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Thieme Publishers. Neuerscheinungen 4. Quartal 2014. Overview 4 th Quarter 2014. Anatomy. Baker , Anatomy for Dental Medicine, 2 nd E 69.99€. Baker Anatomy for Dental Medicine, 2 nd E 01/11/2014.
Thieme Publishers Neuerscheinungen 4. Quartal 2014
Anatomy • Baker, Anatomy for Dental Medicine, 2nd E 69.99€
Baker Anatomy for Dental Medicine, 2nd E 01/11/2014 Eliminating the need to purchase up to three books for a dental anatomy course, this new edition with 100 additional pages and additional illustrations covers all dental student needs for gross anatomy in one text-atlas combination! • Marketing points: • Detailed coverage of head and neck anatomy that includes an expanded neuroanatomy chapter. • New chapters on embryology, the anatomy of local anesthesia, and upper limb and torso • New edition has more than 70 new dental clinical correlations and many new dental and topographical illustrations • Q and A review at end of book in both factual and clinical-vignette format • Media Center/ DVD: winkingskull.com (all questions in a self-assessment form) • Specialties: Anatomy, Dentistry • Audience: Students - Graduate Junior • Competition: • Moore, Aguar and Dalley: Essential Clinical Anatomy, 4e; LWW, 2010; p. 736; $72.99 • Liebgott: The Anatomical Basis ofDentistry, 3e; Elsevier, 2009; pp. 528; $107.95 • Netter: Atlas of Human Anatomy, 5e, Elsevier, 2010, 624 pp., 2010, $79.99 ISBN: 9781626230859 Pages: 532 Illus.:1250 Format: 23 x 31 cm Price: € 69.99
Neurosurgery • Burchiel, Surgical Management of Pain 239.99€
Burchiel (Member of SNS, Society of Neurological Surgeons (US)) Surgical Management of Pain 17/12/2014 A comprehensive and contemporary exposition of the current state of pain surgery! • Marketing points: • Comprehensive state-of-the art overview of pain surgery and medicine. • World-class editor and contributors. • 40% smaller than the first edition. • In addition to surgical options, the book explores nonsurgical and pharmacologic methods of pain control. • Media Center: No content available • Specialties: Neurosurgery, Neurology • Audience: Medical Professional – Hospital • Competition: • Neurosurgical Texts: Youman’s – much more limited treatment of the field. • Pain Texts: Wall and Melzack 6th edition 2013; Bonica’s Management of Pain, 2009; Essentials of Pain Medicine 2011. None of these covers much surgery. ISBN: 9781604067514 Pages: 496 Illus.: 189 Format: 21.6 x 28 cm Price: €239.99
Otolaryngology • Kesting,Oral Cancer Surgery: A Visual Guide 99.99€ • Carlson, Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 109.99€ • Persky, Vascular Lesions of the Head and Neck 79.99€ • Goudy,Complete Cleft Care 114.99€
Kesting Oral Cancer Surgery: A Visual Guide 22/10/2014 A visual guide to key oral cancer procedures! • Marketing points: • This compact guide to the surgical management of oral cancer contains everything residents and practicing surgeons need to master the complex skills required to successfully treat their patients. • The didactic, step-by-step presentation of surgical principles and procedures helps young surgeons quickly gain the skills they need to handle soft tissue, perform microvascular techniques, manage bone treatment, and more. • Media Center/ DVD: None • Specialties: Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, Thyroid • Audience: Medical Professionals - Hospital ISBN: 9783131994011 Pages: 152 Illus.: 208 Format: 19.5 x 27 cm Price: € 99.99
Carlson Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: Rapid Clinical and Board Review 19/11/2014 A succinct, compact otolaryngology text in rapid review format! • Marketing points: • This well-organized text for rapid clinical and board review contains high-yield facts using a question and answer format that covers all subspecialty topics in otolaryngology. • It is a must-have for residents preparing for in-service exams or initial board certification exams as well as seasoned clinicians studying for their MOC Part III re-certification exams. • Media: More than 9,000 high-yield questions and answers , half provided in the book and the other half online as part of WinkingSkull.com (4,500 multiple choice questions on WinkingSkull and 4,500 questions with descriptive answers in the book) • Specialties: Otolaryngology • Audience: Residents • Competition: • Bowden: Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Board Review, 3e. (C) 2012, 407pp, about 3,800 Q&A, $98, MH. Our book includes more up to date information in a more convenient and organized manner. • Jafek: ENT Secrets, 3e, (C) 2005, 480pp, $69.95, Elsevier. Really aimed at medical students. ISBN: 9781604067682 Pages: 576 Illus.: 120 Format: 17.8 x 25.4 cm Price: €109.99
Persky Vascular Lesions of the Head and Neck: Diagnosis and Management 22/10/2014 This is a state-of-the-art book! This is a fast moving field. Physicians and surgeons who treat these lesions need the most up to date information, which will come from our book. • Marketing points: • The last decade has contributed significantly to our understanding of these problems. New tools to diagnose and treat these disorders have been developed with dramatic improvements • Management of these disorders is done by a multidisciplinary team, and our book's contributors come from otolaryngology, plastic sur., radiology, dermatology, and pediatrics. • Media Center: No content available • Specialties: Otolaryngology, plastic surgery • Audience: Residents and specialists • Competition: • Mulliken: Mulliken and Young's Vascular Anomalies: Hemangiomas and Malformations, 2013, 1,144pp, $195, Oxford. Our book focuses on lesions in the head and neck region. • Mattassi: Hemangiomas and Vascular Malformations: An Atlas of Diagnosis and Treatment, 2009, 336pp, $189, Springer. The book received a 3-Star review from Doody's. The reviewer critsized the art, references, and index. ISBN: 9781604060591 Pages: 160 Illus.: 236 Format: 21.60 x 28.00 cm Price: €79.99
Goudy Complete Cleft Care: Cleft and Velopharyngeal Insufficiency Treatment in Children 19/11/2014 An evidence-based manual on complete cleft care! • Marketing points: • Complete Cleft Care provides a comprehensive, step-by-step manual for the assessment and treatment of patients with cleft and velopharyngeal concerns using algorithms, diagrams, photos, videos, and evidence-based data. • It covers multiple treatment modalities such as unilateral and bilateral cleft lip repair, secondary speech assessment and surgery, cleft rhinoplasty, gingivoperiosteoplasty, and alveolar bone grafting. • Media Center: The book includes videos, available online at Thieme’s Media Center, that demonstrate specific techniques used in each treatment procedure. • Specialties: Otolaryngology, plastic surgery • Audience: Residents and practicing surgeons • Competition: • Shi: Cleft Lip and Palate Primary Repair, (C) 2014, 300pp, $229, Springer. The first author has an affiliation in China. • Rogers: Video Atlas of Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery, (C) 2013, 336pp plus DVD with 30 videos, $299.95, Plural. Four-star Doody review. Authors are otolaryngologists. ISBN: 9781604068467 Pages: 224 Illus.: 249 Format: 21.60 x 28.00 cm Price: €114.99
Radiology • Azar, Ultrasound Imaging 44.99€ • Krings, Neurovascular Anatomy in Interventional Neuroradiology: A Case-Based Approach 89.99€ • O’Brien, Top 3 Differentials in Neuroradiology 99.99€ • Barr, Breast Elastography 89.99€
Azar Ultrasound Imaging 22/10/2014 RadCases contains cases selected to simulate everything that you'll see on your rounds, rotations, and exams! • Marketing points: • One of 12 books, in a series on the subject of oral board preparation in radiology. Each book will consist of 100 cases. An additional 150 cases will be available online • Each case begins with the clinical presentation; simply turn the page for imaging findings, differential diagnoses, the definitive diagnosis, essential facts • Media Center/ DVD: 150 cases online • Specialties: Radiology • Audience: Residents • Competition: • Middleton: Ultrasound: The Requisites, Elsevier, 624 pages, 2003, $74.99. An older book but still popular. It concisely presents text covering the required knowledge base in Ultrasound but is not set up in the case-based format of RadCases. • Penny: Exam Review for Ultrasound, LWW, 392 pages, $73.99. A conventional exam prep book featuring concise review of key concepts and multiple-choice Q&A. Covers only Abdominal and OB Ultrasound. ISBN: 9781604063226 Pages: 224 Illus.: 460 Format: 21.6 x 27.9 cm Price: € 44.99
Krings Neurovascular Anatomy in Interventional Neuroradiology: A Case-Based Approach 15/11/2014 Uses 43 cases to practically explain neurovascular anatomy and its importance to successful treatment! • Marketing points: • Simplified and organized: neurovascular anatomy is covered in an organized and structured fashion, focused on the practical relevance of anatomical features encountered in every day practice • Practical: each chapter is written around a case in which the anatomical findings were deemed relevant • Includes key points and potential pitfalls • Media Center/ DVD: None • Specialties: Interventional Radiology, Vascular Surgery, Neurosurgery • Audience: Interventional Radiologists, vascular surgeons, neurosurgeons • Competition: • Morris, Practical Neuroangiography, 3rd ed., 528p, $245.99, LWW (2013) • Lasjaunias, Surgical Neuroangiography, Vol 1, Clinical Vascular Anatomy and Variations, 2nded, 773p, $589 ISBN: 9781604068399 Pages: 416 Illus.: 1148 Format: 21.6 x 27.9 cm Price: € 89.99
O’Brien Top 3 Differentials in Neuroradiology: A Case Review 15/11/2014 Bestselling author brings his “top 3 differentials” concept to neuroradiology! • Marketing points: • Written by the author of the popular “Top 3 Differentials in Radiology” • A high-yield review of neuroimaging—ideal for study or reference in clinical practice • This book covers all neuroradiology subspecialties--brain, head & neck, and spine imaging. • Media Center/ DVD: None • Specialties: Neuroradiology (including spine), Head & Neck Imaging • Audience: Residents and board-certified radiologists in neuroradiology and head and neck imaging, Neurosurgery • Competition: • De Asis Bravo-Rodriguez, Learning Neuroimaging, Springer, 260p, $69.99 (2011) • Loevner, Brain Imaging: Case Review, 2nded, Elsevier, 432p, $59.95 (2008) ISBN: 9781604067231 Pages: 672 Illus.: 697 Format: 21.6 x 28 cm Price: € 99.99
Barr Breast Elastography 15/11/2014 First book on a hot topic in radiology - these new images techniques can dramatically decrease the need for breast biopsies! • Marketing points: • Single author and leading experts techniques in breast elastography • Uses case studies used to cover techniques’ application to a wide range of breast pathology • Techniques can be applied using existing ultrasound equipment • Media Center/ DVD: None • Specialties: Radiology, Breast Imaging • Audience: Radiologists, Mammographers • Competition: No main competition ISBN: 9781604068528 Pages: 192 Illus.: 474 Format: 21.6 x 27.9 cm Price: € 89.99
London April 2013 Thankyou!