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ZOS-01-14. Locascio Bald Eagle Nesting Zone Special Use Permit. Overview.
ZOS-01-14 LocascioBald Eagle Nesting Zone Special Use Permit
Overview • Special Use Permit to allow construction of a Single-family residence and accessory structures on two parcels totaling approx. 25 acres, located in a Bald Eagle Nesting Zone, in the Idylwild/Serenola Special Area Study • Potential for construction between 330 and 660 ft of nest • Site is currently vacant; surrounded by very low-density residential uses and the Prairie View Solar Array to the west
SITE 660 ft 330 ft Proposed SF residence Not to scale. For illustrative purposes only
Applicant Request • The applicants are requesting a special use permit to allow for the construction of a single-family residence within a bald eagle nesting zone.
Development Standards for Single Family Residence in Bald Eagle Nesting Zone per ULDC Sec. 405.19(c)3.b b. Land use within the nesting zone shall be limited to passive recreation, farming, grazing, nurseries or gardening. i. The use of property for any other activity shall require a special use permit. ii. The burden shall be on the applicant to demonstrate that the proposed use will not weaken the integrity of the nesting zone. iii. The special use permit may further limit specific activities as necessary and appropriate to protect the function and value of bald eagle nesting zones, including but not limited to additional restrictions during the eagle's nesting period, usually from October 1 to May 15. iv. Development within the nesting zone shall cluster units away and shall not include buildings in excess of 35 feet in height or the construction of new roads providing increased access to the nest.
Proposed Conditions • The ZOS-1-14 Special Use Permit shall allow for the construction of a single-family residence and all uses accessory to the single-family residence allowed in the underlying zoning district within a 660ft distance (but outside of 330ft distance) of the existing identified bald eagle nest as shown on Exhibit B, subject to all provisions of the ULDC including the requirements for structures in the underlying zoning district. • New road access to the single family residence shall originate on SW 21st Drive and not pass through any wetlands or floodplain. • The applicant shall comply with provisions of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s “Bald Eagle Management Plan (April 9, 2008)” and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s “National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (May 2007).” Failure to comply with the referenced provisions shall constitute a violation of the special use permit. • Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicants shall submit a site plan at a pre-application screening (PAS) in accordance with Sec. 402.04(b) of the ULDC.
Staff Recommendation • Staff finds the proposed request consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan and Unified Land Development Code. • Staff recommends that the Commission approve the special exception with bases and conditions