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Healthy finances – basis for future BUDGET NEGOTIATIONS – EXPIRIENCE OF NALAS COUNTRIES Ginka CHAVDAROVA Executive Director of NAMRB 12 March, 2010 Podgorica
FINANCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE MUNICIPALTIES IN THE REGION • Non-alignment between legal duties and necessary resources – the problems are not in the amount of the financial resources, but the lack of balance in the budgets; • Low municipal incomes – the own revenues are between 10 – 30 % as average for EU – 45%; • Lack of rules for defining the common amount of the state transfers – the size of the municipal share; • Non-transparent and complicated system for allocation of the state transfers between the municipalities; • Lack of standards for conducting budget negotiations.
ROLE OF BUDGET NEGOTIATIONS • The most important and difficult task of each National Association of Local Authorities (NALA); • Contribution for the financial decentralization – how to increase the municipal own incomes? • Contribution for equal attitude to the local authorities; • Transparency and publicity of the budget process.
HOW TO GUARANTEE CONDUCTING OF THE BUDGET NEGOTIATION? • Legal regulation – Low for local self-government, Low for local financing or local budgets, annual budget procedures; • Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the respective Association of Local Authorities; • Agreement between Council of Ministers and the respective Association of Local Authorities and/ or arrangement in a regulation by the Government; • Non-formal dialogue by terms of agreement.
LEGAL BASIS FOR BUDGET NEGOTIATIONS • The legal frame ensures National Associations of Local Authorities to have the right to: • National Associations of Local Authorities submit to the MF proposal concerning • the total size of relations between the municipal budgets and state budget; • National Associations of Local Authorities draw an opinion on the draft State • Budget Act in its part concerning the municipalities; • The consultations are conducted based on rules of procedure; • A Protocol is signed by both parties; • The Protocol is reviewed in the Council of Ministers and the National Assembly.
MAIN PRINCIPLES OF NEGOTIATIONS 1.Mutual respect and trust 2.Equality 3.Transparency and publicity 4.Responsibilities adequate to the powers • Providing funds from the state budget for the • municipalities based on effective and transparent • mechanisms
SUBJECT OF THE NEGOTIATIONS Macro-frame of the municipal budgets Dividing the responsibilities for funding of public services between the state and municipalities. New or dropped off duties. Municipal revenue – total, distributingby types and municipalities. State transfers for the municipalities – rates, criteria and formulas for allocation between municipalities • Municipal expenditures: • Expenditure standards; • National limitations (for salaries); • National priorities and incentives.
PREPARATION FOR NEGOTIATIONS • Analysis of the financial situation of the municipalities for the current year; • Development of common position for the macro-frame for the next year – expert forum – proposals, consensus; • Discussion and acceptance of the common position – Board of Directors of the Associations of Local Authorities – prioritizing, outlining the main issues, defining of the possible compromises; • Development of strategy for the negotiations: - do we announce our position in advance and who? - wide or strict frame for our representatives? - who are our potential partners and when do we involve them in the process? - after the negotiations with MF, do we continue our “battle” in the Parliament?
FORMS OF THE CONSULTATIONS • Well chosen structure of the municipal representatives; • Defining the right speaker for each topic; • Who is the “good cop and the bad cop”; • When do we make compromises and who is suggesting them; • Do we sign a Protocol or leave the negotiations; • What do we announce to the media. Intergovernmental Commission for Local Finance Meetings at expert level Meetings at political level
What do we underestimate during the negotiations – our weaknesses • Lack of preparation – we go to negotiations without our own researches and serious arguments; • We talk more about “money” than the services and what the citizens can loose and what they can win; • We go to negotiate with “big basket” – our proposals have to be realistic and prioritized. The principle “Want more to give you something” lowers the associations’ reputation; • Lack of self-confidence that we are equal partner – we underestimate our strengths; • We don’t attract partners – sectoral ministries, syndicates, NGOs and other organizations; • We don’t involve some of our members – each mayor has its own channels for influence.
What we do not have to allow during negotiations • Formal and protocol agreement – monologue and protocol meeting; • Dividing and opposing municipalities to big and small, to political parties, to regions or other reasons; • Refusal of taking engagement – if you want to get you should give; • Using the Association in the battle between the ruling and the opposition.
What next? • Evaluation of the results; • Informing municipalities for the results; • Dividing the work for influence the deputies; • Meetings with parliamentary groups – common or individual; • Involving the partners and medias; • ……..starting the preparation for the negotiations for the next year.
THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION! Ginka Tchavdarova Executive Director of NAMRB