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Determination of Systematic Error in Dualfluoroscopy for Validation of Cartilage Deformation. Nicholas Held Supervisor: Dr. Janet L Ronsky Research Team: Dr. Gregor Kuntze , Dr. Gulshan Sharma, Dr. Jill Beveridge and Emily Bishop. Significance. Osteoarthritis
Determination of Systematic Error in Dualfluoroscopy for Validation of Cartilage Deformation Nicholas Held Supervisor: Dr. Janet L Ronsky Research Team: Dr. GregorKuntze, Dr. Gulshan Sharma, Dr. Jill Beveridge and Emily Bishop
Significance • Osteoarthritis • Imaging System limitations • Less than 0.5 mm • Validation of the Dual Fluoroscopy • Verification (for future studies) “Synchronized, bi-planar systems are not currently available on the market, and cannot be easily set up in clinics” –(Tersi et al., 2013) “In order to reliably quantify in vivo bone motion, the systematic error of these tracking techniques should be evaluated”-(Miranda et al., 2012)
Hypothesis • 0.277 mm detectable difference =(16in/1470 pixels)25.4mm/in=0.02765 “Marker based tracking was shown to effectively track motion to within 0.1 mm” –(Miranda et al., 2012)
Background • OA on the rise • Optical Motion Capture • XROMM-X-Ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology • Understand limitations • Steel Balls, Cluster Centroids
Research Plan • Gold Standard Instrumentation • Grid system • 30 steps at 0.05mm= 1.5 mm • Digitizing the points • Data Analysis • Statistics
Results Mean noise of 0.055 +/- 0.003 mm
Further Work • XROMM matching • Determining scintillator imaging error
Acknowledgements • Dr. Janet Ronsky • The research team of Dr. Gulshan Sharma, Dr. GregorKnutze, Dr. Jill Beveridge and Emily Bishop • NARETI Exchange Program
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