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Small-x and Diffraction in DIS at HERA I Henri Kowalski DESY 12 th CTEQ Summer School Madison - Wisconsin June 2004. H1 detector. ZEUS detector. E p = 920 GeV, E e = 27.5 GeV, # bunches = 189 I p = 110 mA, I e = 40 mA L inst = 2 x 10 31 cm -2 s - 1. ZEUS detector.
Small-x and Diffraction in DIS atHERAIHenri KowalskiDESY 12thCTEQ Summer School Madison - Wisconsin June 2004
H1 detector ZEUS detector Ep = 920 GeV, Ee = 27.5 GeV, # bunches = 189 Ip = 110 mA, Ie = 40 mA Linst= 2 x 1031 cm-2 s-1
ZEUS detector Q2 ~ 2 –100 GeV2 Q2 ~ 0.05-0.6 GeV2 Q2 - virtuality of the incoming photon W - CMS energy of the incoming photon-proton system x- Fraction of the proton momentum carried by struck quark x ~ Q2/W2
y – inelasticity Q2 = sxy Infinite momentum frame Proton looks like a cloud of noninteracting quarks and gluons F2 measures parton density in proton at scale Q2 F2 = f e2f x q(x,Q2)
Gluon density Gluon density dominates F2 for x < 0.01
Gluon density known with good precision at larger Q2. For Q2 ~1 GeV2 gluons tends to go negative. NLO, so not impossible BUT – cross sections such as L also negative !
MX - invariant mass of all particles seen in the central detector t - momentum transfer to the diffractively scattered proton
Diffractive Signature DY ~ log(W2 / M 2X) diff Non- diff Non-Diffraction Diffraction - Rapidity uniform, uncorrelated particle emission along the rapidity axis => probability to see a gap DY is ~ exp(-<n>DY) <n> - average multiplicity per unit of rapidity dN/ dM 2X ~ 1/ M 2X => dN/dlog M 2X ~ const
Slow Proton Frame incoming virtual photon fluctuates into a quark-antiquark pair which in turn emits a cascade-like cloud of gluons Transverse size of the quark-antiquark cloud is determined by r ~ 1/Q~ 2 10-14cm/ Q (GeV) Diffraction is similar to the elastic scattering: replace the outgoing photon by the diffractive final state r , J/Y or X = two quarks Rise of sgptot with W is a measure of radiation intensity
Radiation process emission of gluons is ordered in rapidities QCD Toy Model: integrals over transverse momenta are independent of each other Rise of sgptot with W is a measure of radiation intensity
Q2~1/r2 exp(-mq r)
GBW Model K. Golec-Biernat, M. Wuesthoff Scaling in Geometrical Scaling A. Stasto & Golec-Biernat J. Kwiecinski Parameters fitted to DIS F2 data: s0 = 23 mb l = 0.29 x0 = 0.0003
Parameters fitted to HERA DIS data: c2 /N ~ 1 s0 = 23 mb l = 0.29 x0 = 0.0003
Saturation Model Predictions for Diffraction
Geometrical Scaling A. Stasto & Golec-Biernat J. Kwiecinski
GBW model, in spite of its compelling success has some obvious shortcomings: The treatment of QCD evolution is only rudimentary remedy => incorporate DGLAP into dipole cross-section J. Bartels, K. Golec-Biernat, H. Kowalski The dipole cross section is integrated over the transverse coordinate although the gluon density is expected to be a strongly varying function of the impact parameter. Recently: BFKL motivated Ansatz proposed by Iancu, Itakura, Munier
Impact Parameter Dipole Saturation Model H. Kowalski D. Teaney hep-ph/0304189 Proton b – impact parameter well motivated: Glauber Mueller Levin Capella Kaidalov T(b) - proton shape
Derivation of the GM dipole cross section probability that a dipole at b does not suffer an inelastic interaction passing through one slice of a proton S2 -probability that a dipole does not suffer an inelastic interaction passing through the entire proton <= Landau-Lifschitz
t-dependence of the diffractive cross sectionsdetermines the b distribution
Q2 > 0.25 GeV2 mu = 0.05 GeV mc = 1.30 GeV Fit parameters lg= -0.12 C= 4.0 Q02 = 0.8 GeV2 c2/N = 0.8 x < 10-2
GBW Model IP Saturation Model
----- universal rate of rise of all hadronic cross-sections Smaller dipoles steeper rise Large spread of leff characteristic for Impact Parameter Dipole Models
Saturation region -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All quarks Charmed quark
Absolute values of cross sections are strongly dependent on mc
Absorptive correction to F2 from AGK rules • Martin • M. Ryskin • G. Watt Example in Dipole Model F2 ~ - Single inclusive pure DGLAP Diffraction
Fit to diffractive data using MRST Structure Functions A. Martin M. Ryskin G. Watt
A. Martin M. Ryskin G. Watt
Density profile grows with diminishing x and r approaches a constant value Saturated State - Color Glass Condensate S2 -probability that a dipole does not suffer an inelastic interaction passing through the entire proton Saturated state = = high interaction probability S2 => 0 multiple scattering rS - dipole size for which proton consists of one int. length
Saturation scale= Density profile at the saturation radius rS lS = 0.25 lS = 0.15
Saturation in the un-integrated gluon distribution kT factorisation formula dipole formula
GBW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x = 10-6 BGBK ___________________________________ x = 10-2 GBW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x = 10-4 BGBK ___________________________________ x = 10-2 - numerical evaluation
_ Diffractive production of a qq pair
Inclusive Diffraction LPS - Method