collins) pieces giving us new insight into the source of the large asymmetries • p+A collisions can study initial state to low-x and study the higher order correlations among gluons (restoration of TMD factorization at low-x)
fsPHENIX physics: showcases Sivers Effect in DY Hadron/Jet Physics • The fsPHENIX design is rapidly maturing as the understanding of the physics requirements is maturing • We expect to have a full GEANT4 simulation completed soon for future background studies. • We expect to have a document outlining the physics case and needs this fall • Still much room for input and ideas from other collaborators! Jet Collins AN π0 π0
EIC and eRHIC • eRHIC is EIC at BNL; • eRHIC will add new e-accelerator to RHIC; • eRHICwill happen in two stages( different energies of electrons); • BNL charged the RHIC collaborations to imagine how their upgrades could lead to detectors for phase I of eRHIC
eRHICPhysics • A major purpose of eRHIC is to measure the 3d structure of the nucleon and nuclei over a large kinematical range • ePHENIX needs to measure the scattered electron and complete and exclusive final states
GPDs (3D) Generalized Parton Distributions GPDs combine the definitions of FFs and PDFs. FFs measure the transverse spatial structure of charge, but no momentum info. PDFs measure the momentum distribution of charged objects, but no spatial info
Schedule SnapShot sPHENIX ePHENIX Shown by BNL at DOE March 2013 Review All that is 100% certain is that this schedule will change. However, our hard work is the best way to ensure our physics
sPHENIX Test Beam @ Fermilab John Haggerty will give you the details… join the fun!
Summary PHENIX has been on a truly exciting journey sPHENIX and ePHENIX are the future Strong and committed scientists are needed to make this future a reality Personal Comment: JINR was very active in PHENIX few years ago. Today NIKA’s calling and … are given as reasons for that collaboration to end. Yes - resources are scarce but the outcome is greater when they are used in Collaboration. RHIC – LHC – now NIKA – let’s look if we may restore that Collaboration.