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Evangelists / Gospel Preachers

SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION. Evangelists / Gospel Preachers. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION. Evangelists / Gospel Preachers. Introduction -The Lord planned that scriptural organization included evangelists. (Eph. 4:11)

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Evangelists / Gospel Preachers

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  1. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers

  2. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers Introduction -The Lord planned that scriptural organization included evangelists. (Eph. 4:11) -The primary work of an evangelist is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ (II Timothy 4:1-5)

  3. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers Scriptural Descriptions Of Evangelists -PREACHER (I Tim. 2:7; II Timothy 1:11; Rom. 10:14) -The word “preacher” means, “a herald” - “Preacher” tells what one does: proclaims a message.

  4. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers Scriptural Descriptions Of Evangelists -EVANGELIST (II Tim. 4:5; Eph. 4:11-12; Acts 21:8) - “Evangelist” refers to , “a messenger of good” (Rom. 10:15) -This designation is given in the NT to heralds of salvation.

  5. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers Scriptural Descriptions Of Evangelists -MINISTER (Eph. 3:7; Col. 1:23, 25; I Tim 4:5) - The word “minister” means a servant or attendant -In this case, he is a servant of Christ for the gospel’s sake -His message is the good news of Christ

  6. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers UNScriptural Descriptions Of Evangelists -PASTOR (Eph. 4:11-12) -The “elders” are the pastors of the local church -This is not a title, but describes the work that they do, yet it is possible for a preacher to also do the work and be an elder/ pastor of the church

  7. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers UNScriptural Descriptions Of Evangelists -REVEREND (Psalm. 111:9) -No individual is authorized to be called Reverend but God alone -One will never find this name given to man in the word of God, unless condemned in a harsh way

  8. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers UNScriptural Descriptions Of Evangelists -FATHER (Matthew 23:9) -No man should be recognized as Father with any religious significance. -We have a spiritual Father and it is God in heaven

  9. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers UNScriptural Descriptions Of Evangelists -ANY TITLE (Job 32:21-22; Matt. 23:8-12) -Titles have always been condemned -What did Paul consider himself? -Titles can only bring glory to men not God.

  10. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers The Qualifications Of An Evangelist -Must Be Male (Acts 21:8; II Tim. 4:5) -The scriptures are silent about women evangelists -The Bible even mentions their silence in the churches and their restrictions from public teaching. (I Tim. 2:12; I Cor. 14:34-35)

  11. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers The Qualifications Of An Evangelist -Must Be Faithful & Able (II Tim. 2:2) -He must not only be faithful to God, but faithful in every venue of his life (wife, children, reputation etc.) -If he is not capable of fulfilling his work, then he should not continue in it.

  12. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers The Work Of An Evangelist -The Work Of Preaching (II Tim. 4:2, 5) -Paul said that being an evangelist requires a “work” to be done -The main responsibility of a preacher is to preach the word of God (I Cor. 9:16)

  13. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers The Authority Of An Evangelist -Evangelists Authority Is Limited (Tit. 2:15) -The authority of a preacher comes from the word of God as it is preached -A preacher has no authority in his own office outside of what God has given him

  14. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers Lessons From Other NT Evangelists -Philip (Acts 8) -Philip preached Christ (Acts 8:5, 35) -Philip preached basics (Acts 8:12) -Philip was obedient (Acts 8:26-27) -Philip was enthusiastic (Acts 8:29, 30)

  15. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers Lessons From Other NT Evangelists -Philip (Acts 8) -Philip helped with the understanding (Acts 8:30) -Philip opened his mouth (Acts 8:35) -More preachers need to be like Philip

  16. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers Lessons From Other NT Evangelists -Paul -Paul was consistent (I Cor. 4:17; 7:17) -Paul was not ashamed (Rom. 1:16-17) -Paul preached simple truths (I Cor. 2:1-7; II Cor. 11:3) -Paul was humble (Acts 20:19)

  17. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers Lessons From Other NT Evangelists -Paul -Paul preached to please God (Gal. 1:10) -Paul practiced what he preached (Acts 20:20; Rom. 2:21-22) -Paul is an excellent example of a gospel preacher

  18. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers APPLICATION -A preacher (evangelist, minister) has a very important and necessary function in the organization of the church -Every congregation should desire to find a man who will stand for truth and set the example before others

  19. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers APPLICATION -Preachers need to avoid religious titles and humble themselves in service to others -They must desire the “work of an evangelist”, and only preach if they will put forth the effort. -They must “preach the word” of God

  20. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers APPLICATION -Preachers should not try and soften the message (be ashamed of the gospel), but need to preach with boldness -There are many examples of other evangelists that are worthy a consideration, even today.

  21. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION Evangelists / Gospel Preachers WILL YOU LISTEN TO THE EXAMPLES? -HEAR Acts 8:35 -BELIEVE Acts 8:36-37 -REPENT Acts 8:36 -CONFESS Acts 8:37 -BAPTIZED Acts 8:38-39 -FAITHFUL Acts 8:39

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