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Dining Etiquette. Today we hope you.... Walk away with 3 important tips: Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression. Table manners are visible signals of the state of our manners and therefore are essential to professional success.
Today we hope you.... • Walk away with 3 important tips: • Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression. • Table manners are visible signals of the state of our manners and therefore are essential to professional success. • Regardless of whether we are having lunch with a prospective employer or dinner with a business associate, our manners can speak volumes about us as professionals
The Purpose of Dining Etiquette The way an individual behaves at a dining table is indicative of the way s/he will conduct business, therefore your goal should be a display of good manners, courtesy, respect and trust; a solid merging of social graces and business professionalism.
ATTIRE ARRIVING • Men: Dark Suit, conservative tie, polished shoes • Women: Dressy business suit, dress, or pantsuit • Arrive at least ten minutes early • Once you have arrived, acknowledged your host, and been introduced to others at the table, wait to sit until your host has indicated that you should, or until he/she is seated.
Greeting: • Rise (if you are seated) • Smile • Extend your hand • Repeat the other person’s name • Remember a good handshake is important • Introductions: • Be sure to explain who people are • Use full names • Don’t assume that everyone wants to be called by their first name, wait until you are told to use a first name • Name Tags: • Should be worn on the right hand side of your front shoulder area. • DO NOT clip nametags to the bottom edge of your jacket
Networking Socials • Most receptions or socials are for the purpose of mingling and making contacts whether for job leads, as a part of an interview, or an employee entertaining contacts. • Wait Your Turn • Your drink always stays in your Left hand • If no tables are available, you should have food OR your drink in your hand. –Not both • If there are tables available, then you can have both • Do not tip the bartender • Take a plate and a napkin • Never double-dip • Never take food straight from the tray to your mouth • Never place used food items back on the buffet table • Take small portions and do not go back over and over again
Lunch/Dinner NAPKINS: As soon as you are seated, remove the napkin from your place setting, unfold it, and put it in your lap placing the folded end towards you. Only after your meal is finished should you place your napkin on the left side of your plate (Never on your plate) Leaving the table… but I’ll be back. In this case, place your napkin on your chair, folded neatly
Sweetening drinks Limit yourself to one or two packets of sugar. Tear one or both at the same time ¾ of the way at the top of the packet, and leave the paper waste at the side of the plate. Using more than two packets of sugar or artificial sweetener may be seen as excessive. Don’t make noise!
What NOT to order Unfamiliar foods Spaghetti French onion soup Buffalo wings Ribs Bony fish Shellfish Big sandwiches Cheesy food Foods requiring special utensils
The Main Meal • When being served by the wait-staff, do not begin eating until everyone at your table has been served. • Try your food first before seasoning with salt or pepper.
Cutting Food • When cutting something, keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, so your neighbor won't have your elbow in his or her ribs. • Do not raise your elbow to get a good grip on any food item • Hold the fork as though you were holding a pencil. • “Cut” your meat, not “Saw” it • Cut 3-4 pieces at a time • √
American Style In the American style of eating, after cutting your meat, you switch the fork to your right hand, place your knife on the plate, spear a piece of meat, and then eat it.
Continental Style In the Continental eating style, you keep your fork in your left hand and convey the food to your mouth after cutting each piece. The knife remains in your hand and may be subtly used to get meat or any other food.
Elbows It is all right to rest your wrists on the edge of the table (Continental) or place your hands in your lap (American), but no elbows on the table!
Miscellaneous Manners Sit up straight and Maintain good posture Chew with your mouth Closed! NO CELL PHONES Hold your utensils properly Always watch your host(ess) and follow their lead
Be polite to the wait staff • You do not have to clean your plate. It is polite to leave some food on your plate. Do not push the remaining food around on the plate. • Your silverware should be in the correct and that you never place used utensils on the table. • Don’t Stack the Dishes
Be a good conversationalist Give equal time to the persons around you, don't pay attention to one or a few and ignore some members of your group. Always introduce yourself to everyone at the table. Be genuine. Initiate topics of conversation in which you are interested. Steer away from topics, however, that only you or a few members of your group can talk about (e.g., golf). Be careful about jokes. An appropriate compliment can be a good ice breaker. Know when to talk less or remain silent.
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Picking Teeth Try to remove the lodged item with your tongue. If this does not work, excuse yourself from the table and go to the restroom. Toothpicks should be used discreetly and in private; never at the table.
Taking food out If it went in with your fork, it should come out with your fork and likewise with your hands. Move it to your tongue and onto the fork and deposit it on the rim of your plate. No one should notice you doing this, because the fork to mouth motion is a common one made by anyone who is eating.
Last Don’ts Do not apply make-up at the table. Talk about personal relationships, recent parties, politics, or religion. Discuss dietary restrictions; downplay your food preferences. Order foods that require twirling or licking, are going to splatter or spray. Argue over the check or offer to pay the tip; the host who invited you must take care of both. Don't blow your nose in your napkin. Don't eat as if this is your last meal. On the other hand, don't eat too little. Keep everything moderate. You'll make the best impression by eating like a human – not like a wolf or a bird.
Dessert You may use whatever utensils are provided to eat dessert. When you are finished with your main course and your dessert is already set, you may go ahead and eat it, but do not push away your dinner plate. Do not pick up your dessert plate and place it on your dinner plate, simply reach across your dinner plate and eat your dessert. If your dinner plate is removed by the server, you may move your dessert dish in front of you. No swapping desserts with your neighbor.
Coffee Coffee or hot tea after the meal is okay if this is offered and if time allows.