Teaching Problems in GREECE. Unemployment Over numeracy classrooms Continuous Salaries Cuts Luck of supportive structures & of positive feedback to the Teachers. Teaching Problems in GREECE.
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Teaching Problems in GREECE
Unemployment Over numeracy classrooms Continuous Salaries Cuts Luck of supportive structures & of positive feedback to the Teachers
Teaching Problems in GREECE
Unemployment: The new graduated teachers know is almost IMPOSSIBLE to find a new job as teachers
Teaching Problems in GREECE
2./ Over numeracy classrooms: The Law says: UP to 25 pupils per class..But the last 2-3 years Teachers obliged to teach 29-30 or plus unofficially until now and this year officially by voting a ‘new Law’
Teaching Problems in GREECE
3. Continuous Salaries Cuts: 2 years ago the highest Teacher’s salary was 1.850 euros. Since 2012 went to 1.400 plus 2 annual salaried were disappeared New teachers salary is 700 euros and their aim is to go to 500 euros.
Teaching Problems in GREECE
4./ Luck of Supportive structures to the educational procedure as well Luck of a positive Feedback to the Teachers: All Innovation and Creativity developed in schools is ‘useless’, because there is not an effective mechanism to protect-support-show up-benefit and disseminate Teacher’s Good practices.