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Disclaimer. This is a technical session that contain non-technical content. Get relaxed so to get ready for some details. We will have fun because we will take seriously. Build a Security Intelligence Center ( SiC ). Know your enemy tactics and motives Ahmed A. Selim

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  1. Disclaimer This is a technical session that contain non-technical content. Get relaxed so to get ready for some details. We will have fun because we will take seriously

  2. Build a Security Intelligence Center (SiC) Know your enemy tactics and motives Ahmed A. Selim Information Security Consultant

  3. Bottom Line How to boost your SoC activity efficiency by introducing a set of intelligence techniques That’s All 

  4. Overview Defensive Attacker Reactive Sword Offensive Analyst Shield Proactive

  5. Good must win!

  6. May the force be with you • What we really need….. We need a move SoC SiC Security operation Center Security intelligence Center

  7. The Answer ? Be bad - Poison the Honey

  8. Honeypots • “Honeypot is an information system resource whose value lies in unauthorized or illicit use of that resource” KYE- Know Your Enemy • “Honeypot a trap set to detect, deflect, or in some manner counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems.” Wiki • “Honeypot is system that through lot of log, that need us to analyze for predicting attacker action, analyze malware or preforming attack …!” The speaker

  9. Types of Honeypots • Low-interaction • Emulates services, applications, and OS’s • Low risk and easy to deploy/maintain • But capture limited information – attackers’ activities are contained to what the emulated systems allow • High-interaction • Real services, applications, and OS’s • Capture extensive information, but high risk and time intensive to maintain • Can capture new, unknown, or unexpected behavior

  10. Uses of Honeypots • Preventing attacks • Automated attacks – (e.g. worms) • “Sticky honeypots” monitor unused IP spaces, and slows down the attacker when probed • Human attacks • Confuse the attackers, making them waste their time and resources • Detecting attacks • Traditional IDSs generate too much logs, large percentage of false positives and false negatives • Traditional IDSs may be ineffective in IPv6 or encrypted environment • Honeypots generate small data, reduce both false positives and false negatives

  11. Uses of Honeypots • Responding to attacks • Responding to a failure/attack requires in-depth information about the attacker • If a production system is hacked (e.g. mail server) it can’t be brought offline to analyze • Honeypots can be easily brought offline for analysis, while production not. • Research purposes • Research honeypots collect information on threats. • Attacking purposes • Simulating legal service for legal users 

  12. Data Control • Mitigate risk of honeynet • being used to harm non-honeynet systems • Tradeoff • need to provide freedom to attacker to learn about him • More freedom – greater risk that the system will be compromised • Some controlling mechanisms • Restrict outbound connections (e.g. limit to 1) • IDS (Snort-Inline) • Bandwidth Throttling

  13. No Data Control Data Control

  14. Honeypot Theory Control & Capture

  15. Data Capture • Capture all activity at a variety of levels. • Network activity. • Application activity. • System activity. • Issues • No captured data should be stored locally on the honeypot • No data pollution should contaminate • Admin should be able to remotely view honeynet activity in real time • Must use unified time zone

  16. Data Control • Mitigate risk of honeynet • being used to harm non-honeynet systems • Tradeoff • need to provide freedom to attacker to learn about him • More freedom – greater risk that the system will be compromised • Some controlling mechanisms • Restrict outbound connections (e.g. limit to 1) • IDS (Snort-Inline) • Bandwidth Throttling

  17. How It Works • A highly controlled network • where every packet entering or leaving is monitored, captured, and analyzed. • Should satisfy two critical requirements: • Data Control: defines how activity is contained within the honeynet, without an attacker knowing it • Data Capture: logging all of the attacker’s activity without the attacker knowing it • Data control has priority over data capture

  18. Types of Deployments • Gen-I (1999): • served as a proof of concept and were very simple to deploy. • basic mechanisms for fulfilling data control and capture requirements. • Data Control through reveres firewall • Data Collection through IDS

  19. Types of Deployments • Gen-II (2002): • improved a lot of honeypot features where it provide a high level of interaction with a malicious user • Data Control replace reveres firewall with honeywall • Data Collection using different techniques

  20. Do The Right!

  21. Control, Capture, Analysis & Act • Control • Honeywall/IPTables • Capture • User-Mode Linux – UML • Honeyd • Analysis • PicViz • Hflaw2 • Act • Honey snap • Honeysink • Nebula/Honeycomb

  22. Capture: User-Mode Linux - UML • Opensource virtualization solution • Limited to Linux only • Sandbox • Self contained virtual honeypot • Can be used with image of existing Filesystem • Need tool to capture traffic (ex: Snort ,system logs)

  23. Capture: User-Mode Linux - UML Booting Halting

  24. Capture: Honeyd • Opensoure low-interactive honeypot. • One of the active projects. • Simulate wide range of systems & service: • Read Nmaposfigureprint format /usr/share/nmap/nmap-os-db /usr/share/honeyd/nmap.print • Emulate multi-vendor service: /usr/share/honeyd/scripts/ • Let’s Configure….

  25. Capture: generator.sh • Generator.sh, is part of Ohoneynet project. • Simple tool to create a low-interagtionHoneynet (upto 254 node) in seconds. • Distributed under opensource license

  26. Analysis

  27. Logs…Logs…Logs • Info Sec = logs  • Need a way to visualize logs instead of analyzing raw logs • Logs dimensions…? Answer Parallel Coordinate 6D 4D 5D

  28. Analysis: PicViz • The simplest visualization method • No need for excessive data processing • Only need to know PGDL (PicViz Graphic Description Language) sudo pcv -Tpngcairo apache.log -r -a -o apache.png • Lets Check it.....

  29. The web server is being used all the time, no difference between daytime and nighttime • Only two protocols are being used (that are HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0) • Six request types were used. While GET is the main one, there are other interesting requests that we could investigate • One request type (actually GET) covers fully the URL axis while other request types seems to cover only a subset.

  30. Act: Honeycomb • Automated IDS signature generator • Plugin integrates with Honeyd • Signatures are generated /tmp/honeycomb.log • Lets generate.....

  31. Raping Up • SoC is good idea but we need intelligence for fast response • Being a good guy doesn’t mean you don’t think badly • Honeypot is a good technique but need good care

  32. Ohoneynet • Project sponsored by Lognitive.com • Create a honeypot framework • Framework: offer Control, Capture & analysis • Finally with User friendly GUI

  33. Ahmed A. Selim ahmed.s3lim@gmail.com Ohoneynet Project Lognitive.net

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