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Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs. Noga Alon Shai Gutner. Lecturer : Daniel Motil. Motivation. This is the most general class of graphs for which fixed-parameter tractability for this problem has been established

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Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

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  1. Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs Noga Alon Shai Gutner Lecturer : Daniel Motil

  2. Motivation • This is the most general class of graphs for which fixed-parameter tractability for this problem has been established • Many interesting families of graphs are degenerated Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  3. It is hard… • The dominating set problem on general graphs is known to be W [2]-complete • This means that most likely there is no f(k)·ncalgorithm for finding a dominating set of size at most k in a graph of size n for any computable function f : N → N and constant c Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  4. Previous results • O(227√kn) time algorithm for the dominating set problem in planar graphs • Fixed-parameter algorithms are now known also for map graphs and for constant powers of H-minor-free graphs • The running time given in for finding a dominating set of size k in an H-minor free graph G with n vertices is 2O(√k)nc, where c is a constant depending only on H Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  5. To summarize • fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for the dominating set problem were known for fixed powers of H-minor-free graphs and for map graphs • Linear time algorithms were established only for planar graphs Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  6. Our main result • kO(dk)n time algorithmfor finding a dominating set of size k in a d-degenerated graph with n vertices • The algorithm is linear in the number of vertices of the graph Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  7. More results • We improve the dependence on k for the following specific families of degenerated graphs • (O(h))hk∙n timealgorithmfor graphs that do not contain Khas a topological minor • O(logh)hk/2 ∙n timealgorithmfor graphs which are Kh- minor-free Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  8. Induced Cycles • The article is also address the problem of finding an induced cycle of a given length for the families of graphs discussed above • O(n) expected time algorithm for finding an induced k-cycle in graphs with an excluded minor • Deterministic O(n∙logn) time algorithm for the problem Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  9. Some notation • For an undirected graph G = (V ,E) and a vertex v ∈ V we denote: • N(v) – the set the set of all vertices adjacent to v (not including v itself) • We say that v dominates the vertices of N(v) ∪ {v} • The subgraph of G induced by some set V’ ⊆V is denoted by G[V’] Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  10. DegeneratedGraphs A graph G is d-degenerated if every induced subgraph of G has a vertex v ∈ V such that d(v) ≤ d Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  11. Lemma • A d-degenerated graph with n vertices has less than dn edges • Proof – by induction on n • For n = 1 this is obviously true • In the general case, let v be a vertex of degree at most d. after deleting v we get a d-degenerated graphwith n-1 vertices. By induction it has less than d(n-1) edges. So original graph has less than dn edges • conclusion - average degree is less than 2d Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  12. Generalization of the problem • parameterized dominating set problem • Input: undirected graph G = (V ,E), a parameter k • Problem: finding a set of at most k vertices that dominate all the other vertices • Let us generalize the problem for black and white graphs Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  13. black and white graph A black and white graph is a graph G = (V, E) such that the vertex set V of the graph G has been partitioned into two disjoint sets B and W of black and white vertices i.e., V = B ⊎ W Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  14. Dominating set problem for black and white graphs • Input: black and white graph G = (B ⊎W,E) and an integer k • Problem: finding a set of at most k vertices that dominate that dominate the black vertices • i.e., finding subset U ⊆B ⊎ W, such that |U| ≤ k and every vertex v ∈B − U satisfies N(v) ∩ U = ∅ • Clearly this is a generalization of the problem as we can take W = ∅ Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  15. Lemma 1 Let G = (B ⊎W,E) be a d-degenerated black and white graph. If |B| > (4d +2)k, then there are at most (4d +2)k vertices in G that dominate at least |B|/k vertices of B Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  16. Proof • R = {v ∈B ⊎W | |(N(v) ∩ {v}) ∩B| ≥ |B|/k} • By contradiction, assume that |R| > (4d +2)k • Let G’ be the induced graph G[R ∪B] • Clearly G’ has less than |R| + |B| vertices • For every r ∈ R – d(r) > |B|/k – 1 • ∑ d(v) ≥ |R| ∙ (|B|/k – 1) v ∈ R ∪ B Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  17. So the average degree of G’ is at least ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥ > This contradicts the fact that G[R ∪B] is d-degenerated Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  18. Theorem 1 There is a kO(dk)n time algorithm for finding a dominating set of size at most k in a d-degenerated black and white graph with n vertices that contains such a set Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  19. Algorithm 1DominatingSetDegenerated(G, k) • Input: Black and white d-degenerated graph G = (B ⊎W,E), integers k, d • Output: A set dominating all vertices of B of size at most k or NONE if no such set exists • if B =∅ then • return ∅ • else if k = 0 then • return NONE • else if |B| ≤ (4d +2)k then • forall possible ways of splitting B into k (possibly empty) disjoint pieces B1, … , Bk do • if each piece Bi has a vertex vi that dominates it then • return {v1, . . . , vk} • return NONE • else • R ←{v ∈B ⊎ W |(N(v) ∩ {v}) ∩B| ≥ |B| / k} • forall v ∈R do • Create a new graph G’ from G by marking all the elements of N(v) as white and removing v from the graph • D←DominatingSetDegenerated(G, k −1) • if D ≠NONE then • return D ∪ {v} • return NONE Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  20. Algorithm explanation • If |B| ≤ (4d + 2)k • If there is a dominating set of size at most k, we can split B into k disjoint pieces, so that each piece has a vertex that dominates it • At most k)4d+2)kways for those splits • check in O(kdn) time whether every piece is dominated by a vertex • Running time - k)4d+2)k ∙ O(kdn) = kO(dk)∙n Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  21. If |B| > (4d + 2)k • By lemma 1 we get |R| < (4d + 2)k • A dominating set of size at most k must contain a vertex r ∈ R • Check for every r if G’ has a dominating set of size at most k-1 • Number of recursive calls - (4d + 2)kk! • Algorithm Running time (4d + 2)kk! ∙ kO(dk)∙n = kO(dk)∙n Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  22. Topological minor • An edge is said to be subdivided when it is deleted and replaced by a path of length two • A subdivision of a graph G is a graph that can be obtained from G by a sequence of edge subdivisions • Graph H is a topological minor of a graph G if H is a subdivision of a subgraph of G Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  23. Minorof a graph • A graph H is called a minor of a graph G if it can be obtained from a subgraph of G by a series of edge contractions • edge contractions – removing the edge and combining its two endpoints Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  24. Graphs with an Excluded Minor • Graphs with either an excluded minor or with no topological minor are known to be degenerated • Proposition 1There exists a constant c such that, for every h, every graph that does not contain Kh as a topological minor is ch2-degenerated • Proposition 2 There exists a constant c such that, for every h, every graph with no Kh minor is ch√logh-degenerated Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  25. Lemma 2 • If a graph G with n vertices is d-degenerated, then for every h ≥ 1, G contains at most - n copies of Kh Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  26. Proof • By induction on n • For n = 1 this is obviously true • In the general case, let v ∈ V with d(v) ≤ d • The number of Kh containing v ≤ • By induction hypothesis, the number of Kh in G – v is at most (n – 1) • The number of Kh in G is at most n Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  27. Definition 1 • A black and white graph G = (B ⊎ W,E) is called reduced if it satisfies the following conditions: • W is an independent set • All the vertices of W have degree at least 2 • N(w1) ≠ N(w2) for every two distinct vertices w1,w2 ∈W. Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  28. Theorem 2 There exists a constant c > 0, such that for every reduced black and white graph G = (B ⊎W,E), if G does not contain Kh as a topological minor, then there exists a vertex b ∈B of degree at most (ch)h Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  29. Proof • Denote |B| = n > 0 and d = sh2 where s is the constant from Proposition 1 • For each w ∈ W check if there exist two vertices b1, b2 ∈N(w), such that b1 and b2 are not connected • If exist - add the edge {b1, b2} and remove the vertex w from the graph b1 b1 w b2 b2 Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  30. Denote the resulting graph G’ = (B ⊎W,E) • W’ – all w ∈ W such as each b1,b2 ∈ N(w) are connected • G’[B] does not contain Khas a topological minor because every edge in G’[B] can be subdivided to anedge in G • G’[B] is d-degenerated and therefore has at most dn edges • We deleted less then dn vertices from G Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  31. Let’s try to bound |W’| • Every w ∈ W’ has degree ≥ 2 • Every w ∈ W’ has degree < h-1 otherwise w ∪ N(w) is a Kh • So, for each w ∈ W’ with d(w) = k, 2 ≤ k ≤ h-2 • N(w) – a clique of size k • For each w1,w2 ∈ W’ we get a different clique because N(w1) ≠ N(w2) • by lemma 2, the number of d(w) = k is bounded Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  32. |W’| ≤ [ + + … + ]n |W| ≤ |W’| + dn |E| ≤ d(|B| + |W|) ≤ d(n + dn + [ + … + ]n) ≤ d[3d + + … + ]n Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  33. Obviously, there exists a black vertex of degree at most 2|E|/n • if we plug d = sh2 it is follow that there is a constant c such that d(b) ≤ (ch)h Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  34. Theorem 3 • There exists a constant c > 0, such that for every reduced black and white graph G = (B ⊎W,E), if G is Kh- minor-free, then there exists a vertex b ∊B of degree at most (clogh)h/2 • Proof - We proceed as in the proof of Theorem 2 using Proposition 2 instead of Proposition 1 Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  35. Theorem 4 There is an (O(h))hkn time algorithm for finding a dominating set of size at most k in a black and white graph with n vertices and no Kh as a topological minor Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  36. Algorithm 2DominatingSetNoMinor(G, k) • Input: Black and white (Kh -minor-free) graph G = (B ⊎W,E), integer k • Output: A set dominating all vertices of B of size at most k or NONE if no such set exists • if B = ∅ then • return ∅ • else if k = 0 then • return NONE • else • Remove all edges of G whose two endpoints are in W • Remove all white vertices of G of degree 0 or 1 • As long as there are two different vertices w1, w2 ∊W with N(w1) = N(w2), |N(w1)| < h−1, remove one of them from the graph • Let b ∊B be a vertex of minimum degree among all vertices in B • forall v ∊N(b) ∪ {b} do • Create a new graph G’ from G by marking all the elements of N(v) as white and removing v from the graph • D←DominatingSetNoMinor(G, k −1) • if D ≠NONE then • return D ∪ {v} • return NONE Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  37. Algorithm explanation • Removes vertices and edges in order to get a (nearly) reduced black and white graph • Edges between white vertices as well as white vertices of degree at most 1 can be removed • We can eliminate all duplicates, that is, ensure that N(w1) ≠N(w2) for every two different vertices w1, w2 ∊W • It follows from the proof of Theorem 2 that it is enough to do so for vertices with at most h−2 neighbors Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  38. Running time • By theorem 2, d(b) ≤ (ch)h • We can remove all duplicates in O(hn) time using radix sort • Number of recursive calls - (ch)hk • Each one - O(hn) time • Running time - (ch)hk ∙ O(hn) = O(h)hkn Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  39. Theorem 5 • There is an (O(log h))hk/2n time algorithm for finding a dominating set of size at most k in a black and white graph with n vertices which is Kh -minor-free • Proof - The proof is analogues to that of Theorem 4 using Theorem 3 instead of Theorem 2 Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  40. The Weighted Case • each vertex of the graph has some positive real weight • The goal is to find a dominating set of size at most k, such that the sum of the weights of all the vertices of the dominating set is as small as possible • The algorithms we presented can be generalized to deal with the weighted case Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  41. Weighted Case modifications • In Algorithm 1 for degenerated graphs, we need to address the case where |B| ≤ (4d + 2)k - always choose a vertex with minimum weight that dominates each piece • In Algorithm 2 for graphs with an excluded minor, the criterion for removing white vertices from the graph is modified so that whenever two vertices w1, w2 ∊W satisfy N(w1) = N(w2), the vertex with the bigger weight is removed Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

  42. Concluding Remarks • similar techniques may be useful in improving and simplifying other known fixed-parameter algorithms for graphs with an excluded minor • An interesting open problem - is there a 2O(√k)nctime algorithm for finding a dominating set of size k in graphs with n vertices and an excluded minor, where c is some absolute constant that does not depend on the excluded graph • Maybe even a 2O(√k)n time algorithm can be achieved Linear Time Algorithms for Finding a Dominating Set of Fixed Size in Degenerated Graphs

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