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ITEP Seminar, 18 Nov 2009. Exotic charmonium-like states in B decays. Roman Mizuk, ITEP. Conventional Charmonium in Quark Model. c. c. Above open charm threshold broad states are expected. n (2S+1) L J n radial quantum number J = S + L P = (–1) L+1 parity
ITEP Seminar, 18 Nov 2009 Exotic charmonium-like states in B decays Roman Mizuk, ITEP
Conventional Charmonium in Quark Model c c Above open charm threshold broad states are expected n(2S+1)LJ n radial quantum number J = S + L P = (–1)L+1parity C = (–1)L+Scharge conj. Below open charmthreshold most states are narrow
B-factories e+e–→(4S) and nearby continuum: Ecms ~ 10.6 GeV L ~ 1034/cm2/s 950 + 530 fb-1 in total
Outline • X(3872) • States near 3940 MeV • Z(4430) and Z1(4050) & Z2(4250)
Reconstruction of B decays • In (4S) decays B are produced almost at rest. • ∆E = Ei - ECM/2Signal peaks at 0. • Mbc = { (ECM/2)2 - (Pi)2}1/2Signal peaks at B mass (5.28GeV). B0J/ KS ∆E, GeV Mbc, GeV
CP X(3872) B→Xsγ 479 Belle citation count 451 330 Phys.Rev.Lett.91262001, (2003) 6th anniversary!
pp collisions PRL91,262001 (2003) X(3872) was observed by Belle in ′ B+ → K+ X(3872) → J/ψπ+π- X(3872) Confirmed by CDF, D0 and BaBar. …recent signals of X(3872) → J/ψπ+π- B+ → K+ X(3872) PRL103,152001(2009) PRL93,162002(2004) arXiv:0809.1224 PRD 77,111101 (2008)
Mass & Width M = 3871.550.20 MeV,Γ < 2.3 MeV (90% C.L.) Close to D*0D0 threshold: m = -0.250.40 MeV.
Branching Fraction PRL96,052002(2006) B K Xcc studied using missing mass technique. reconstructed K Xcc B missing mass (4S) reconstructed B 90%C.L. Br(X(3872) J/+ -) > 2.5%
Radiative Decays & J/ hep-ex/0505037 J/ CX = +1 PRL102,132001(2009) ′ J/ m (J/), MeV m (′), MeV Evidence for X(3872) → J/+-0 hep-ex/0505037 M(+-0) is peaked at kinematic boundary subthreshold production of +-0 also CX = +1
+- system from X(3872) J/+- B(X(3872) J/) B(X(3872) J/) ~1 CX = + C(+-) = – (|+1,-1– |-1,+1) ( r ) Isospin (+-) = 1 L(+-) = 1 +- system has IJPC quantum numbers of 0. Mass of +- PRL96,102002(2006) hep-ex/0505038 L=0 L=1 M (+-) is well described by 0→+- (CDF: + small interfering →+-). Large isospin violation.
Spin & Parity PRL98,132002(2007) Angular analyses by Belle and CDF excluded JP = 1++ 0++, 0+-, 0-+,1-+ ,1+-, 1--, 2++, 2-- , 2+-, 3--, 3+- 2-+ 1-- 0++ Only two possibilities JP =1++ and 2-+. 2-+ is disfavored by Observation of D*D decay centrifugal barrier at the threshold Br(X → ′ γ) / Br(X → J/γ) ~3multipole suppression 1++ are favorite quantum numbers for X(3872) 2-+ is not excluded.
B K D0D*0 D*→Dγ PRL97,162002,2006 6.4σ D*→D0π0 605 fb-1 B K D0D00 1.4σ PDG Flatte vs BW similar result: 8.8σ New Belle vs. BaBar: ~2σ difference PRD77,011102,2008 B+& B0D0D*0K 4.9σ 347fb-1 arXiv:0810.0358 X(3875) X(3872)?
X(3872) Experimental Summary Br(X D*0D0) Br(X J/+-) ~10 JPC = 1++ (2-+ not excluded) MJ/ = 3871.550.20 MeV Γ < 2.3 MeV (90% C.L.) Close to D*0D0 threshold: m = -0.250.40 MeV. Decay modes: Br(X(3872) J/0) > 2.5% J/ J/ J/ D*0D0 0.14 0.05
Interpretation: Charmonium? 3872 JPC = 1++c1′ (23P1) • Γ (c1′→ J/ψγ) / Γ (c1′→ J/ψπ+π-) • expect 30 • measure 0.140.05 JPC = 2-+ηc2 (11D2) Expected to decay into light hadronsrather than into isospin violating mode. X(3872) is not conventional charmonium.
Tetraquark? PRD71,031501,2005 B0 B- X(3872)– X(3872)– M(J/π–π0) M(J/π–π0) PRD71,014028(2005) Maiani, Polosa, Riquer, Piccini; Ebert, Faustov, Galkin; … [cq][cq] Charged partners of X(3872) should exist. Two neutral states ∆M=(83)MeV,one populate B+ decay, the other B0. No evidence for X–(3872) J/–0 excludes isovector hypothesis
B0 vs. B+ B0→XK0s 5.9 M(J/) arXiv:0809.1224 605 fb-1 PRD 77,111101 (2008) [413 fb-1] = (2.7 ± 1.6 ±0.4) MeV 2.3σ M(J/) No evidence for X(3872) neutral partner in B0 decay.
Two overlapping peaks in J/+- mode? PRL103,152001(2009) No evidence for two peaks m < 3.2 MeV at 90% C.L. Tetraquarks are not supportedby any experimental evidence for existence of X(3872) charged or neutral partners.
March 1976 MX = 3871.55 0.20 MeV (MD*0 + MD0) = 3871.80 0.35 MeV BES III can improve on this November 1976 D0D*0 molecule? Swanson, Close, Page; Voloshin; Kalashnikova, Nefediev; Braaten; Simonov, Danilkin ... m = -0.250.40 MeV Weakly bound S-wave D*0D0 system D*0D0 molecule can reconcile X(3872) signals in D*0D0 and J/+- modes. Bound state Virtual state D0D00 If EX goes positive … J/+- D0D00 J/+- D*0D0
B(X(3872) J/) B(X(3872) J/) ~1 B(X(3872) ) B(X(3872) J/) ~3 D0D*0 molecule Large isospin violation due to 8MeV differencebetween D*+D- and D*0D0 thresholds. Similar ratio is expected for c1 decays c1 admixture? Large production rate in B decays and at TEVATRON c1? Bound or virtual? c1 admixture? Analysis of data Yu.S.Kalashnikova, A.V.Nefediev arXiv:0907.4901 Belle data: bound state with ~ 30% admixture of c1. BaBar : virtual state with ~ no c1 admixture. ~2 difference Present statistics is insufficient to constrain theory?
There are other similar analyses which differ in the fit functions: Braaten, Stapleton Zhang, Meng, Zheng arXiv: 0907.3167 0901.1553 Steve Olsen “Charmed Exotics 2009” theorists here should agree on the proper form & then experimenters should use it in a proper unbinned fit
B K X(3872) ~90 events arXiv:0809.1224 605 fb-1 Very weak K*(892) bg signal Br(BJ/ K*0) Br(BJ/ KNR) ~4
DD* molecular models for the X(3872) attribute its production & decays charmonium to an admixture of c1′ in the wave fcn. But BKX(3872) is very different from BK charmonium. KX3872 Kc1 K′ Belle arXiv 0809.0124 Belle arXiv 0809.0124 Belle PRD 74 072004 M(K) M(K) KJ/ Kc M(K) Belle F.Fang Thesis BaBar PRD 71 032005 M(K) M(K)
The states near 3940 MeV-circa 2005- Z(3930) X(3940) Y(3940) DD e+e- J/ DD* BKJ/ Probably the c2’ M(J/) M(DD) M(DD*) M = 3929±5±2 MeV tot = 29±10±2 MeV Nsig =64 ± 18evts M≈3940 ± 11 MeV ≈ 92 ± 24 MeV M = 3942 +7± 6 MeV tot = 37 +26 ±12 MeV Nsig =52 +24 ± 11evts -6 -15 -16 PRL 96, 082003 PRL94, 182002 (2005) PRL 100, 202001
Y(3940) DD* ? BKDD* 3940 MeV 3940 MeV
X(3940)J/? e+e-J/ + ( J/) PRL 98, 082001
Y(3940) confirmed by BaBar B±K±J/ B0KSJ/ ratio J) PRL 101, 082001 Some discrepancy in M & ; general features agree
Belle-BaBar direct comparison Same binning (Belle published result : 253 fb-1) 492fb-1 Belle will update with the complete (4S) date set later this Fall
Y(3915)J/ from Belle M: 3914 3 2MeV, : 23 10 +2-8 MeV, Nres = 55 14 +2-14 events Signif. = 7.7, 7.7 preliminary Probably the same as the Belle/BaBar Y(3915)
cc assignments forX(3940) & y(3915)? _ c’’’ c” c0’ 3940MeV 3915MeV • Y(3915) = co’? (J/) too large? • X(3940) = c”? mass too low?
Z(4430) and Z1(4050) & Z2(4250) Smoking guns for charmed exotics: u c c d
BK ’ (in Belle) M2(+’) ?? K*(1430)K+-? K*(892)K+- M2(K+-)
The Z(4430)± ±’ peak BK+’ evts near M(’)4430 MeV M() GeV M2(±’) GeV2 Z(4430) M(±’) GeV M2() GeV2 “K* Veto”
Could the Z(4430) be due to a reflection from the K channel?
Cos vs M2(’) ’ K +1.0 22 GeV2 (4.43)2GeV2 0.25 M2(’) cos 16 GeV2 -1.0 M (’)& cosare tightly correlated; a peak in cos peak in M(’)
S- P- & D-waves cannot make a peak (+ nothing else) at cos≈0.25 not without introducing other, even more dramatic features at other cos (i.e., other M’) values.
BaBar doesn’t see a significant Z(4430)+ “For the fit … equivalent to the Belle analysis…we obtain mass & width values that are consistent with theirs,… but only ~1.9s from zero; fixing mass and width increases this to only ~3.1s.” Belle PRL: (4.1±1.0±1.4)x10-5
Reanalysis of Belle’s BKpy’ data using Dalitz Plot techniques
2-body isobar model for Kpy’ Our default model K*y’ B K2*y’ Kpy’ KZ+
Results with no KZ+ term 2 1 3 1 2 4 5 C B A 3 4 A B 5 C fit CL=0.1% 51
Results with a KZ+ term 2 1 B 2 3 4 5 A 1 3 4 C B C A 5 fit CL=36%
Compare with PRL results K* veto applied With Z(4430) Signif: 6.4s Published results Without Z(4430) Mass & significance similar, width & errors are larger BaBar: Belle: = (3.2+1.8+9.6 )x10-5 0.9-1.6 No big contradiction
Variations on a theme Z(4430)+ significance Others: Blatt f-f term 0r=1.6fm4fm; Z+ spin J=0J=1; incl K* in the bkg fcn
The Z1(4050)+ & Z2(4250)+p+cc1 peaks PRD 78,072004 (2008)