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JOUR 2601 9 a.m. Recitation. Your TA: Brittany McNamara. Second year Master’s student studying both print and broadcasting journalism Interested in Environmental Journalism Second Semester teaching this class Interning for the Nutrition Business Journal Editor for The Boulder Stand
Your TA: Brittany McNamara • Second year Master’s student studying both print and broadcasting journalism • Interested in Environmental Journalism • Second Semester teaching this class • Interning for the Nutrition Business Journal • Editor for The Boulder Stand • My Travel Blog
About Recitation • Syllabus and Blog: http://jour2601spring9am.wordpress.com/ • ***important! Bookmark this link!*** • 9 a.m. is early, but participation is the BIGGEST part of your recitation grade so bring some coffee and come prepared to talk! This is about YOU. No one wants to listen to me! • Attendance will be taken during EVERY recitation. Make sure you sign in. You can miss ONE recitation without penalty, but when you start missing two or more I will take off points for your participation grade (except for excusable absences). • Who are you? (class introductions)
Important things to know • I am not your mom. I will not hold your hand through this class. You’re in college now, try to figure it out yourself. • If you miss class I will not contact you about what you missed. You will be marked for a late assignment no matter what. • CHECK THE BLOG. All assignments will be posted there along with all of their instructions. If you have a “stupid question” ask during recitation when we are discussing the assignment. Otherwise look at the blog before you email asking me – the answer is more than likely in the directions.
Important things to know Cont. • FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS. If I tell you to use Times New Roman font you need to use it. Otherwise you will be marked down. • ALL assignments are to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document via email unless otherwise noted. No exceptions. • I will take attendance every day. You can miss one recitation with a “free pass” after that you will get marked down when you miss recitation. • Spelling, grammar and sentence structure is of the utmost importance. DO NOT SPELL SOMEONE’S NAME WRONG. You will be marked down 10 points for misspelled names. After the first few assignments you will be marked down one point for all spelling and grammar mistakes. I will let you know when I will start doing this.
Your blog • For recitation you will need to create your own personal blog. • It needs to have a theme (like a professional blog would) and you will write all your blog posts about that theme. • Write a new blog post EVERY WEEK. You need to have it done by the end of the day on Fridays (except next week). I will not remind you to write your post. You need to remember to keep up with these every week. • Your posts should have context to them. Do your own research or incorporate an informative article into your post. It should not just be about your life. If something happened to you that you want to post about, why is it significant? Why does the reader care? What does it allude to?
Blogs Cont. • Once you have created your blog (one of your assignments this week), email me your Wordpress username and a link to you blog. • On the right hand side of the blog you will see the “blog roll.” This is where you will find all of your classmates’ blogs. You need to read and comment on two classmates’ blog posts each week. Again, these should be something of substance so I know you actually read them. • ASSIGNMENT THIS WEEK: Create a WordPress.com account. Make it awesome. Your user name needs to be your first name and first letter of your last name. You also need to come up with a topic for your blog. You will be writing about this topic for the rest of the semester, so pick something you enjoy. Then write your first blog post! Email me your Wordpress username and a link to you blog.
Additional assignment • Instructions: Buy (beg, borrow, rescue from the trash, but DO NOT STEAL) a print copy of a newspaper and read the whole thing from front to back—every page, every article. • The choice of newspaper is up to you, but it must be a full-length, multi-section daily that covers local & international news, sports, entertainment, lifestyle, etc. Examples of acceptable local papers include the Daily Camera, Denver Post and Longmont Times-Call; for national papers try the New York Times, Wall Street Journal or Washington Post. Although they have their merits, the Onion, the Colorado Daily and the Boulder Weekly are not acceptable for this assignment. • When you’ve finished reading your paper, complete the following sheet and email it to me BEFORE class: newspaper assignment • ALSO, post a link to your favorite article from the assignment in the comments section below this post. Briefly (50-100 words) tell us why you found that particular article interesting. • Bring your newspaper with you to next week’s class.