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“The Hierarchy of Waste”. Steve Lee CEO, Chartered Institution of Wastes Management. The CIWM Vision. “A world where: Resources are kept working Wastes are managed and put back to work Residues (only) are carefully disposed of”. Commodity “Prices”. Commodity “Prices”.
“The Hierarchy of Waste” Steve Lee CEO, Chartered Institution of Wastes Management
The CIWM Vision “A world where: Resources are kept working Wastes are managed and put back to work Residues (only) are carefully disposed of”.
Commodity “Prices” Commodity “Prices”
Nick Stern There is a serious angle to all of this........... “Extended conflict, Social disruption, war essentially, over much of the world, ..for many decades”.
DambisaMoyo .....and he’s not alone: implications for the world’s commodity resources are stark and sobering. Global demand for food and water is expected to increase by 50% and 30% respectively by 2030.....pressure on lead, zinc and corn is already becoming unsustainable and no-one has a clue where the energy we’ll need is going to come from.........
IN 20th century: Population............. x 4 Water use.............. x 9 Fossil Fuel use.... x 16 Fish catch........... x 35 Economy.............. x 40 “ de-materialise not de-industrialise” “Even if no financial crisis, EU would still be facing long term resource crisis. Green economy and resource efficiency only way forward” [tweet 05.11.12] Janez Potocnik
Chatham House report Dec 2012 .....The spectre of resource insecurity has come back with a vengeance. Whether or not resources are actually running out, the outlook is one of supply disruptions, volatile prices, accelerated environmental degradation and rising political tensions over resource access.
Consensus Judgments of all 16 U.S. Intelligence Agencies ....what sets the next quarter century apart is 7 “tectonic shifts” combining to drive change at an accelerating rate: • the growth of the middle class, • aging populations, • urbanization, • wider access to new technologies, • shifting economic power, • growing demand for food and water, • and energy independence
“WASTE” = “RESOURCE” (Efficiency / Security) Bottom line : “waste” or raw material Business continuity Supply chain issue CSR Compliance Health and Safety
EU revised Waste Framework Directive Effective from 12th December 2008 Article 4: sets out 5 steps for dealing with waste, ranked according to environmental impact – the “waste hierarchy”: prevention, preparing for re-use, recycling, other recovery and disposal, in descending order of environmental preference. (Defs of these steps are in Article 3 of the Directive)
Waste (England and Wales) Regs 2011 12.—(1) An establishment or undertaking which imports, produces, collects, transports, recovers or disposes of waste, ...........must, on the transfer of waste, take all such measures available to it as are reasonable in the circumstances to apply the following waste hierarchy as a priority order— (a)prevention; (b)preparing for re-use; (c)recycling; (d)other recovery (for example energy recovery); (e)disposal.
Defra Hierarchy Guide: What you need to do If your business or organisation (including local authorities on behalf of householders) produces or handles waste (this includes importing, producing, carrying, keeping or treating waste; dealers or brokers who have control of waste, and anyone responsible for the transfer of waste), you must take all such measures as are reasonable in the circumstances to: prevent waste apply the waste hierarchy when you transfer waste
(2) But...may depart from the priority order ... to achieve the best overall environmental outcome where this is justified by life-cycle (3) When considering impacts in paragraph (2) the following considerations must be taken into account— (a)the general environmental protection principles of precaution and sustainability; (b)technical feasibility and economic viability; (c)protection of resources; (d)the overall environmental, human health, economic and social impacts
Guidance is available!...................... https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-applying-the-waste- hierarchy http://wastehierarchy.wrap.org.uk/ http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2013/04/7548
Guidance on applying the Waste Hierarchy June 2011 This guidance is produced under regulation 15(1) of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 and any person subject to the regulation 12 duty must have regard to it.
Waste Hierarchy Guidance Review 2012 closed on 30 June 2012. current guidance based on LCA. We are aware that use of slightly different criteria [ecological foot-printing] has led to a different hierarchy of options for some materials in the Welsh government’s guidance. high and low efficiency energy recovery open loop recycling, eg of glass and plastics plastics energy recovery vs landfill paper energy recovery vs composting
I have applied the waste management hierarchy as required by the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011
What is edoc? • A four year £3.8 million programme co-financed by European Commission (LIFE+) and delivered by Env Agency in partnership with: • CIWM • Reconomy (UK) Ltd • NIEA (Northern Ireland (Environment Agency) • WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Prog) • Welsh Government • and supported by: • Defra • SEPA (Scottish Env Protection Agency)
Edoc – key features • Create a waste transfer note and share it between parties • Review, edit, sign and store waste transfer records online • Receive automatic e-mail notifications when there is an action for your attention • See a log of actions performed, by whom and when • Create a season ticket with the option to include multiple waste types, containers and collection frequencies • Receive email alerts when a season ticket is about to expire • Search and retrieve records quickly and easily • Create downloadable business reports on the waste transfers you have been involved in • Use an optional tracking system to see the fate of your waste
Helps in 3 core areas: • Learning: educate staff and stakeholders driving true self sufficiency • Compliance: interactive tool helping companies to understand and monitor their own compliance performance • Improvement: step-by-step support, analysis and monitoring tools to help companies understand the true cost of waste management
Waste Smart one day training course + short assessment + CIWM validated certificate for successful candidates. delivered nationally via network of registered centres skills and understanding to ensure legal compliance saves you money from your bottom line by reducing waste costs and improving resource efficiency. Foundation course...aimed at anyone who generates, handles or manages waste within any organisation, Advanced course...for those who manage waste and ensure compliance ....for those who need to implement, manage and monitor improvements.
Keeping Resources Working Source: UNEP Recycling Rates of Metals – a status report 2011
“WASTE” = “RESOURCE” (Efficiency / Security) Bottom line: “waste” or raw material Business continuity Supply chain issue CSR Compliance Health and Safety