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At-Risk Female Adolescents and the Factors that Affect their Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors

At-Risk Female Adolescents and the Factors that Affect their Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors. A Qualitative Case Study Student Name Social Science 193 Dr. Jeanett Castellanos.

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At-Risk Female Adolescents and the Factors that Affect their Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors

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  1. At-Risk Female Adolescentsand the Factors that Affect theirSexual Attitudes and Behaviors A Qualitative Case Study Student Name Social Science 193 Dr. Jeanett Castellanos

  2. Girls like us are in the clearance bins at half-off thrift stores.Girls like us will let you unlock their bedroom windows at night,And under bleachers and stairwells you can kiss us,And tell us we are beautiful.Open your eyes wider, sweetheart, and try to look earnest.We don't have Valentine cards with our names drowned in red foil glitter.Girls like us will only fog up the windows of your pathetically broken-down sedan,But be easy to get rid of later.Girls like us are perfectFor boys like you. I close my eyes,and fall back into my mold while you tighten the rope.The chains around my neck are kept strong,so you can lead me and I'll follow.You tell me what you want from me,and take me where you want to go.I do everything you could ever want. -I dress to impress, I smile to kill.Such a shame that it's not real.My heart breaks, And my smile fakes the emotions that I will never feel.I gravely bear andawait the day my guard goes down.And even if you’re not worth itI'll just wear my smile.After all, my life is not so perfect. Author, 17, female at-risk teen

  3. National Statistics • 1 in 5 teens have had sex before 15th b-day  • A sexually active teen who does NOT use contraception has a 90% chance of pregnancy within one year  • 14 and under: 20,000 pregnancies, 8,000 births • 15-19 years: 850,000 pregnancies, 450,000 births (National Campaign Publication, 2003). (Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1998).

  4. The BIGGER Picture = Problem • 34% of all teenage girls in this country will get pregnant at least once before the age of 20!! • 78% of teen pregnancies are unintended (National Campaign, 2004)

  5. International Pregnancy and Birth Rates, Teens 15-19The United States has much higher teen pregnancy and birth rates than other fully industrialized countries. U.S. teen pregnancy rates are twice as high as rates in Canada and eight times as high as rates in Japan. Unfortunately, We’re #1! UNICEF. (2001).

  6. 100 teen girls get pregnant each hourNearly 1 million teen pregnancies occurred in 1996. To put it another way, more than 100 U.S. teens become pregnant each hour. Forty percent of these pregnancies were to girls under age 18, and 60 percent were to girls aged 18-19. Total: 905,000 542,640 337,530 24,830 The Alan Guttmacher Institute. (1999). Special report: U.S. teenage pregnancy statistics with comparative statistics for women aged 20-24. New York: Author.

  7. 13-19 years of age Experience chronic school failure Usually attend alternative education (continuation HS) Vulnerable to peer persuasion Family/social environment of abuse, neglect, poverty, dysfunction, or unemployment Usually engage in more “risky” behavior Tendency to prove not fearful of risk Who are At-RiskFemale Adolescents? (Kagan, 1991).

  8. Problems of At-Risk Teen Sexuality—Individually • Peer pressure to have sex • “non-voluntary” sexual activity • Limited academic success  low self-efficacy • Early initiation of sex leads to other risk behaviors and consequences

  9. Problems of At-Risk Teen Sexuality—Collectively • Teen mothers prone to experience low achievement, poverty, lack of provisions • Likewise, have children with behavioral problems  “feeds the cycle” • 2nd pregnancy can exacerbate problems of early childbearing

  10. Purpose of Study • To investigate the psychological, social, and educational factors that affect the sexual attitudes and behaviors of at-risk female adolescents (PSE model)

  11. Age: “13%- if same age, 26% if partner 2yrs older, 33% if partner 3+ yrs older.” (National Campaign, 2003) Ethnicity: “Black and Hispanic adolescents have higher birthrates than white adolescents.” (Moore, K.A et al., 1998) Socioeconomic Status: “Teens of a lower SES more likely to be sexually active…” (Casper, L., 1990) Family Problems: “Teen pregnancy & parenthood frequent results of family dysfunction.” (Hanson, 1992) “Girls whose mothers gave birth in adolescence also have sex & birth earlier than teens whose mother at least 20 yrs during 1st pregnancy.” (National Campaign, 2003) Review of the LiteratureBackground Variables

  12. Low-cognitive ability: “Young women with low cognitive ability are at increased risk for early initiation of sexual activity and pregnancy” (Shearer, et al., 2002) Self-Motivation: “Individual sexual experiences– including motivation and opportunity to have sex– most prevalent risk factors” (Blum, R.W. et al., 2000) “ academic success,  job opportunities,  motivation and aspirations   sexual activity and pregnancy” (Shearer, et al., 2002) Review of the LiteraturePsychological Factors

  13. Social Networks/Dating: “Significant association between dating relationships and sexual activity” (Ibid, D. et al., 1993) Peer Pressure/Acceptance: “Girls’ whose group of close friends is composed primarily (75%+) of high-risk friends is twice as likely to initiate intercourse as girls with mostly low-risk friends.” (Bearman, P. et al., 1999) Family Support: “Adolescents who perceive that they have little parental support and do not communicate well w/ their parents are more likely to be sexually experienced.” (Jessor, S.L. et al., 1972). Review of the LiteratureSocial Factors

  14. Low academic performance: “Low academic performance associated w/ early sexual initiation and pregnancy.” (Kasen, S. et al., 1998) “9 out of 10 adolescents enrolled in alternative H.S. have already had sex.” (Grunbaum, J.A. et al., 1999). Sex education: “Factors associated w/ recent decline in teen birthrate include parent-child communication, formal sex education programs and engagement in schooling…” (Manlove, J. et al., 2000) Review of the LiteratureEducational Factors

  15. Review of the LiteratureGaps in Research • Limited studies on “high-risk” adolescents, only teenagers in general– not sufficient in this area • Sexual activity of girls in group homes? • Limited stats on perceptions of bothparent-teen relationships & communication

  16. Research Questions of Study • What personal factors lead at-risk female adolescents to engage in premature sexual activity? P • What roles do family, peers, and other social figures play in the daily lives of female adolescents? S • What attitudes and perceptions do at-risk female adolescents have towards sex education and teen pregnancy programs? E

  17. Research Design Qualitative case study Site interaction Observe behaviors & record patterns of meaning Social influences and relationships Triangulation Multiple sites & hours Comparison of data Site Selection Girls, Inc. PAP Based on location, risk, city, times, availability Boys & Girls Club 17th & Ross Century Day Participants Convenience sample 18 girls (14-19 yrs) Constant and irregular participants Methodology of Study

  18. Methodology of StudyBackground of Participants (18) • Ethnicity: • 3 Caucasian • 12 Latina • Mexican, Salvadoran, Cuban, Puerto Rican • 3 Asian • Vietnamese, Filipino, Samoan • Age: • 22%-- 15 yrs old • 45%-- 16 yrs old • 22%-- 17 yrs old • 11%-- 18yrs old *questionnaire: Latina (18), White (2), Asian (1) GARD predominately older (17) SANT predominately younger (15)

  19. Methodology of StudyBackground of Participants (18) • Living Arrangement: • Dual-parent household -- 5 • Single-Parent household -- 4 • Group Home -- 4 • Extended Family – 3 • Friend/Significant other -- 2 • Family Income (SES): • $0-15,000 -- 2 • $15,000-30,000 – 4 • $30,000- 45,000 – 2 • $60,000 or more – 1 • Don’t know – 5 • Not applicable -- 4 *questionnaire: dual (8) and single (7) -- mom

  20. Data Collection Participant Interaction Observations Character profiling Extensive Field Notes Quality/relevancy Mapping of interactions Matrices of participants Enumerated moods, activity, participation, unique actions Informal Discussions Voluntary & on-site Few pre-determined Focus Group Demographics (BV’s) Timeline activity Photo Reaction Formal Interviews (2) Key informant and gatekeeper Predetermined and controlled Questionnaires To both consistent & irregular Open-ended, written response Methodology of Study *Note: unwillingness w/ “authority,” comfortable w/ group work– opposite of low-risk teens or high school teens not considered “at-risk”

  21. Generations, pre-marital pregnancy, single parent household, teen pregnancy, mother-daughter relations Romantic relationships, partner age, time period of sexual behavior, what is appropriate in public vs. private, values, peers

  22. Methodology of Study • Data Analysis • Extensive review of field notes & RQ’s • Sorting, Coding and Recoding • Hi-lighting, circling, underlining, symbols • Common variables and patterns • Theme Selection • Modeling of Relationships • Matrix Enumeration & Tallying-- triangulation

  23. Summary of Findings:Background Variables Living Arrangement Age *age at first sex Sexual Activity Ethnicity SES Religion

  24. If she is sexually active… 16 Latina Dual or group home SES Don’t Know Junior level ed Religion-- Catholic If she is NOT sexually active… 16 Caucasian or Latina Single parent– mom SES $30,000-45,000 Sophomore level ed Religion- Christian Summary of Findings:Background Variables

  25. Summary of Findings:Psychological • High self-esteem despite situations and sexual behaviors • Don’t fear failure • “I don’t think it matters how old you are… just as long are you are mature enough to handle sex and if something bad comes out of it… like if you can take care of yourself and the other person… that means pregnancy too.” NOTE, GARD, V, PREG • Very aggressive and largely outspoken– not shy or low self-image • “I’m very intelligent, social, I like anything to everything. I like to go anywhere in my underwear.” QUEST, GARD, I • Even though low academic success, high goals and motivation • 93% expressed future ambitions concerning HS graduation, college, profession, or family • “Go to a UC after graduating from high school and get a good job and help my parents.” GARD, CY • Only 8% did not know or did not have any future goals • Opposite of literature for sexually active at-risk teens

  26. Summary of Findings:Psychological *when asked to “describe yourself” in questionnaire

  27. Summary of Findings:Social- Family • Lack of parental influence and communication • Confide most in sister or relative then parents (see chart) • Feel can’t go to parents for many reasons • “Oh my gosh, my mom drives me crazy! She always thinks I’m having sex and she doesn’t even believe me when I tell her I’m not… like I’m lying or something! I haven’t even had sex before!” NOTE, CY, VIR, GARD • “My mom had me when she was 15… so she knows better than to tell me what to do.” NOTE, TUST, DI • Similar Experience– relationship between teen mom and at-risk teen • Become teen mother as well… • “Yeah, of course I’m gonna keep it… oh, I’m staying with my mom for right now. She said she’s gonna help me… nah, she’s not mad.” – (after telling she’s 4 months pregnant) – 16, anonymous, never came back to class • Or, are knowledgeable in sexual activity and consequences • “It’s every time you have sex, there’s a chance of getting pregnant. You’re stupid if you don’t know that.” -- 16, Cuban, in single mom household

  28. Social- Family Influence“Who do you go to when you need advice about the following…?” *Parents lack influence over teens; go most to sister or extended relative in a family Result: “Friends” was found most common in all areas – main source of information and influence

  29. Summary of Findings:Social- Peers and Partners • Strong Peer Influence • At-risk friends and peers influence attitudes toward sex • “If you don’t want to have sex, you don’t have to have sex… you should wait anyway until you’re married… like me…er, maybe. I guess it depends on the guy– like if we’re in love or something.” -- (as eyes roll, she changes opinion frequently throughout course) – 16, Caucasian, single household w/ father after mother left, high SES • Sense of competition, especially in group homes • “Girls are always talking about who they screwed last night… it’s not even a big deal.” -- 17, Mexican, group home, unwanted by mother, doesn’t know father • Partner Relationships increase premature sexual activity • Need to have affection through sex • “… that the girl ends up giving up her virginity and has sex anyway… because if she really cares for the guy… she’ll do anything to keep him… she’s scared of losing him… it happens all the time.” NOTE, GARD, ES • Especially age at first sex and older partners • “I was only 12 years old and this older guy I liked… forced himself onto me… it doesn’t matter anymore…” “…guys always tell me they love me… so sex is easy.” –15, extended household, Salvadoran • “I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost a year now… he buys me everything! (giggles) Oh he’s 23… he only does what I want though.” (which later meant everything from massages to oral sex) – 15, single household w/ mom, Mexican

  30. Social InfluencePeers “Who do you go to when you need advice about the following…?”

  31. Social InfluencePartners “Who do you go to when you need advice about the following…?”

  32. Summary of Findings:Educational • Sex education = positive impact on female at-risk teens • Especially Girls, Inc. PAP– doesn’t stress abstinence like HS ed • Found helpful and influential in sexual attitudes and decisions • “I do think it helps because maybe a girl is planning to have sex, but then hear of all that could happen and decide not to. But for the girls like me, who won’t have sex until they get married, it teaches them how to protect themselves when they don’t want to have a baby.” NOTE, GARD, CY, VIR • “It makes you think before you do stuff.” NOTE, SANT, anonymous • “It gets us aware of things, like diseases.” QUEST, ES, GARD • Teens want to know more about sexual consequences • “They should teach about what happens after you have a baby.” QUEST, GARD, SA

  33. Educational Influence“Do you think sex education helps?” *Sex education refers to sex ed class in school and pregnancy prevention programs such as Girls, Inc.

  34. Initial Research Model Independent Variable Domain Dependent Variable Domain At-Risk Peer Influence Family Support/ Communication Sexual Activity/ Behavior Social/Dating Relationships Age at 1st sex

  35. Final Research Model Independent Variable Domain Dependent Variable Domain Psychological Factors Female At-Risk Teen Sexual Attitudes & Behaviors NOT COMPLETED YET Social Factors Educational Factors

  36. Closing • Limitations • Only one agency with specific sites (gov’t-assigned) • Small sample– venture outside of O.C.?? • Can’t generalize findings to larger at-risk population • Not enough background info/literature on “at-risk” • Recommendations • Further research of sexual behaviors of at-risk female adolescents & their relationships to family

  37. Closing • Implications • Sexually experienced = more apt to other “risky” behaviors and consequences • Parent(s) should communicate w/ teen about sex and relationships at early age • Need more mentorship programs and role models for at-risk teens, esp. in group home environment • We still have much to learn about this population!

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