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Santa Barbara County Regional IPM Coalition Phil Boise

Santa Barbara County Regional IPM Coalition Phil Boise. IPM Projects. COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AG. LICENSED PEST CONTROL ADVISOR IPM BUGS Book (IPM Innovator Award) Ventura Unified, Los Angeles Unified, Santa Barbara Schools, Vista Del Mar, Vieja Valley

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Santa Barbara County Regional IPM Coalition Phil Boise

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Santa Barbara CountyRegional IPM CoalitionPhil Boise

  2. IPM Projects • COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF AG. • LICENSED PEST CONTROL ADVISOR • IPM • BUGS Book (IPM Innovator Award) • Ventura Unified, Los Angeles Unified, Santa Barbara Schools, Vista Del Mar, Vieja Valley • City of Santa Monica, Marin Co, Santa Barbara City and County, US EPA • Green Care for Children • Green Gardener Certification Program

  3. Regional IPM Coalition: • Recreational landscapes utilized by public (schools, parks, zoo…) • Premises • Within region we all have same problems • Experience is most valuable resource • Peer to peer exchange most effective • Collectively identify and solve issues • Collectively raise IPM bar

  4. DPR WANTS Model ‘Regional IPM Implementation Plan’: • Site-by-Site Pesticide Use Communication • Incremental Risk Reduction Objectives for Budgeting • Residential Outreach Strategy / Water Quality Protection • ‘Policy Menu’, Contracting, Renovation Template • Cooperative Funding and Use Opportunities • Training Needs, Share Training

  5. Identified Objectives…Possible Solutions? • ZONES SystemStandard of Measure • Golf Course = Quality of Play • Nat. Park Service = Visitation • IPM = Risk • City of Santa Monica • LA Unified • Ventura Unified

  6. RISK = HAZARD x EXPOSURE • Hazard = Materials List: • Carcinogens, reproductive toxicants, etc. • Exposure = Residue, run-off, drift, volatilize • Most Sensitive Individuals

  7. EXPOSURE RISK = HAZARD Higher the Exposure Lower the Hazard

  8. IF High Exposure = LIKELY: Skin contact Hand to mouth Run-off Drift on sensitive species And IF ACCESS TO SITE CANNOT BE RESTRICTED THEN Low Hazard Pesticide UTILIZE TOOLS WITH LOWEST HAZARD, PUBLIC CONCERN IF Low Exposure = UNLIKELY: Skin, mouth contact Sensitive species And IF ACCESS TO SITE MAY BE RESTRICTED THEN Higher Hazard = WIDER RANGE OF TOOLS (still within parameters of materials list)

  9. Zones at Ventura Unified

  10. GREEN ZONES = Describe: Exposure by skin contact, drift, volatilization is likely Examples: Playing fields, asphalt play surfaces, garden areas, six foot perimeter around buildings with windows/HVAC, curbs and landscapes around bus and vehicle loading Pesticides: VUSD Approved, H.S.A. Exempt Waivers (Round-Up): Must have plan to prevent problem in future (crew) Spray with 14 day window before site occupied or with access excluded Site posted for 14 days Emergencies

  11. YELLOW ZONES = Describe: Exposure by skin contact, drift, or volatilization possible but not likely Examples: Landscape beds away from structures and play fields Islands in parking areas Parking lots Double fencelines Pesticides: VUSD ‘Limited Use’ Conditions: 7 day window before site is expected to be in use Posted 7 days Spot treat only – no blanket applications

  12. RED ZONES = Describe: Access to site is limited to staff and where access may be restricted Examples: Storage, valve, parking areas where gates are locked Staff-only sites, such as storage or administrative buildings Pesticides: VUSD ‘Limited Use’ Conditions: 60 hour window before site is expected to be in use again

  13. RESULTS:Communication and Information • Focus limited resources to Green Zones (asphalt Green playgrounds before parking lots) • Staff clear about tasks, responsibilities • Community clear about areas of reduced exposure • Provides measurable goals for community involvement, budgeting

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