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Grade 2 Really Wow!. Issue Five – Friday 26 th April 2013 . Literacy Tip
Grade 2 Really Wow! Issue Five – Friday 26th April 2013 Literacy Tip In order to progress, your child needs to practise their reading daily- or at least 5 times per week. The book is meant to be EASY, to allow your child to put together all the strategies they’ve learnt at school and to read to you in a phrased and fluent manner. (We use harder books in class.) Your child wants to impress YOU more than any teacher they will ever have, so please take the time to listen and enjoy the story. Give praise (then they’ll want to keep doing it) and sign the diary. It is this daily effort that will help your child the most. With our thanks. Maths Tip We are learning about money in the first few weeks of Term 2. Most adults don’t carry a lot of cash around because of the use of electronic banking facilities. Unfortunately, it means that our children don’t always get to see money (cash) exchange hands. Open up the dialogue at home about cash and help your child become familiar with money by showing them our notes and coins. Asking questions such as “How many ways can I make $10 with these coins/notes?” are useful ways to familiarise children with our currency. We’d love to have students who are confident with this vital life skill. Cool, Calm Kids Ask your child what it means to be an Angry Alligator or a Scared Mouse. Talk about ways to be a Great Mate and ways to react to a Mean Mate. Your child will be familiar with these terms. Lateness Please ensure your child arrives to school on time every day. Unfortunately the number of students arriving late in Grade 2 has increased. Arriving on time or early to school allows your child to make positive relationships with their friends before the school day begins. This is especially critical on swimming days as we cannot wait for latecomers. Important Dates for Grade Two Week 2-5 Monday and Tuesday – swimming @ Casey RACE Week 2 – Cool Calm Kids program Friday 10th May – Mothers Day pampering afternoon Monday June 10th – Queen’s Birthday Friday June 28th – Last day of Term 2! Swimming Swimming for the Grade Two students began on Monday. A few teething issues about transport have been resolved and things are running smoothly. Please ensure that your child’s bathers, goggles and ALL clothes have been labelled. This will ensure their swift return to the rightful owner after they are found flung across the other side of the pool complex. Making a “night before swimming” checklist with your child will help with organisation and avoiding lateness. Term 2 – Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds This term we are learning about Healthy Bodies and Healthy minds. We will be learning about the human body and mind and how to keep it healthy. Including fruit and vegetables in your child’s lunchbox is a great way of encouraging dialogue about what makes us healthy. Perhaps your child can help make some decisions about what to pack in their lunchbox. The Grade Two team - Amy, Sandi, Leanne, Alison A, Nicole, Lisa, Claire, Paul Meredith and Alison M