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OVERVIEW OF RWANDA TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ICT PRORAMMES PRE-SERVICE AND IN-SERVICE. Case of Kigali Institute of education. Dr. Nduwingoma Mathias/ KIE. CONTENT. Current TPD’s situation in Rwanda Existing strengths for TPD in ICT Challenges to TPD in ICT programmes
CONTENT • Current TPD’s situation in Rwanda • Existing strengths for TPD in ICT • Challenges to TPD in ICT programmes • Achievements in terms of TPD in ICT • Case of KIE • The Way to Go TPD for ICT in Rwanda
1. Current TPD’s situation in ICT in Rwanda • High Education Institutions (Public/Private) with departments of Computer Science /engineering leading to the Degree or Diploma b. In-service & Pre-Service programmes (But only KIE is specialized in Education) c. Graduation of hundreds of students every year with ICT related knowledge d. Secondary schools are getting qualified teachers TPD for ICT in Rwanda
Current TPD’s situation in ICT in Rwanda (Contd…) e. Introduction of the system of Learner Centered Pedagogy- LCP in HEIs f. Introduction of ICT module/course (Compulsory) in Academic Curriculum g. Secondary schools are equipped in ICT material even if not enough h. Some secondary schools teachers are ICT literate (either from KIE or by training in-service) nearly 8000 teachers trained by RITC – May 2009 i. The will of Universities/Institutes to respect the ideal ration of 1:5 (ration computer/students) TPD for ICT in Rwanda
2. Existing strengths for TPD in ICT • High commitment of the Leadership in GoR through MINEDUC. • Big Budget allocated to ICT in HEIs • Established ICT in Education policy and many other policies related to ICT • Good cooperation between GoR and its Donors, between GoR and International Organizations either GOs or NGOs e.g CISCO, NEPAD, Microsoft, GTZ, DFID, GeSCI,…….. TPD for ICT in Rwanda
Existing strengths for TPD in ICT (contd)… e. National Projects/Agencies involved in ICT training for teachers at Secondary & Tertiary Level e.g RITA, RDG, OLPC, RITC, CGIS……. TPD for ICT in Rwanda
3. Challenges to TPD in ICT programmes • Lack of Resource material • Lack of Skilled Human resources in ICT with Education • Needs of sensitization of stakeholders in TPD • Problem of Strategy plan for TPD in ICT establishment TPD for ICT in Rwanda
a. Resource material lacking • Lack of access to electric power • Equipment not sufficient in schools • Network infrastructure • Low bandwidth • Computer hardware is in short supply and expensive, no domestic production, dependency on other countries • Dependency on foreign aids TPD for ICT in Rwanda
b. Lack of Skilled Human Resources in ICT with Education • The skilled manpower is small in ICT with Education (only KIE is producing) • Lack of ICT trained teachers in schools (there are still few) • Teacher training focused only in the use of ICT as an add-on (technology add-on) to the traditional curricula and standardized test systems (Except some Universities’ teachers) • Even those who can apply ICT in development of digital literacy (technology literacy) are prisoners of the traditional system of preparation/teaching/assessment. (Scheme of work format, Lesson plan format, Journal de classe,…) TPD for ICT in Rwanda
c. Needs of sensitization of stakeholders in TPD • Lack of awareness of ICT in general • Most Rwandan Schools teachers are unaware of ICT and its potential for development • Secondary Schools and HEI are still using traditional chalk and talk teaching in absence of digital content • Multimedia based teaching material, educational CDs, simulations are rarely used • Communication between schools and teacher training institutions within and across boundaries should be facilitated • Lack of policy to deal comprehensively with TPD for ICT integration TPD for ICT in Rwanda
Needs of sensitization of stakeholders in TPD (contd)… • Teachers and teachers Educators should genuinely “Own” the process of ICT integration to enable them to be creative in adapting ICT to the own classroom circumstances. • Control of a big flow of digital resources from donors or partners which put stick (Baton) in the wheels of Rwandans who are willing to innovate (to be discussed…) TPD for ICT in Rwanda
Needs of sensitization of stakeholders in TPD (contd)… • Students who specialize in ICT tend to leave the teaching field behind for business and industry jobs after graduation (This is concerning the GoR) TPD for ICT in Rwanda
4. Achievements in terms of TPD in ICT • More than the half of primary & Secondary schools have been equipped with hardware • + 8000 teachers have received ICT training through RITC • Agreement with MicroSoft for the use of their software in Rwandan schools • Universities/Institutes have computers and are independently connected to the Internet in various ways such as Fiber optic cable, wireless broadband (Wi-Fi), leased line and VSATs TPD for ICT in Rwanda
Achievements in terms of TPD in ICT (contd)… • Rwanda Education and research network (RWEDNET) will allow broadband access for all HEI and research centers. Secondary and primary schools will be also connected. • Tele-centers establishment in all Districts of Rwanda to facilitate ICT access to rural community. TPD for ICT in Rwanda
5. Case of KIE • KIE Vision statement • KIE Mission • KIE pre-service and in-service programmes. • KIE achievement in 10 years of training TPD for ICT in Rwanda
5.a) KIE Vision statement • The 2020 VisionAn institution of higher education, which is an internationally known centre of excellence producing professionally qualified teachers and other professionals in high quality research environment that promotes community services. TPD for ICT in Rwanda
5.b) KIE Mission • To train high-calibre school teachers and teacher educators to meet local needs. • To provide professional higher education to support the development of Rwanda. • To develop the potential of staff to provide stimulating intellectual environment within which students are facilitated to become competent, autonomous and responsible practitioners. • To develop the potential of staff to provide stimulating intellectual environment within which students are facilitated to become competent, autonomous and responsible practitioners. • To carry out research to meet country’s need for research-informed educational policy and practice and to contribute to international scholarship. • To carry out consultancy and mobilize the institution’s expertise to support and develop Rwanda’s educational services. • To make a contribution to the community within which the institution is located. TPD for ICT in Rwanda
KIE pre-service and in-service programmes. • Pre-Service programmes: - Diploma in Librarianship and Information science - Diploma in Secretarial studies - Bachelor of Arts with education - Bachelor of Science with Education - Master of Research in Social and educational research Methods - Master of Science in Social and Educational research Methods TPD for ICT in Rwanda
KIE in-service programmes. • Diploma in Education (Distance Training Programme) • Bachelor of Arts with education TPD for ICT in Rwanda
KIE achievements in 10 years of training in TPD Number of students Academic year 2009 per faculty TPD for ICT in Rwanda
Number of students graduated since 2005 up to 2009 TPD for ICT in Rwanda
6. The Way To Go • Let progress TPD in ICT which is now halfway • Let all stakeholders (Teachers, students, principals, ICT coordinators, Curriculum leaders, Teacher Educators,…) discuss for a successful TPD • National Curriculum development Center, National Council for Examination and Teacher Educators (KIE) to sit together before any change/reform in education programmes • propose a review of all programmes of KIE so that every student graduates with enough knowledge deepening. (Insert a module of E-learning with applications in every taught subject so that students can use his knowledge to create) TPD for ICT in Rwanda
(Contd…) • Set a reasonable strategic plan to follow the 4 approaches for ICT integration in TPD - Emerging for Technology add-on - Applying (transmission) for technology literacy - Infusing for knowledge deepening - Transforming for Knowledge creation TPD for ICT in Rwanda
Murakoze • Thanks • Merci TPD for ICT in Rwanda