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Learn about the transition plan for LGS AO operations and the progress made towards supporting science nights. Review the proposed benefits, team structure, and goals during this informative session.
LGS AOOperations Transition: Introduction to Meeting April 15, 2005
Purpose of Meeting • To inform. • To provide the senior managers, AO team & operations transition members with an overview of the current status of the LGS AO operations transition plan. • To get feedback. • Primarily from the senior managers. We will be having separate meetings with the AO and transition team members. • To get additional agreement & buy-in. • Let’s make progress, however the plan is still a work in progress and will need further iterations.
LGS AO Transition: Background • Why now? • High science demand for AO, especially LGS. • SSC request that we support 30 LGS AO science nights in 05B. • 97.5 nights proposed in 05B, including 61 LGS, 27.5 NGS & 9 IF. • Mandate from SSC to make changes to provide this support. • We still have a lot of AO development to do (K2 LGS, NGWFC, K1 LGS, KPAO). • Proposed benefits of transition effort: • Ability to support many more nights. • Improved operability & reliability. • System better protected. • Clear separation of operations and development. • How do we achieve this? • Clearly identified team with a clear mandate to transition LGS AO operations from the AO team to Operations (RG group). • Strong transition team leadership (DLM). • Your support in setting up the transition team for success.
LGSAO Transition Plan D. Le Mignant
LGSAO science opportunities • Keck is the first 10-m telescope to have a LGSAO system in place for science operations. • We started shared-risk science operations in Nov.04 with NIRC2. • We have a 6-12 month lead on ESO and Gemini. • We still have to complete some performance issues (spectroscopy), and work on our operational model. --> we are quite ready to observe anything around R = 17th mag. star with a 10-m telescope using possibly two dedicated NIR science instruments…
The SSC asked for 30 LGSAO nights for 05B..It is not “All AO all the time”but it’s on the way (~45% on KeckII)!! Yes! YES! Shall we be ready for it?
This plan proposes: • A significant step towards the observatory grand goals in High Spatial Resolution Astronomy • A better activity balance within the Observatory. • Observing support is to be done by the Observing Support Group! • The AO group can focus on the NGWFC, KPAO and other development projects.
This LGSAO transition plan • It’s being presented today! • It is an observatory-wide effort and has major short-term impact on: • Observing Support priorities. • AO and laser activities • The plan presents the goals, the intermediate milestone, the tasks and the effort allocation. • Let’s work from the top to the bottom… • Do we agree with the overall goals? • The task may have been well identified, but the effort allocation needs work. • We need the support from Optical System, Electronics and Observing support to make it happen. --> Please work with us on this!
The three top-level goals • Successful support of all LGSAO nights in 05B and beyond • Evaluation based on the “performance metrics” in place and the run reports from the observers • The transition of [LGS]AO operations to the Observing Support Group by the end of 06A • With the support from the various groups (Optical, Elect, Mech, Obs Support) • Given an operational model agreed upon, demonstrated in 05B and reviewed. • Routine [LGS]AO operations by Observing Assistant in 07A as part of their OA role. • With minimal hit on efficiency and performance
How we propose to get there: • Distinct management of LGSAO operations and LGSAO development. • Configuration and Performance Management for the LGSAO operations. • Evaluate intermediate goals for transitioning LGSAO from 05A to 06A
1- Distinct management for LGSAO operations and LGSAO development. • LGSAO Operation Team (LOT) • Led by me !-) as a newbie in the Observing Support Group (lead: RG) • Responsible for developing and implementing an operational model. • Responsible for development of new ops tools. • Support all [LGS]AO nights. • LGSAO Development Team (LDT) • Led by PW (as Optical System manager) • Works with AOWG and LOT to identify needs and priorities for development to system backbone (HW and RT software). • Help the LOT in the implementation of these new dvlpt.
2 - Configuration and Performance Management (CPM) for the LGSAO operations. LGSAO CPM Optical System Electronics Day crew Some software Software Group Observing Support Training, training, training… • AO/telescope operations • (Ops tools, operational model & procedure) • - Maintenance & new dvlpt • CM for tools and procedures • Observing Support • Performance monitoring • Laser Operation: RL & RS • (Laser, spotters) • Documentation & procedures • Run prep. • Observing Support • RT software: EJ, ECC • (OBS, SC, WFC2, LTCS, STRAP, LBWFS) • - Maintenance • CM (ECR, Version Control) • Technical Support • Laser, AO bench and • Electronics: RS & JC • - Maintenance & Spares • CM (ECR, Docs & Procedures) • Technical Support
3 - Evaluate intermediate goals for transitioning LGSAO from 05A to 06A • Prior to 05B * Plans for laser and AO maintenance & CM approved * 3 laser / LTCS operators fully trained to support observing. Only 1 required to support observing at a time. Laser specialist no longer required on the summit to support observing. * 3 LGS AO operators (RC, DLM, & JL) fully trained to support observing. Only RC, DLM required to support observing at a time. One OA training for LGS AO operator role. * Tools Design phase for new operation tools for laser & AO Metrics tools adapted for NGSAO & LGSAO operations * LGSAO perform. characterization plan 80% completed. Performance monitoring tools being developed. * Work priorities on summit operation tools Established from the OA’s whish list and the performance metrics
Prior to 06A * Maintenance and CM in place for AO and laser * An OA at HQ is performing the LGS AO operator role with adequate tools for part of the 30 science nights. * Three additional OAs are training for LGS AO operator role. (as a separate role from their OA function) * RC, JL and DLM play the SA role + AO support at hq. * LGSAO performance monitoring tools in place * Summit operation tools optimized with the idea to add the LGSAO operations to the OA’ seat
Prior to 06B * A total of 4 OAs have been fully trained in the LGS AO operator role * An additional 2 OAs are training for the role of LGSAO operator * On some nights, the OA operates both DCS and LGSAO from summit (w/ adequate support) * LGS operations team leadership transferred from DLM to a member of the operations group. • Prior to 07A * No laser spotters needed * 4 to 6 OAs are routinely performing the LGS AO operator role as part of their OA function.
Possible issues… • - Laser software support and development (DS on leave till 11/01/05) • - Priorities and resources for the LGSAO development team • Support for LGSAO engineering nights • the operation team could support LGSAO eng as part of training • - Management of NGSAO operations for K2 and K1 (NIRC2/OSIRIS/IF science and eng. nights) • - the operation team could support all NGSAO science at a minimal cost. • - Hiring of AB replacement • - LGSAO performance characterization (funded by CfAO proposal till September) • - Availability/scheduling of OAs for LGSAO operator training • - Resource allocation to support the possible changes to the summit operation baseline and work on the OA’s wish list (DCS, Guider, ACS, etc) • - Integration of new guider (MAGIC) • - Effort allocation for AO development & operations in order to support the IF (V2 science & nuller integration) • - Coordination with NGWFC (implementation with K2AO in 07A)
Discussion.. • Do we agree on: • the general goals and philosophy • The intermediate milestones • Schedule for 05B (nights) From there, shall we go to: • Effort from the various group
How can we support this? Like other instruments, a matrix approach is being proposed, across the Observatory with delegation within the group: • From the Optical System group (OSG), RS would lead the maintenance and CM effort for AO, laser and electronics. With support from the electronics group and summit day crew. Request for a plan and effort to support this. • From OSG, RL & RS would lead the laser operation support (training, documentation, performance). • From the Software Group, EJ and ECC would lead the effort on RT software. How realistic is this? • From the Observing Support Group, DLM will lead the effort on management. AC, RC on operation tools, JL on performance, RC on science instruments, GH on NGSAO. At which levels for 05B and then beyond?