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VMC-NST VIDYAMANDIR National Scholarship Test Ambitious Students of Class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI (Science) & XII (Science) Get National Level Rank, Recognition, Cash Prize & Certi?cation th Timing : 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Date : 14 October, 2018 CASH PRIZES Rs. 1.29 CRORE VMC Gopalpura CENTRE: S-2, S-2A, Sri Gopal Nagar, Khandal Tower, Near Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura Bypass: 7230028368 VMC VDN CENTRE: Natani Tower, R-6B, First Floor, Sector-1, Near MGPS, Vidhyadhar Nagar: 7413880057 / 7230028422 VMC Vaishali CENTRE: 73, 3rd Floor, Shivraj Niketan, Gautam Marg, Vaishali Circle, Vaishali Nagar: 7230028373 / 9982166085
VIDYAMANDIR CLASSES Proudly announces the launch of Vidyamandir Na?onal Scholarship Test - 2018 EWAY T T A G GATEWAY TO SUCCESS YOUR JOURNEY O S UCCESSYO Y E U N R JOUR FROM THE FOUNDER'S DESK “It is just the beginning of the road, and many miles are yet to be covered before you sleep.” About VMC Over the years, the name of Vidyamandir Classes (VMC) has become synonymous with success in entrance examina?on. Vidyamandir has over the years designed, delivered, perfected and innovated the art and science of teaching and guiding students and helping then realist their dream career. We, at Vidymandir classes with students, carefully understanding their ability and subject knowledge, and then teach them to bring them to the required level where they can outshine their peers and realize their dream. VMC believes in following and impar?ng the “Real meaning of educa?on”, as outlines by our founders and provide an environment to all our students which not only helps them learn well but also inspire them to recognize and explore their own poten?al. The fact that more than 1,00,000 students appeared for the VMC Na?onal Admission tests for limited seats on offer in the last Academic session 2017-2018 is an ample tes?mony to VMC's popularity and credence within the educa?on community. Mr. Shyam Mohan Gupta IIT-Delhi Physics Faculty Mr. Brij Mohan Gupta IIT-Delhi Chemistry Faculty Mr. ManMohan Gupta IIT-Delhi Mathema?cs Faculty Dear Students & Friends As students, you all know about the compe??on that exists in today's world and how prepara?on is becoming more and more methodological. Success is not only determined by hard work but also by right guidance. "Educa?on is to help you realize your own poten?al rather than imita?ng others" It is very important for you to decide your career op?on and this should solely be made by you, understanding your interests and keeping in view the sugges?ons and experience of your respected parents and elders. "Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds" You have to put in the organized effort, blended with passion and enthusiasm. Since compe??on is already high, you need to put in at least 2-3 hours of study on a school day while 8 hours of study on a holiday. What is VMC-NST ? VMC-NST is a specially designed ini?a?ve to promote young talent with cash prizes, na?onal ranking, scholarship and mentoring by Vidyamandir Classes Limited which is having presence in compe??on market from last 32 years. Cracking a na?onal level compe??ve examina?on is all about your perseverance, endurance, learning ability, ?me & stress management and a burning zeal to walk the path to success. The difference between a successful person and the other is not lack of strength or knowledge, but a lack of WILL, GUIDANCE and MONITORING. Who can par?cipate in VMC-NST ? All those students studying in class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI & XII (Science) in Academic Year 2018-2019 in any Board. o Who want to compete with students in State Level & Na?onal Level o Who want to check their current performance in compe??on o Who want to win cash prize / get rank & recogni?on / cer?ficate
Exam Details of VMC-NST - 2018 Eligibility : Class VII, VIII, IX, X, XI & XII (Science) Examina?on Fee : Rs. 150 Exam Date : 14/10/2018 Timing : 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Last date of receiving dully filled Registra?on : 07/10/2018 Date of Declara?on of Result : 28/10/2018 Na?onal Rank in VMC-NST - 2018 : Prize in Rs. (Total : 1.29 Crore) CLASS RANK Class XII (PCB Stream) Class XII (PCM Stream) Class XI (PCB Stream) Class XI (PCM Stream) Class X Class IX Class VIII Class VII 1 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 1,00,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 2 - 3 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 04 - 20 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 21-100 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 101-200 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 201-350 NA NA NA NA 2000 1000 NA NA Condi?on in Prize: (I) Tie Breaker Rule: If many students secure equal aggregate marks then higher rank will be given by comparing subject Scores in priority of IQ, Maths/Biology & Physics For class XI & XII and IQ, Maths, Physics & Chemistry upto class X.If all subject scores are also equal then lower age student will be given higher rank. (II) Student has to join Vidyamandir Any Course to avail cash Prize. If the student join DLP course, cash prize will be half. For students seeking Admission in Vidyamandir Classroom Courses for session 2019-2020 Scholarship Based on VMC-NST 2018 Performance: Selec?ve students will be offered UPTO 100% scholarship for Vidyamandir Classroom Course in Academic Session 2019-20, subject to Vidyamandir Management's decision, based on VMC-NST result merit. All scholarship offered will be declared with the VMC-NST results only. (I) Fee and admission terms & condi?on applicable will be men?oned in admission policy of session 2019-20 (II) VMC-NST Scholarship will be valid as per last date given with VMC-NST 2018 Result.
Exam Details of VMC-NST 2018 DETAILED ANALYSIS S N A P S H O T S Methods of Registering for VMC-NST (Choose any one): 1. Fill ONLINE FORM at h?p://www.vidyamandir.com and pay ONLINE 2. Fill ONLINE FORM at h?p://www.vidyamandir.com, download & print challan to deposit registra?on fee in cash at nearby VMC Center before last date of registra?on 3. Purchase FORM from any VMC Center, fill-in and deposit 4. You can also contact VMC co-ordinator for Registra?on Assistance Admit Card: Download from h?p://www.vidyamandir.com 7 days before test date or collect from VMC Center Subject Applicable: Class VII to X: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathema?cs & Mental Ability Class XI & XII: Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Mathema?cs (Students to a?empts either Biology or Maths) and Mental Ability Pa?ern of Ques?ons: 80 Objec?ve Type Ques?on / MCQ of 4 choice (Single Correct Answer) Syllabus: NCERT syllabus of previous Class and current Class as provided along with Kit. Reasoning does not have any Syllabus it comprises of Ques?ons on Logical and Mental Ability. Marking Scheme: For Class VII, VIII & IX : +4 for correct answer (No Nega?ve Marking for wrong answer) For Class X, XI & XII (Science): +4 for correct answer & -1 for wrong answer (Nega?ve Marking) SCORE: 169/190 | TOP SCORE: 190 | AVG. SCORE: 71.93 TOTAL QUESTIONS: 40 | ATTEMPTED: 38 CORRECT QUESTIONS: 36 (MARKS GAINED: 171) INCORRECT QUESTIONS: 2 (MARKS LOST: 2) QUESTIONS UNATTEMPTED :2 RANK 101-150 YOU VS OVERALL TOPPER COMPARISON Marks as % Comparison 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Percentage of marks TOPPER YOU 80TH PERCENTILE AVERAGE scored 0 MARKS & ACCURACY FOR ALL SUBJECTS & OVERALL MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS 96 134 MARKS ACCURACY 0 100 0 150 DIFFICULTY WISE, SKILL WISE & SUBJECT WISE ANALYSIS OF - UNATTEMPTED: 2 CORRECT: 6 DIFFICULT EASY MEDIUM INCORRECT: 2 CORRECT: 19 CORRECT: 11 Class wise Ques?on Distribu?on: For Class VII, VIII, IX & X For Class XI & XII Physics: 15, Chemistry: 15, Biology: 15 Physics: 20, Chemistry: 20, Biology / Mathema?cs: 20 Mathema?cs: 15, Mental Ability: 20 Mental Ability: 20 VMC Gopalpura CENTRE: S-2, S-2A, Sri Gopal Nagar, Khandal Tower, Near Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura Bypass: 7230028368 VMC VDN CENTRE: Natani Tower, R-6B, First Floor, Sector-1, Near MGPS, Vidhyadhar Nagar: 7413880057 / 7230028422 VMC Vaishali CENTRE: 73, 3rd Floor, Shivraj Niketan, Gautam Marg, Vaishali Circle, Vaishali Nagar: 7230028373 / 9982166085
REGISTRATION FORM For Vidyamandir Na?onal Scholarship Test VMC Exam Center* Select the Class Studying:* JEE Med JEE Med JEE Med 7?? 8?? 9?? 10?? 10?? 11?? 11?? 12?? 12?? Studying Studying Studying Studying Studying Studying Studying Studying Studying How did you come know about this Scholarship Test* Marketing I hereby declare that above information in the form by me is true
Keep working hard, Believe in yourself And success shall follow you wherever you go CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS IN JEE ADVANCED 2018 AIR 35 AIR 47 AIR 75 AIR 112 Ayush Garg 2 Year Premium Correspondence course AIR AIR AIR AIR 128 133 150 158 VMC CLASSROOM COURSE STUDENTS WHO SECURED RANKS IN & ARE READY TO TAKE ON JEE ADVANCED 2018 JEE MAIN 2018 VMC STUDENT'S PERFORMANCE IN 2017 JEE ADVANCED 2017 AIIMS 2017 43.5% 842 out of 1936 VMC Students QUALIFIED in JEE ADVANCED 2017 VMC Gopalpura CENTRE: S-2, S-2A, Sri Gopal Nagar, Khandal Tower, Near Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura Bypass: 7230028368 VMC VDN CENTRE: Natani Tower, R-6B, First Floor, Sector-1, Near MGPS, Vidhyadhar Nagar: 7413880057 / 7230028422 VMC Vaishali CENTRE: 73, 3rd Floor, Shivraj Niketan, Gautam Marg, Vaishali Circle, Vaishali Nagar: 7230028373 / 9982166085