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What is e-Business

What is e-Business. 교육팀 박용선. C ontents. 1. What is E-commerce? 2. E-commerce vs. E-business 3. Why Study E-business? 4. Why Study E-commerce? 5. Web 2.0 6. Major types of E-commerce. What is E-commerce?. ▣ Use of Internet and Web to transact business ▣ More formally:

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What is e-Business

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  1. What is e-Business 교육팀박용선

  2. Contents 1. What is E-commerce? 2. E-commerce vs. E-business 3. Why Study E-business? 4. Why Study E-commerce? 5. Web 2.0 6. Major types of E-commerce

  3. What is E-commerce? ▣ Use of Internet and Web to transact business ▣ More formally: Digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals

  4. E-commerce vs. E-business ▣ E-business: Digital enablement of transactions and processeswithin a firm, involving information systems under firm’s control 2. Does not include commercial transactions involving an exchange of value across organizational boundaries

  5. E-commerce vs. E-business

  6. Why Study E-business? ▣ E-business technology is different, more powerful than previous technologies ▣ E-business bringing fundamental changes to Industry ▣ Traditional commerce: 1. Passive consumer 2. Sales-force driven 3. Fixed prices 4. Information asymmetry

  7. Web 2.0 ▣ Definition: A set of Applications and technologies that allow users to: 1. Create and share content, preferences, bookmarks, and online personas 2. Participate in virtual lives 3. Build online communities ▣ Examples YouTube, Photobucket, Flickr, Google, iPhone, MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, Second Life, Wikipedia

  8. Major types of E-commerce ▣ Classified by market relationship 1. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) 2. Business-to-Business (B2B) 3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) ▣ Classified by technology used 1. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) 2. Mobile commerce (M-commerce)

  9. Conclusion

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