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LG 524 WEEK THREE. QUESTIONNAIRES IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. The Questionnaire Model. No all encompassing Good Model Qualitative Research may include quantitative methods in gathering data. Many questionnaires will combine both approaches, either free standing or as leading to the Interview. .

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  2. The Questionnaire Model • No all encompassing Good Model • Qualitative Research may include quantitative methods in gathering data. • Many questionnaires will combine both approaches, either free standing or as leading to the Interview.

  3. ETHICAL CONCERNS…. • Intrusion. • Time. • Sensitivity • Threat • Privacy • Offence and Irritation • The Ethical Concerns form is coming your way……….

  4. Structured, Semi-Structured or Unstructured? • Number of Respondents • Size of Questionnaire • Statistical analysis and comparisons • Structured>Do you plan your lessons? • Semi-Structured> Is lesson-planning always necessary do you think? • Open/Unstructured> What can you tell me about your lesson planning?

  5. Avoiding Pitfalls in Question Writing. • Leading questions. • Highbrow questions. • Complex questions. • Irritating questions. • Negatives and double negatives. • Too many open –ended questions • Ambiguous questions.

  6. Types of Questions. • Dichotomous >. Yes/ No questions. • Multiple choice questions>a, b, c, d. • Likert Questions • Rank Ordering • Unstructured open-ended questions: More detailed responses, not guided, gains information that may not be forthcoming through more structured, guided questions.

  7. Open Questions…. • A useful exercise for speaking contains…………… • The uses of grammar in teaching speaking are…………………….. • Why might you omit pair-work in a class? Open –ended questions may gather data that sheds un-thought of information for research questions

  8. Questionnaire Order • Factual questions. Unthreatening. Age, gender, experience, training… • >>Closed questions. Dichotomous, multiple choice. Ranking…. • >>More open questions. May be interspersed with closed questions to seek more information on answers, or to ask reason for answers.

  9. Layout of the Questionnaire: • Introduce purpose of each section, makes process more simple for participant, guides them through it. • Clarity of wording and design. • Short clear instructions. • Numbering of questions. • Which parts need not be answered. • Ask respondent for check, early return of the questionnaire, thanks…..

  10. Cover Letter • Title • Introduction • Purpose of Research • Benefits • Return • Incentive • Thanks

  11. Piloting the Questionnaire • Clarity • Feedback • Ambiguity • Format • Ease of answering • Time • Length • New Categories • Misunderstanding • Data Analysis.

  12. Open - Ended… • Can you explain why…. • Some reasons for….. • Why…….

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