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ICT status in Rwanda. The Rwanda ICT vision – NICI Plan: a 5 years plan which started in 2000 and extends to 2020 in 4 phases;
ICT status in Rwanda The Rwanda ICT vision – NICI Plan: a 5 years plan which started in 2000 and extends to 2020 in 4 phases; NICI Plan comprises projects from all sectors: social (education, health, public service, etc…), economic (finance, agriculture, infrastructure, etc…), private sector, civil society
ICT status in Rwanda (suite) The main mission is to transform the Rwandan economy from an agriculture based one to knowledge based economy. The current plan has 168 projects. The creation of RITA which is a coordinating agency for the implementation of these projects. (www.rita.rw)
ICT status in Rwanda (suite) Web presence: • Rwanda portal: www.rwandagateway.org • www.gov.rw • All ministries and other entities • Local governments (Districts) • Private sector • Civil society, etc….
ICT status in Rwanda Infrastructure • Optic fiber in the whole country • Bandwidth: 80 mbps • Secondary schools connected to the internet anad some primary schools
ICT usage in SGG1. Challenges: • Paper load • Administrative inefficiency • Management of two different systems: electronic and the paper based systems + Viruses • Because of the above the order of the Prime Minister forbidding paper usage in the cabinet
2. Actual functioning a. Cabinet • Cabinet papers are submitted on the Government web-based solution. Access on this solution is given to HE, Right Hon.PM, Ministers, SGGs, Directors of Cabinet in The Office of the President and the Office of the PM. • SGG proposes agenda for CIC (SGs or Ministerial) or for CM • Reports and comments from CIC are posted on the e-gov system. Amended papers are then submitted to e-gov and programmed for the Cabinet
Actual functioning (suite) a. Cabinet (suite) • During CM or CIC documents are accessed from the server via personal laptop (in the President’s Office or in the Prime Minister’s Office)
Actual functioning (suite) b. Follow up of cabinet decisions • Cabinet decisions follow up templates (it shows the date of the decision, the decision, Ministry / Department responsible, action taken, comments). • Decisions posted on e-gov for consultations by all Government members. • Quarterly reports from different ministry • Consolidated government quarterly and annual report.
Actual functioning (suite) c. The official gazette • Official gazette available on the internet for free + search engine
3.Undergoing projects • Too many documents circulate between the OPM and other ministries • Difficulties in following up government action as well in assessing achievements • Too much movements from one meeting to another.
Undergoing projects (suite) • E-document which is web based solution: as far as SGG is concerned the solution will be used for the follow up of the government actions: implementation of the action plan, cabinet decisions and other government initiatives. • Video – conferencing, • Gov – net: this project is to connect all government institutions on one network because they are connecting through internet so far.
Final Note We have a big challenge of skilled IT experts. We hire international experts and they are requested to work with national IT professional to ensure there is transfer of knowledge as a way of capacity building.