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Unveiling Modernization Theory's Impact: Key Elements & Dichotomies

Explore the origins, key elements, and dichotomies of Modernization Theory developed in the US during the 1950s and '60s. Learn about the impact on democracy, values, and behaviors in the context of post-WWII global dynamics. Delve into Lipset and Inglehart's versions of the theory.

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Unveiling Modernization Theory's Impact: Key Elements & Dichotomies

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  1. Modernization Theory:Background • Emerged in the US during the 1950s and ‘60s… 1

  2. Modernization Theory:Background • Following the end of World War II 2

  3. Modernization Theory:Background Three major developments following WWII New development institutions and development emphasis Wave of newly independent countries Emergence of the Cold War and US Anti-Communism 3

  4. New development institutions and development emphasis • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) • 1944 • Recovery of Europe • Poor, middle-income countries • United Nations Development Program • 1965 • Democratic governance • Poverty reduction

  5. Wave of newly independent countries • Post-WWII dismantling of the European colonial empires

  6. Promoting democracy and blocking spread of communism • Communist threat • Czechoslovakia "fell" to the communists in 1948 • Soviets closed down Berlin followed by US airlift 1949.  • 1949 China-Communist • Vietnam, by 1947Ho Chi Minh leading communists in a civil war against France—Vietnam War • Korea free from Japanese colonialism divided at 38th parallel into communist North and capitalist South. Korean War 1950-53

  7. Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress • 1961 • Latin America • 10-year, multi-billion $ foreign aid program • promote economic growth and political reform • long-term goal—countering Communism

  8. Modernization Theory: Background • Promoting democracy and blocking spread of communism • Massive US aid across the “bamboo curtain” • Taiwan (Nationalist) • South Korea

  9. Modernization Theory Coincided with Behavioral Revolution Spearheaded in 1950s by advocates of more social scientific, empirical approach focusing on individual behavior not constitutional doc’s, legal texts Lipset, Political Man, published 1960 For behavioralists interested in individual-level political behavior, survey research became the methodology of choice. 9

  10. Modernization Theory:Key Elements Individual level of analysis Premised on common perception of Anglo-Saxon (esp’ly US) experience Wealth education/middle class modern values  democracy Povertylack of education traditional values  authoritarianism Note dichotomy between “modern” and “traditional” 10

  11. Dichotomy between modern & traditional (version 1) Modern valuesTraditional values achievement-oriented ascriptive rule/merit-based reliance on personal ties active passive rational non-rational, superstitious

  12. Modernization Theory: Lipset’s version Econ development Wealth Industrialization Urbanization Education  modern values Lipset’s stories  democracy 12

  13. Modernization Theory As you can see, We still need to explain wealth vs. poverty  Stay tuned for next week 13

  14. Modernization Theory: Ronald Inglehart’s Version 14

  15. Dichotomy between modern & traditional (version 2) Civic culture attitudesTraditional attitudes trust distrust satisfaction low satisfaction competence low competence

  16. Your turn to become a behavioralist http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/

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