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Modern India ADVENT OF EUROPEAN COMPANIES 1. In 1498 AD Vasco-Di-Gama discovered the sea route to India and landed on the coast of Calicut. 2. The first governor of the Portuguese was Francisco de Almeida (1505–1509 AD). 3. The Portuguese had monopolized horse imports into India on the basis of naval power. 4. The Portuguese started the tobacco cultivation and printing press in India. 5. The Portuguese opened their first trading house in Cochin. 6.The Dutch established their first factory in Masulipatnam in 1605 AD. After this, the Dutch established their factories in Pulicat, Chinsura, Patna, Surat, Nagapattinam, Balasore and Kasim Bazar. 7.The control of the Dutch Company came to an end from Indian territories after being defeated by the British at the Battle of Bedara in 1759 AD. 8. English East India Company was established in 1600 AD. In 1611 AD, the company established a trading house in Masulipatam in the south-west. 9. The British established their first factory in Surat in 1608 AD. 10.French East India Company was established in 1664 AD. 11.The first trading house of the French in India was founded by Frank Caro in Surat in 1668 AD. 12.In 1742 AD Dupleix became the French governor of India. 13.In 1760 AD, under the leadership of Sir Eyre coot, the British defeated the French in the Battle of wandiwash. 14.Warren Hastings became the Governor of Bengal in 1772 AD. He put an end to diarchy system in bengal in 1772 AD. 15.Hastings became the Governor-General of Bengal after the Regulating Act in 1773 AD. 16. Warren Hastings established a civil and criminal court in each district. 17.The Supreme Court was established in Calcutta (at fort williams) under the Regulating Act in 1773 AD. 18. In 1784 AD, William Jones founded The Asiatic Society of Bengal. 19.In 1793 AD, Cornwallis implemented a permanent settlement.
20. Cornwallis separated administrative and judicial powers. He is called the father of administrative service. 21. He appointed police officers and got police stations built. 22. Sir John Shore adopted a policy of neutrality and non-interference. 23. Lord Wellesley adopted a policy of subsidiary treaties. 24. Sir George Barlow prohibited the trading of slaves in 1807 AD. 25. Lord Hastings made Sugauli treaty with Nepal in 1816 AD. 26. Lord Hastings suppressed the Pindaris. 27. The Tenancy Act was enacted in 1822 AD at the time of Lord Hastings. 28. The First Anglo-Burma War (1824–26 AD) took place under Lord Amhert, which ended under the Treaty of Yandabu. 29. Lord William Bentinck was the last Governor-General of Bengal. 30.Under the Charter Act of 1833 AD, the Governor-General of Bengal was made the Governor-General of India, thus Bentinck also became the first Governor-General of India. 31. Bentinck prohibited the practice of Sati in 1829 AD. (After the movement started by Raja Ram Mohan Roy) 32. Bentinck founded Calcutta Medical College in 1835 AD. 33. Charles Metcalfe is called the liberator of the Indian press. 34. Lord Ellenborough abolished slavery. 35.Lard Hardinge banned the human sacrifice practice. 36. Dalhousie expanded the English empire through Doctrine of lapse theory and merged the Indian states under the empire. 37.In 1854, Dalhousie implemented educational reforms through the Wood Dispatch. 38.In 1857, one university each was established in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay. 39. Railway transport started in Dalhousie's time. 40.The first train ran from Bombay to thane in 1853 AD. 41.The new Post Office Act was passed in 1851 AD and for the first time in India the introduction of postage stamps started. 42.In 1858 AD, electric telegram service started between Calcutta and Agra for the first time. 43. For the Indian Civil Service, competition examination started for the first time during Dalhousie's time. REVOLT OF 1857 1. On March 29, 1857, Mangal Pandey started the revolution of 1857 in Barrackpore Cantonment. It was also called the Sepoy Mutiny. 2. The rebels declared Bahadur Shah Zafar as the Emperor of India on 11 May 1857. 3.The Revolt of 1857 was unsuccessful but the effect was that by ending the rule of the Company, the British Government took over the rule of India directly. For this the Government of India Act, 1858 was passed.
VICEROYS 1.Lard Canning was the last Governor-General appointed by the company in India and the first Viceroy of India appointed under the British Emperor. 2.At the time of canning, the Indian High Court Act was passed by which one High Court each was established in Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. 3.The widow remarriage act was passed in 1856 AD at the same time of canning. 4. Lord Elgin suppressed the wahabi movement. 5. During the time of John Lawrence (1866 AD), there was a severe famine in Orissa, Bundelkhand and Rajasthan. He formed a Famine Commission under the leadership of George Campwell. 6.The first marine telegraph service between India and Europe was started by John Lawrence at 1865 AD. 7. On 1 January 1877, Lytton organized the Delhi Durbar to confer the title of Kaiser-i-Hind on Queen Victoria of Britain. 8. Lytton passed the Vernacular Press Act in 1878 and imposed strict restrictions on Indian newspapers. 9.The Indian Arms Act was passed in 1878 AD at the time of Lytton. 10. Lord Ripon abolished the Vernacular Press Act in 1882 AD. 11.Ripon introduced local self-government. 12.The first regular census was carried out in 1881 AD, at the time of the Ripon. 13. The first census in India was done in 1872 AD. 14. Third Anglo-Burma War (1885–88 AD) occurred during Lord Dufferin, and Burma was finally annexed into the English state. 15.Lord Curzon established the Irrigation Commission under the chairmanship of sir colin scott moncrieff in 1901, the Police Commission under the chairmanship of Sir Andrews Fraser in 1902 and the University Commission headed by Sir Thomas Rayleigh. 16.The Indian Universities Act was passed in 1904 AD. The Archaeological Department of India was also established in 1904. 17. Bengal was partitioned in 1905 to weaken the nationalist powers. 18. On December 12, 1911, under Lord Hardinge II, a grand durbar was organized at Delhi. 19. The cancellation of Bengali partition was announced in 1911 AD. 20. It was announced in 1911 to transfer the capital of India from Calcutta to Delhi. 21. The Rowlatt Act was passed (1919 AD) during the tenure of Lord Chelmsford.
22. Jallianwala Bagh massacre happened in protest of Rowlatt Act 23. During the period of Lord Reading, arrangements were made for simultaneous competition examination in Delhi and London for selection of candidates in administrative services from 1923 AD. 24. Simon Commission came to India in 1928 AD under Lord Irwin. 25. It was in Irwin's time that the first Round Table Conference was held in London in November 1930. 26.The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on 5 March 1931, and with it the Civil Disobedience Movement was withdrawn. INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT 1. The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 by AO Hume in Bombay. 2. Between 1885-1907 AD, the influence of moderate leaders in the Congress was there, but the extremist leaders continued to dominate in INC till 1920. 3. Dadabhai Naoroji, Surendranath Banerjee, Ferozeshah Mehta, Govind Ranade, Gopal Krishna Gokhale etc. were moderate Congress leaders. 4. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Vipin Chandra Pal and Lala Lajpat Rai were the extremist leaders. 5.In 1905 the Swadeshi movement started against the partition of Bengal. 6.In the Calcutta session of 1906, the Congress, under the chairmanship of Dadabhai Naoroji, demanded Swaraj. 7. Muslim League was established in 1906 AD under the leadership of Salimullah Khan and Aga Khan. 8.The party split into two parts at the Surat session of the Congress in 1907 AD. One side was of moderate leaders and the other was of extremist leaders. 9.The joint session of the Muslim League and Congress took place in Lucknow in 1916 AD. In this session, extremist Congress leaders were given the opportunity to enter the party again. The Congress formally accepted the demand of separate electorate for Muslims through the Lucknow pact. 10. Bal Gangadhar Tilak founded the Homerule League in Poona on 28 April 1916. 11. In September 1916, Annie Besant also founded the Home Rule League in Madras. 12. Gandhiji first used 'Satyagraha' in 1917 in support of the indigo farmers of Champaran. 13. Gandhiji started the Satyagraha in Kheda in 1918 AD with the problems of farmers. 14. In 1919, Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali formed the All India Khilafat Committee. 15. In 1920, a resolution of non-cooperation movement was passed in the Calcutta session chaired by Lala Lajpat Rai. 16. After the Chauri-Chaura incident on 5 February 1922, Gandhiji announced the postponement of the Non-Cooperation Movement. 17. Motilal Nehru and C.R. Das formed the Swaraj Party in Allahabad in 1923 and participated in the elections to the Legislative Council and achieved good success. 18. Simon Commission was formed in 1927 and reached India on 3 February 1928. All the members of this commission were British and resulted in widespread opposition in India. 19. Lala Lajpat Rai, while leading the agitation organized against the Simon Commission, got lathis of the police and was seriously injured. He later died.
20. Motilal Nehru Committee published its report in 1928. In this, One of the major point of the Nehru Report was that India would be given Dominion status. This means independence within the British Commonwealth. India will be a federation which shall have a bicameral legislature at the centre and Ministry would be responsible to the legislature. 21. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel led the Bardoli Satyagraha in 1928 AD. 22. In 1929, Lahore session of Congress demanded Purna Swaraj. The session was presided over by Jawaharlal Nehru. 23. On March 12, 1930, Gandhiji started the yatra from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi Coast. The purpose of this movement was to violate the salt law. 24. Gandhiji started the Civil Disobedience Movement by breaking the salt law on 5 April 1930. 25. The first round table conference was held in London from 12 November 1930 to 13 January 1931. The Congress did not participate in this conference but BR Ambedkar represented the Dalit class. 26. On March 5, 1931, an agreement was reached between Gandhiji and Viceroy Irwin. This is called the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. As a result of the agreement, the Congress withdrew the Civil Disobedience Movement and Gandhiji accepted the proposal to attend the Second Round Table Conference. 27. The Second Round Table Conference was held in London in December 1931. Gandhiji attended this conference as a representative of the Congress. This conference failed. 28. Hindustan Socialist Republican Association was established in 1928 AD under the leadership of Chandrashekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh. 29. On 23 March 1931, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were hanged in Lahore Jail. 30. On 16 August 1929, the then British Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald issued the 'Communal Award'. In this, separate electoral system was implemented for Muslims, Sikhs, Christians as well as Dalits. 31. Congress did not participate in the Third Round Table Conference (17 November 1932 - 24 December 1932). The Government of India Act, 1935 was finalized in this conference. 32. In 1937 AD, in the election of provincial legislatures, Congress got majority in 8 provinces except Bengal, Punjab and Sindh. 33. In 1939 AD, the provincial governments of the Congress resigned in protest against the inclusion of India in the Second World War. 34. The Muslim League celebrated 22 December 1939 as Liberation Day. 35. In 1939, Subhash Chandra Bose formed the Forward Bloc within the Congress. 36. Gandhiji started individual Satyagraha on 17 October 1940. Vinoba Bhave was the first Satyagrahi. 37. On August 8, 1940, the then Viceroy Lord Linlithgow announced the August resolution. Under the August proposal, Indians were asked to represent the Viceroy's executive. 38. On March 23, 1940, the Lahore session of the Muslim League demanded Pakistan. 39. Cripps Mission came to India in 1942 AD. It proposed to give Dominion status to India after the war.
40. Congress Working Committee accepted Gandhiji's Quit India on 8 August 1942. The Quit India Movement began on August 9, 1942. In this movement, Gandhiji gave the slogan of 'do or die'. 41. On 4 June 1945, the Wavell Plan was proposed. Under the Wavell plan, there was a proposal to reorganize the Viceroy's Executive Council and give representation to all the parties in it, and after the war, India was to be given the responsibility of framing the Constitution itself. 42. On 15 February 1946, the Cabinet Mission came to India. In July 1946, members of the Constituent Assembly were elected under the Cabinet Mission Plan. 43. The Muslim League rejected the Cabinet Mission Plan and announced Direct Action Day on 16 August 1946. 44. Lord Mountbatten proposed partition of India on 3 June 1947, which is called Mountbatten Plan.