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WOMENS AND THE CHURCH. BY : RODRIGO BARBOSA ADRIAN PINTO PAUL SANTOS SEBASTIAN CALLE. Introduction By : Rodrigo Barbosa. The 3K By : Adrian Pinto. The Nazi version of the Christian Protestant church By : Adrian Pinto. Lebensborn By : Sebastian Calle. Trivia. Links .
Introduction By: Rodrigo Barbosa The 3K By: Adrian Pinto The Nazi version of the Christian Protestantchurch By: Adrian Pinto Lebensborn By: Sebastian Calle Trivia Links
INTRODUCTION Women's in NAZI Germany have a very specific role. That role should be that they would be good mothers bringing up child's to the world while their husbands are working Hitler don’t have a reason why women's should work because he thinks that only doing few things would be the lifestyle they should have. Women's in school learn that they need to get married early to have a good home with children's and a husband working all day. Hitler want women's to give birth child's, because he need a bigger army to get his goals.
Law of Encouragement of MARRIGE Passed 1933, if the family have 1 child they don't need to pay the 25% of the loan. If they have 2 child's at home, they don't need to pay 50% of the loan. If they have 3 child's at home, they don't have to pay 75% of the loan. AND If they have 4 child's at home, they don't have to pay the loan at all. The law was made to encourage the couples to have children's in order to increase the number of racially in GERMANY
THE 3KS It menas : MEANT CHILDREN, KITCHEN AND CHURCH. This phrases, means what was the women's obligations and priorities in their lives. It lead to discriminate and the make of new laws. Women’s were rarely employed, because they have to satisfied their husbands and have children's to satisfied Hail Hitler's army.
BONUS!! Hitler was so obsess that every 12th of august (his mother Birthday he award the women With most child's.
THE 3KS At that times, womenwhereconsiderednot so important,theyjustwereusefullforthethreeK`s. The 3k`s are threetopics in whichwomanshouldwork: -KIRCHE(Church ) -KUECHE(Kitchen) -KINDER(Children) KINDER: Womensstay in theirhouse, takingcare of theychildren,whilemenwereworking. KUECHE:Womenswere in charge of cooking. KIRCHE: Womenwereused in churchformorality.Thatmeans, set anexample of thechurch , so people can have more believeonchurch, join more tothechurch, and help more thechurch.
Aboutwomens I wouldmakeallGermanypeople of purerace! Themostimportantwomenwereblondwomen,becausetheywherefroma “purestrace”.Naziswantedblondwomen, so theycouldhavebabieswith a blondsoldier, and becausethatthebabiewould be a blondkid.Thenthebabiewould be trainforbeeingpart of thesoldiers. Thinkabout: - If more blondkids are produced,moreblondsoldiers, and blondpeoplewould be in Germany.Andthatiswhat Hitler wanted.
In that times, girlshavedifferentsubjects in school,thanboys.Girlsneedto be prepared, forthefuture.Girlslearn in schoolsthingssuch as cooking, needlework,beauty,health. In myopinion, thismethodthat Nazi have do, itshorrible,becausegirls can not be free,inotherwords, Nazis decide whatto do withtheirlife.
Nazi rules for ideal womens Womensneedtofollowthis rules! • RULES: • -Womenshouldnotworkfor a living. • -Womenshouldnotweartrousers • Womenshouldnot use makeup. • Womensshouldnot do diet. • Womenshouldnotpainttheirhair. • Womensshouldnot use highheels.
This nazi “flu”, was so powerfull , thatpeopleweresupportinghitler ideas. Thatswhy Hitler try to do , the Nazi version of, thechristianprotestantchurch.
In the nazi version of thechurch, hitler ideas , dreams and beliefs, needtobeapproved and said in allthechurches of germany. Also in this nazi church, thereweresomedifferent rules , such as, thejewishchristianswherenotallowed in theorganisation of thegermanschristians, and peopleneedtogetrid of thejewish. In thenazi churches, theytalkaboutthepurerace, and thepowerthatgermany has.
In thechurch, Hitler wasconsidered a veryimportantperson. Notallthis idea of the nazi churchwassuccsefull, becausegermanspastorswhereagainstthegermanchristians and thechurch. Becausethat, theycreatedtheconfessingchurch.
LEBENSBORN Lebensbornmeans “Spring of Life”. Thisprojectwasone of themostsecret and horrible projects of Germany. Heinrich Himmler created the Lebensborn on 12 of December of 1935.
TheLebensobrnprojectconsistongivingtheoptiontoyounggirls “raciallypure” togivebirthtotheirchild in secret. • The mother and father had to pass a “Racial Purity” test were they needed to be: blond hair and blue eyes, fathers minimunheigthwas 1.75 meters and mothers 1.60 meters, family lineage had to be from at least three generations. • Only 40% passed the racial purity test. • The mother could only be 3 months with her baby and then it was removed from them and gived to the SS organization which took charge in the child’s education and adoption WhatwastheLebensnornproject?
ThebirthrateonGermanydecreased in thelastdecades so Hitler wantedtoinvertthis. • Hitler have the idea of creating a super race of Aryans. A few time ago they have prohibiedthe marriage with jews or others who seemed inferior. Hitler encourage to the SS officers to marry aryanwomens and have at least 4 childrens. He believed Lebensborn children would grow up to lead a Nazi-Aryan nation. Blondehair and blueeyespeople are betterthanothers. Whywasthis Project realesed:
By 1939, the program had not produced the results Himmler expected so soon the non german women were accepted. • As thebadresultsstilltheystartkidnappinkidswhowere “raciallypure” and weretransferedtothelebensbournhomesto be germanized. • Most of thechildrenthatrefusethe nazi educationweretransferedtoconcentrationcamps and theotherswereadoptedby SS families. The Project dontsatisfaidexpectatives
On May 1, 1945, a day after Hitler’s death, American troops marched into Steinhoering and they foun a Lebnsobrn with aproximadely 300 children. • Onebyonetheywerefinding more lebensbornhomes. • The majority of these children were put on adoption or sent back to their real families, • Many german families refused to give back their children and also the children wasn’t want to go back to their countrie because they had be criated with all the german ideas. • Aproximatelly250,000 children were kidnapt. AfterLebensorn Project
Trivia Whatwerethe 3 ks???? Church Nurses Motherhood Kitchen Church Motherhood Army Nurses Church
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Whatkind of womenwhereconsidered more important??? Black people Blond Chinesse
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Whatkind of peoplewherenotaccepted in the Nazi version of thechurch??? Christians Jewish
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Theycreatetheconfessingchurchbecause: Becausetheyhaveconfessingchurches in alltheworld, except in Germany. Becausegermanpastorswere in disagreementwithgermanchristians. Becausehitler , wanttomakemanytypes of church.
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Whatwasaboutthelebensnornproject??? Makethemostpowerfullarmy . Do whatever , tohave more blondpeople and soldiers in germany. A projectthatconsist in attack Hitler bysurprise.
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Links: http://www.germanculture.com.ua/library/weekly/aa080601a.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinder,_K%C3%BCche,_Kirche http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/church_in_nazi_germany.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Nazi_Germany http://www.gci.org/history/barmen http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/Lebensborn.html http://www.jewishgen.org/forgottenCamps/General/LebensbornEng.html http://histclo.com/essay/war/ww2/leb/leb-nh.html
ThatsallthePower Point werewehavetriedtoexplainedyouallaboutwomens and thechurchon Nazi times.Weexpectyouhavelikeit and understandmore aboutthetopic. Sebastian Calle, Adrian Pinto, Paul Santos and Rodrigo Barbosa.