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Earth Science Missions and Opportunities for the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch

Earth Science Missions and Opportunities for the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch. Mark Schoeberl. Missions and HQ. There appears to be a lot of confusion at HQ about new missions Mike Freilich wants to stick to the Decadal Survey (DS) mission set

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Earth Science Missions and Opportunities for the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch

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  1. Earth Science Missions and Opportunities for the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch Mark Schoeberl

  2. Missions and HQ • There appears to be a lot of confusion at HQ about new missions • Mike Freilich wants to stick to the Decadal Survey (DS) mission set • Some new money to begin work on Phase A for IceSat II and SMAP • NASA studies suggest that DS mission costs are too low by 1.5-2x • Griffin is openly hostile to doing Earth Science missions because it would take money from Exploration • Stern (from the planetary side) can’t understand why we are so expensive - GSFC is responding to this. • Lost of pressure from everywhere to have NASA do more Earth Science • Change in Administration will probably help • What are our instrument strengths • UV-Vis (ACAM, Geo-Spec) • What else can we do? • OSSE’s for Geo or Leo missions • Need to define the goal of the OSSE • Simulate what the instrument will see • Determine if the information useful for assimilation • Figure out what else needs to be measured

  3. Decadal Survey Missions & Venture Class Other NPOESS mission opportunities…

  4. NAS Missions

  5. Mission Type: Decadal Survey, mid time frame Mission Lead: GSFC Mission Goals: Sources, transport, and chemistry of atmospheric pollution Coastal ocean dynamics and biophysics Notional Payload: Medium-resolution (7 km) scanning UV-Vis spectrometer Very high-resolution (300 m) programmable UV-Vis-NIR imager CO imager in reflected sunlight and thermal emission Key Themes: Target processes occur rapidly at small scales: 1-3 hour sampling. Terrestrial biosphere objectives should be included. Very high-resolution, geosynchronous multi-disciplinary observatory is a shared resource for regular observations, special observing studies, and emergencies. Status: HQ mission studies (GeoMAC and integrated #5) done Cost: $0.55 to 1.3B Launch: 2013-2016 Contact: stephan.r.kawa@nasa.gov Competition/collaboration: Langley - competing for atmos. component JPL - compete for hi-res (ocean) imager? CSA- provide CO detector? Center Support (IRAD’08): Optics and detector testing; pointing system design study; science requirements definition. HQ Support: Workshop/working group being discussed Next Steps/Issues: Mission too expensive Explore GeoQuikRide Refine discipline requirements Science Leads: Kawa, Janz, Pickering, Mannino, Middleton, Bhartia, Gleason, Rodriguez 8ºx8º Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events Mission (GEO-CAPE)

  6. Mission Type: Decadal Survey (2016-2020) Mission Lead: GSFC Instruments #1 a/o 2 (below) could be built at GSFC Mission Goals: Ozone Recovery Intercontinental transport of pollution Notional Payload: Limb-viewing Microwave Spectrometer (JPL) UV/VIS Spectrometer (GSFC) SWIR & TIR Spectrometer (Lockheed) Key Themes: Use the limb instrument to study the upper troposphere and the stratosphere. Use UV/VIS to study to study O3, SO2, NO2, HCHO and aerosols. O3 and HCHO measurements may be enhanced by using SWIR/TIR channels. Use SWIR/TIR to study CO. Status: HQ mission studies considered both SSO and non-SSO Cost: $1B+ Launch: 2018 Contact: P. K. Bhartia (pawan.bhartia@nasa.gov) Competition/collaboration: JPL - TES team is designing a interferometer to cover UV to TIR bands. KNMI/NL- may provide UV/VIS instrument CSA - may provide the CO instrument Center Support (IRAD’08): Design of a high spatial resolution UV/VIS spectrometer to determine plume height by stereo viewing. HQ Support: HQ POC - Jucks, Hilsenrath Next Steps/Issues: Mission too expensive explore using limb IR instrument instead of limb-microwave or keeping microwave vertical resolution same as Aura/MLS Mission Science Definition Team: Herman, Joiner, Chance, Torres, Krotkov, Gleason, Duncan, Pickering, Janz, Livesy, Jacob Global Atmospheric Composition Mission Mission (GACM) NO2 over India

  7. Non Decadal Survey Missions

  8. Mission Justification/Type: Obligation to Congress – Monitor stratospheric constituents Mission Lead: GSFC Mission Goals: Ozone & important constituent monitoring Ozone hole recovery monitoring Upper tropospheric changes Notional Payload Status HQ PPT Report, presentation Science team leads Jackman,Walker,Zawodny,Pilewskie,McCormick,Bernath,Schoeberl,Melo,Prather Cost: $120 - 200M LRD: 2013 Collaboration: GSFC – Overall mission management, Project Scientist ARC - Build/buy spacecraft & integration LaRC – Refurbish SAGE III CSA – Build ACE II, no cost to NASA Center support - ? HQ Support - ? Next steps/Issues Is HQ interested in monitoring stratosphere? Need IMDC study for cost evaluation Could involve Naval Research Laboratory (NRL); may be able to provide Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM IV) at no cost to NASA NOAA provide TSIS? GSFC Contact: C. Jackman HQ Contact: E. Hilsenrath Chemical and Aerosol satellite Sounding System (CASS) CASS is modeled on the Canadian SCISAT * Optional instrument since Sun-pointing

  9. Mission Justification/Type: Venture Class High risk-reward science objective Complementary to GEO-CAPE Decadal Survey Mission Mission Lead: GSFC-Ames collaboration Mission Goals: Demonstrate ability to determine air pollution sources, transport, and chemical transformations from geosynchronous orbit. Measure O3 near the Earth surface at high temporal/spatial resolution over North America Notional Payload: Piggy-back spacecraft and launch to be provided by commercial communication satellite Status ARC-GSFC mission summary, presentation to HQ 12/07 Cost: $180M (est.) LRD: 2013 Science Team Leads: S. R. Kawa (GSFC 613.3), R. B. Chatfield (ARC) Contact: S. Randy Kawa, stephan.r.kawa@nasa.gov 301/614-6004 Competition/collaboration: Include LaRC, science community analysis Center support needed (IRAD) UV instrument testing (GSFC) Determine commercial vendor for launch/bus (ARC) Design, build, and test NIR O3 detector (ARC/LMATC) HQ Support: Venture Mission AO Next steps/Issues Finding a ride to Geo High altitude aircraft instrument and retrieval algorithm demo needed Measurement Approach Difference between solar IR total column and UV partial column is most sensitive to O3 near the surface. Geo-View

  10. Other Relevant Missions

  11. Mission Justification/Type: First demonstration of Global Hawk UAS. Funded by HQ Airborne Sciences Mission Lead: GSFC Mission Goals: Aura Validation Investigation of polar ozone depletion on the NH mid-latitudes Estimating the cross-Pacific transport of air pollution and aerosols Studying atmospheric rivers and their impact on the U. S. West Coast Notional Payload H2O, O3, Long-lived gases (GC), Aerosols: (0.008 - 2µm & 0.09 - 1µm), Cirrus ice particles, UV-Vis spectrometer, Meteor. Obs., dropsondes, cloud lidar, Vis-IR imager Status Funded, to be flow Mar.-Apr. 2009 Science team leads Project scientists: Paul Newman & David Fahey Collaboration: GSFC – Project Scientist, flight planning, instruments ARC - ESPO Dryden - GH platform NOAA - project scientist, instruments NCAR - dropsonde Center support - none HQ Support - yes Next steps/Issues Will GH be flight ready by Feb. 2009 Enough time for integration Can instruments produce real time data for demo purposes GSFC Contact: P. Newman HQ Contact: H. Maring Aura Validation Experiment on an Unmanned Aircraft System (AVE-UAS)

  12. Mission Type: Decadal Survey, 2nd group Mission Lead: GSFC Mission Goals: Accurately Map sources and sinks of atmospheric CO2 with global coverage, 1-2 ppmV resolution Notional Payload: 3 band lidar (all operate continuously): CO2 absorption measurements at 1572 nm, pulsed O2 (atmospheric pressure) measurements at 765 nm Surface height and aerosol profiles at ~1060 nm ~500 km circular polar orbit Key Themes: Mapping CO2 mixing ratio to improve understanding (spatial distribution & dynamics) of CO2 sinks Significant extension to initial samples made with OCO Approach offers continuous measurements day and night, all seasons & over oceans Measurements to cloud tops, through cirrus clouds and over oceans Status: Prior work in DDF, IRAD, ESTO ATI and IIP programs Demonstrated CO2 field measurements & O2 from lab Mission Cost: ~500M$ Launch: 2013-2016 Contact: james.abshire@gsfc.nasa.gov Competition/collaboration: Competition: ITT & Berrien Moore - CW approach at 1570 nm JPL - CW approach at 2 um Collaborations: Wofsy (Harvard), Fung (Berkeley), Denning, OBrien (CO State), Randerson (UC) ESA (ASCOPE mission) - potential Present GSFC Support IRAD’08 - support for O2 channel Requested support for ASCENDS IDC study HQ Support: ESTO IIP-04 program - 3rd year of funding Submitted proposal for ESTO IIP-07 program Next Steps/Issues: IDC studies for payload and mission Airborne Co2 measurements (summer 2008) Science Leads: Abshire,Kawa, Collatz, Riris, Allan, Sun, Wofsy CO2 Laser Sounder in near Polar Orbit ASCENDS (CO2 via Lidar) Mission

  13. Mission Justification/Type: NAS Dec. Survey Mission Lead: GSFC Mission Goals: Aerosol impact on clouds and precip Ocean biology Notional Payload (dual spacecraft) Status White paper to HQ HQ PPT Report, presentation Science team (Y) leads Schoeberl, Remer, McClain, Kahn, Mischenko Cost: $1.6 B LRD: 2015 Competition/collaboration: JPL - compete for polarimeter, radar Langley - compete for HSRL lidar High freq µ-radiometer - joint JPL Center support (IRAD) Multi-beam lidar, ORCA, high frq µ-wave, radar HQ Support: IMDC, follow on studies Next steps/Issues Mission too expensive - follow on studies to reduce costs (HQ Supporting) Explore international collaboration Combining instruments RSDO Bus GSFC Contact: M Schoeberl HQ Contact: H.Maring, P.Bontempi Aerosol/Cloud/Ecosystems (ACE) * Optional instruments desired by the Science Team

  14. Who’s working on what

  15. Summary • Lots of mission opportunities • DS near term focus on GEO • Geo-CAPE - issues with Langley • Opprotunity for LEO instruments less clear • NPOESS • Climate mission 1 • GACM • Need to spread the work around a little

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