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CCC. Kane-Ellis-Ellie-Sheridan. What is the CCC?. Purpose= was to relieve wide-spread unemployment existing among youth of the nation and at the same time to provide a program to restore the nation’s natural resources. Organized in March & April of 1933 Most Popular New Deal Projects
CCC Kane-Ellis-Ellie-Sheridan
What is the CCC? • Purpose= was to relieve wide-spread unemployment existing among youth of the nation and at the same time to provide a program to restore the nation’s natural resources. • Organized in March & April of 1933 • Most Popular New Deal Projects • March 31st, 1933, congress passed the law which created what is known as the Emergency Conservation Work Program. • Motto= “We can take it!”
Description • As part of the New Deal legislation proposed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the CCC was designed to aid relief of the unemployment resulting from the Great Depression, while at the same time implementing a general natural resource conservation program on federal, state, county and municipal lands in every U.S. state. (Including the territories of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.)
Typical Enrollee • U.S. Citizen • Unmarried • Unemployed • 18-20 years old Male • Each enrollee volunteered then upon passing a physical exam and/or period of conditioning , was required to serve a minimum 6 month period with the option to serve as much as 2 years.
Enrollee continued • 40 hours a week for 5 days • Sometimes worked on Saturdays depending on the weather • Received $30.00 a month with a compulsory allotment $22-25 sent to a family dependent. • Food • Clothing • Medical Care
Where? • Each CCC camp was located in the general area of particular conservation work to be performed, and organized around a compliment of up to 200 civilian enrollees in a designated numbered “company” unit. • On April 17th 1933 the first camp, NF-1, Camp Roosevelt, was established at George Washington National Forest near Luray, Virginia.
What was in the camps? Each camp was structured to generally have: • barracks for 50 enrollees each • officers/technical staff quarters • medical dispensary • mess hall • recreational hall • education building • lavatory & showers • technical/administrative offices • tool room/blacksmith shop • motor pool garages
Program Expansion • Responding to the favorable public opinion to alleviate unemployment Congress passed the “Emergency Relief Appropriation Act” of 1935 on April 8th, 1935. • It continued funding for the CCC program through March 31st, 1937. • The age limit was expanded to 18-28 to include more men. • Also, went on to provide disaster relief.
More changes • June 28th, 1937 the CCC was legally established, transferred from its original designation as the Emergency Conservation Work Program. • Funding was also extended for 3 more years. • Congress changed the age limits from 17-23 years old and eliminated the requirements that enrollees be on relief, instead “not regularly in attendance at school, or possessing full time employment.”
Did it help TGD? • Effects of service in the CCC were felt for years and decades long afterwards. • Was under constant expansion with providing people across the nation with jobs. • The program had been reduced in operations as the Depression slowly went on and employment opportunities improved. • Served as a good “crutch” to help American and its economy get up and walking again.
Things accomplished • 97,000 miles of fire roads built • 4,235,000 man-days devoted to fighting fires • over 3 billion trees planted • 7,153,000 man days expended on protecting the natural habitats of wildlife (83 camps in 15 Western states assigned 45 projects of that nature) • 46 camps assigned to work under the direction of the U.S. Bureau of Agriculture Engineering • Over 3,470 fire towers erected • 1,240,000 man-days of emergency work completed during floods of the Ohio and Mississippi valleys • Forest improvement • Built: campgrounds, picnic shelters, swimming pools, fireplaces, restrooms, etc. • Timberline Lodge was constructed as a Works Progress Administration project between 1936-1938.
Criticisms • There were many reasons why Congress refused to establish the Civilian Conservation Corps as a permanent agency. • However, failure to recognize the organization’s success, were never topics of debate. • Following Pearl Harbor, it became quite obvious that any federal projects not directly related to the war effort was in jeopardy. • A joint committee of Congress recommended that the CCC be abolished by July 1st, 1942.
CCC + Workplace • After TGD ,when the job market picked up, business men indicated a preference for hiring a man who had been in the CCC. • Employers believed that anyone who had been in the CCC would know what a full day’s work meant, and how to carry out orders in a disciplined way.
Africans in the CCC • Black membership in the CCC was set at 10% of the overall membership. • When the CCC began many states, particularly in the south, passed over qualified black applicants to enroll whites. • Black CCC enrollees routinely faced hostile local communities, endured the racist attitudes of individual CCC, Army & Forest Service supervisors, and found limited opp. For assuming leadership positions within the CCC’s administrative structure.
Bibliography • http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Niytd-WU4_Y/R3_S0worikI/AAAAAAAAANA/xf-Jb8Is_KU/s400/Ccc_pillow.jpg • http://www.museumofthesoldier.com/ccc_history.htm • http://www.flickr.com/photos/osucommons/3226003633/in/set-72157613061881243/ (x7) • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_Conservation_Corps • http://www.weasner.com/vacations/alaska_2003/alaska-flag.gif • http://www.hawaii1st.com/images/hawaii_flag.gif • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/flags/puertorico/flagbig.GIF • http://www.boxingfitnesscenter.com/images/Flag_of_the_United_States_Virgin_Islands.png • https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/graphics/flags/large/us-lgflag.gif • http://www.nyscccmuseum.com/cccworker.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CCC_constructing_road.gif • http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/usa/virginia/images/state-flag-virginia.jpg • http://techbuddha.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/nobody_knows_you.jpg • http://newdeal.feri.org/images/c01a.gif • http://texascccparks.org/assets/images/571x/abilene-concrete-patio-006.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timberline_Lodge • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qolPqXNGW3I&NR=1 • http://digital.library.okstate.edu/encyclopedia/entries/C/CI012.html • http://www.wecantakeit.org/ • http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/ccc/