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Progress Report on drafting “ Concept of the Low Carbon Town”

Progress Report on drafting “ Concept of the Low Carbon Town” 2 nd Meeting of Low-Carbon Model Town Task Force 9 May 2011 Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC). Outline.

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Progress Report on drafting “ Concept of the Low Carbon Town”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Progress Report on drafting “ Concept of the Low Carbon Town” 2nd Meeting of Low-Carbon Model Town Task Force 9 May 2011 Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC)

  2. Outline • Work plan to prepare the final draft Concept of the Low-Carbon Town and to prepare the final draft policy recommendation • Key points in the first Draft Concept of Low- Carbon Town a. Background b. Overview on Overall plan and Strategy for developing the Low Carbon Town c. Strategy for developing the Low Carbon Town

  3. LCMT Project Scheme ANRE/METI/JAPAN (Project Overseer) Conducted by Study Group direct APEC ECONOIES Study Group (A) : Development of “Concept of the Low- Carbon Town” Feasibility Study conducted by Competent Consultant 1) Development of LCD Guideline Participate 2) Quantitative analysis of CO2 saving effects/costs Study Group (B) : Policy review based on technical analysis Participate APERC(Executant) => Overall Coordinator Participate LCMT Task Force: Advice on the Project planning and Share the best practices and outcomes Disseminate

  4. Work Plan to Prepare Final Draft Concept and Policy Recommendations 2011 (September) (October) (November) (June) (May) (July) (August)

  5. Background(1): EMM9 Declaration • “Introduction of low-carbon technologies in city planning to boost energy efficiency and reduce fossil-fuel use is vital to manage rapidly growing energy consumption in urban areas. We have therefore launched an APEC Low-Carbon Model Town Project to present successful models for coordinated usage of advanced low-carbon technologies.” • “We instruct the EWG to establish a Task Force to implement an APEC Low-Carbon Model Town Project. The Low- Carbon Model Town Task Force should develop the concept of a Low-Carbon Town, conduct feasibility studies to encourage creation of low-carbon communities in urban development plans, and share best practices for making such communities a reality.”

  6. Background(2): Urbanization and Growing Energy Use and CO2 Emissions (Source) "World Urbanization Prospects:The 2009 Revision "http://esa.un.org/unpd/wup/index.htm

  7. Meaning of “Low-Carbon Town (LCT)”and Purpose of Developing “LCT” • “Low-Carbon Town” : town, or city, or village which seeks to achieve its target of significantly reducing CO2 emissions, irrespective of its size and characteristics • Purpose of developing the Concept of “LCT”: is to provide the central and local government officials with a basic idea on what “a Low-Carbon Town” is and how a Low-Carbon Town should be developed.

  8. Image of Categorized Low-Carbon Town

  9. Overview of Overall Plan and Strategy for Developing Low Carbon Town

  10. Strategy for Developing Low-Carbon Town

  11. Low-Carbon Measures

  12. Categorizationof Town

  13. Classification of Low-Carbon Measures Note 1: 「H」: Potentially highly effective, 「M」: Potentially effective, 「 L」: Potentially less effective or difficult to apply, 「X」: Not effective at all or unlikely to apply BEMS: Building Energy Management System, ZEB: Zero Energy Building, AEMS: Area Energy Management System

  14. Classification of Low-Carbon Measures

  15. Classification of Low-Carbon Measures

  16. On-Going Projects to develop “LCT” * Total population

  17. Thank youfor your kind attention http://www.ieej.or.jp/aperc/

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