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Habitats of the Luitemaa NR. Mati Kose EOS – LIFE Häädemeeste. Luitemaa Nature Reserve: Area there the Baltic Sea and human have set the nature’s development. Main landscape characteristics are influenced by past and present development of the Baltic Sea
Habitats of the Luitemaa NR Mati Kose EOS – LIFE Häädemeeste
Luitemaa Nature Reserve: Area there the Baltic Sea and human have set the nature’s development • Main landscape characteristics are influenced by past and present development of the Baltic Sea • North-Soutward several sand dune ridges shape the landscape and form the soil and hydrological conditions of the area • The first major human interference to natural habitats has been taken place in the 1850-ies • The human impact to the habitats has been most intensive from the middle until the last decade of the previous century
Luitemaa Nature Reserve: Area with very complex landscape- and habitat pattern • Appr 10 000 ha of the reserve • marine, coastal, forest, peatland, riparian types of habitats • Appr 30 – 32 habitats, listed in H Directive • Richness of habitats – richness of flora and fauna, but several components not well studied (eg. entomofauna!)
Overview of habitats 1110 - Sandbanks which are slightly covered bysea water all the time Mereveega üle ujutatud liivamadalad
Overview of habitats 1140 - Mudflats and sandflats not covered byseawater at low tideMõõnagapaljanduvad mudased jaliivased laugmadalikud
Overview of habitats 1150 * Coastal lagoons * Rannikulõukad (EE)
Overview of habitats 1160 - Large shallow inlets and bays Laiad madalad abajad ja lahed (EE)
Overview of habitats 1220 - Perennial vegetation of stony banks Püsi-rohttaimestuga kivirannad
Overview of habitats 1620 - Boreal Baltic islets and small islands Läänemere kesk- ja põhjaosa väikesaared ja laiud
Overview of habitats 1630 * Boreal Baltic coastal meadows * Läänemere kesk- ja põhjaosa rannaniidud
Overview of habitats 2130 - * Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceousvegetation (“grey dunes” * Rohttaimedega kinnistunud rannikuluited (hallid luited) (EE)
Overview of habitats 2180 - Wooded dunes of the Atlantic, Continental and Boreal region Atlantilise, kontinentaalse ning boreaalse piirkonna metsastunudluited
Overview of habitats 7110 - *Active raised bogs * Looduslikus seisundis rabad
Overview of habitats 7120 - Degraded raised bogs still capable ofnatural regeneration Inimtegevusest rikutud, kuid taastumisvõimelised rabad
Overview of habitats 7140 - Transition mires and quaking bogs Siirdesood ja õõtsiksood
Overview of habitats 8220 - Silicicolous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation Silikaatsed paljandid koos nendelõhedes kasvava taimestuga
Overview of habitats 9020 - * Fennoscandian hemiboreal natural oldbroad-leaved deciduous forests (Quercus,Tilia, Acer, Fraxinus or Ulmus) rich inepiphytes * Tamme, pärna, vahtra, saare võijalakategaFennoskandiahemiboreaalsed looduslikud vanadlaialehised epifüütiderikkadsalumetsad
Overview of habitats 9050 Fennoscandian herb-rich forests with Picea abies Hariliku kuusega (Picea abies) rohunditerikkad Fennoskandia metsad
Overview of habitats 91D0 -* Bog woodland * Siirdesoo- ja rabametsad
Overview of habitats 91E0 - * Alluvial forests with Alnus glutinosaand Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion,Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) * Sanglepa jahariliku saarega lammimetsad (Alno-Padion-, Alnion incanae-, Salicion albae-kooslused)