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Welcome Back to Science!. January 30, 2012. Do NOW!!!!. ***THIS MUST GO IN YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK! MAKE SURE YOU LABEL AND DATE THIS “DO NOW!” What do you think is the most important organelle in the cell? Why? Name two organelles that occur in plant cells but not animal cells.
Welcome Back to Science! January 30, 2012
Do NOW!!!! ***THIS MUST GO IN YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK! MAKE SURE YOU LABEL AND DATE THIS “DO NOW!” • What do you think is the most important organelle in the cell? Why? • Name two organelles that occur in plant cells but not animal cells. • Tell me something really interesting you learned while I was out.
Agenda 01/30 • Science Notebook Check on FRIDAY 02/03 • Review Classroom Policies & Procedures • Science Fair Projects—Due TODAY! • I will still accept through the week with point deductions • Presentations Start tomorrow—unless you want to present today • Introduction to Protists • What is a Protist? • What are the different types? • How are they alike? How are they different? • Why exactly do we need to know this? • Test Corrections: Due on Wednesday 02/01
Mrs. Ward’s Classroom Policies & Procedures A review since we have been apart for so long….
When you get to class… • Enter quietly • Sit down in your assigned seat as quickly as possible. • If the desk are moved (which I do frequently based on the day’s activities) find an available seat. This is a free day and I am allowing you to choose your seat. • Start on your DO NOW! There should be no talking! • WHEN THE SECOND BELL RINGS, IF YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR SEAT YOU ARE TARDY!!!
Bathroom Policy • Once a week during science • Don’t ask if: • You’ve already been this week • You don’t have an agenda • Mrs. Ward is teaching (aka “on the rock”) • Bathroom Policy includes Lockers and Water Fountain Breaks as well
Phones, Music, & Food • Use some common sense. If I see it, I am going to take it. I do not want to take your things, so please don’t make me. I have let too many people get away with eating and listening to music. • Food—I am going to throw it in the trash and it is gone forever. • Phone/iPod—You can get it at the end of the day or your parent/guardian can come get it • I am going to start finding academic activities that allow you to use your phone technology. I can only do this if students do not abuse this privilege.
Dress Code • Please follow the dress code. It is my responsibility to make sure you are doing so. I do not want to be a “nag” about your shirts and hoodies. • You know the dress code. Don’t make me remind you constantly. Is it really that hard to tuck in a shirt?
Transitions/Group Work • Quietly and Quickly…otherwise we will be forced to only do individual work and lectures. How boring is that? • Labs…You should be on exceptional behavior.
5-4-3-2-1Countdown • When you hear me start the 5-4-3-2-1 countdown… • CLOSE YOUR MOUTH • STOP MOVING • EYES ON ME • AWAIT DIRECTIONS • Let’s PRACTICE!
Other General Guidelines I should not remind you… • STAY IN YOUR SEAT. If you need to get up or have a problem, just raise your hand and ask. I am very flexible with your needs. • DON’T TALK WHEN I AM “ON THE ROCK.” • The constant interruptions are making it very difficult to get through the lesson and onto individual and group work.
Other General Guidelines I should not remind you… • SERIOUSLY…I should not even have to say not to throw things. SERIOUSLY. • DO NOT YELL OUT…EVEN if it is related to science class!!!! I want to hear from you, but not when you are calling out.
FINALLY…Yes, Finally… • I dismiss the class, not the bell. • Stay in your seats and sit quietly until I dismiss you. • I will not write passes if you are late to your next class because you are being held.
UPDATES What you need to know
New stuff while I was out… • My wiki is finally up and operational • The address is: http://annaward.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/ • I’m working hard to make this a cool space for our class • Go check it out! • Parent letters • Easy 100 quiz grade • Return ASAP • No later than Friday, 02/03
Science Fair Projects • Due today • If you want to present today, raise your hand • 5 presentations a day until we are done! • Students in my Cougar Time will present during CT • Take 3-5 minutes to tell us about your project • Remember, an accompanying Power Point or Prezi earns you 5 EXTRA POINTS!
Presenting Tomorrow: • Cougar Time: • Luis, Ana D., Ahriana, Kevin, Evan • 2nd Block: • Charles, Diamond, Mariah, Sarah, Dianelys • 3rd Block: • Brian, Alex, Ana A., Alfie, Jonathan C. • 4th Block: • Arlette, Nora, Emanuel, Hemerson, Quinasia • 5th Block: • Shikim, Jaly, Tyana, Jakel, Atif
Introduction to Protists So what is a protist anyway?
A protist is…(write down the stuff in blue in your science notebook) • Protists belong to the Kingdom Protista, which includesmostlysingle-celled organisms that do not fit into the other kingdoms. Characteristics of Protists: • mostly unicellular, some are multicellular (algae) • most live in water (though some live in moist soil or even the human body) • ALL are eukaryotic (have a nucleus)
How are they classified? Protista = the very first Classification of Protists: • how they obtain nutrition (How they eat!) • how they move
We will be studying 4 types of protists: • Amoeba • Paramecium • Euglena • Volvox
Amoeba • An amoeba Moves using “false feet” or pseudopodia • Eats food by surrounding and engulfing it • Does not make its own food (heterotroph) • Movie of an amoeba eating: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojrkxmD6tT8 • Movie of an amoeba moving: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pR7TNzJ_pA&feature=fvwp
Paramecium • Moves using hair-like Cilia • Has two nuclei • Ingests through a mouth pore • Stores food in food vacuole • Releases waste through an anal pore • Heterotroph like the amoeba • Paramecium moving & eating: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS0f82ZJtvk&feature=related
Euglena • Characteristics of both plants & animals • Has chloroplasts to produce food through photosynthesis (autotrophic) • Has light sensitive eye spot • Can also surround & engulf food • Has whip-like flagellum for movement • Video of Euglena: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHZZKwrYm4g
Volvox • A type of algae • Actually form large spherical (like a ball) colonies of single-celled organisms • AS MANY AS 50,000 in one colony! • Although they are all individual organisms, they work together to act like one multicellular organism • Can digest food (heterotroph) as well as produce their own food through photosynthesis (autotroph) • Have flagellafor movement • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He9FSeGRi3A&feature=related
Test Corrections…Due WED! • Please make corrections on your test in a different color ink. • Turn it in for 10 additional points on your test. • I will give students a chance to retake the test in class. • Once again, it is due on WEDNESDAY.
3-2-1 Ticket out the Door • In your science notebook (remember…I am checking on Friday) please write down the following: 01/30/12 3 Things you Learned Today 2 Things you are still confused about 1 Thing you would like to know more about