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Senior CHAT:  Consumer Health Awareness Training Based on NIHSeniorHealth and MedlinePlus

Senior CHAT:  Consumer Health Awareness Training Based on NIHSeniorHealth and MedlinePlus. Ladonna Guillot, Mary Lou Strong, Jean Caswell Southeastern Louisiana University South Central Chapter/Medical Library Association Annual Meeting October 19, 2010.

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Senior CHAT:  Consumer Health Awareness Training Based on NIHSeniorHealth and MedlinePlus

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  1. Senior CHAT:  Consumer Health Awareness Training Based on NIHSeniorHealth and MedlinePlus Ladonna Guillot, Mary Lou Strong, Jean Caswell Southeastern Louisiana University South Central Chapter/Medical Library Association Annual Meeting October 19, 2010

  2. Senior CHAT:  Consumer Health Awareness Training Project is funded by a 2010-2011 NN/LM SCR Express Consumer Health Outreach Award

  3. Senior CHAT Program Objectives • Improve health information literacy • Promote better health outcomes • Create portable health profiles • Create a senior citizen consumer health information LibGuide • Teach basic computer and Internet skills • Promote use of NIHSeniorHealth and MedlinePlus

  4. Community Assessment • 86% of Louisiana parishes are designated health professional shortage areas • Louisiana is ranked 49th in the nation in health status • 11% of the Tangipahoa Parish population are 65 years or older • 20% of Tangipahoa Parish senior citizens have incomes below the federal poverty level • Hurricane Katrina demonstrated need for portable health records

  5. Medically Underserved Areas

  6. Target Population • Persons 60 or older residing in Tangipahoa Parish • 1800 clients served by the Tangipahoa Voluntary Council on Aging (TVCOA) • TVCOA staff from the 5 parish senior centers

  7. Hammond Senior Center

  8. Hammond Senior Center

  9. Hammond Senior Center Computer Lab

  10. Summer 2010 - Basic Computer Class • Pilot program • Basic computer skills • Basic Internet searching • Evaluation of Internet sources • E-mail

  11. What We Learned • Geaux slow • Basic computer skills are essential to success • Mouse exercises • Things you think are obvious are not • Handouts and hands-on are important

  12. What We Loved • Extremely appreciative students • Highly motivated students • Seniors helped and encouraged each other • Waiting list of 75

  13. TVCOA Staff Training ClassSeptember 29, 2010 • NIHSeniorHealth Trainer’s Toolkit • Instruction on NIHSeniorHealth and MedlinePlus • Evaluating health websites • Staff serve as a long-term resource for their clients

  14. Senior CHAT Class • Consumer health information training using NIHSeniorHealth Trainer’s Toolkit • 6 week session to be offered twice • Class of 25 filled immediately • Will administer pre-test, post-test, and 3rd test to assess impact

  15. Preliminary Staff Training Results (Pre/Post Test Surveys) • Staff report more confidence in finding reliable health information on the Internet post-training • Only one had used MedlinePlus or NIHSeniorHealth prior to class • 5/6 report they plan to use databases frequently in the future

  16. Senior Citizen Consumer Health LibGuide • Compilation of authoritative consumer health information online sites geared to senior citizens • Accessible 24/7 • Visit the LibGuide at: http://selu.libguides.com/seniorchat

  17. Senior Citizen Consumer Health LibGuide

  18. Contact Information • Ladonna Guillot Health Sciences Librarian lguillot@selu.edu • Mary Lou Strong Reference/Instruction Librarian mary.strong@selu.edu • Jean Caswell Systems Librarian jcaswell@selu.edu

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