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A versatile strategy to the selective synthesis of Cu nanocrystals and the in situ conversion to CuRu nanotubes. Palladium/tin bimetallic single-crystalline hollow nanospheres. 合成 (油胺中一锅法合成): SnCl2∙H2O ,Pt( acac )2 和 十二烷基二甲基溴化 胺 (DDAB) 溶解在油胺 ( OAm ) 等到亮黄色透明溶液
A versatile strategy to the selective synthesis of Cu nanocrystalsand the in situ conversion to CuRunanotubes
Palladium/tin bimetallic single-crystalline hollow nanospheres 合成(油胺中一锅法合成): SnCl2∙H2O,Pt(acac)2和十二烷基二甲基溴化胺(DDAB)溶解在油胺(OAm)等到亮黄色透明溶液 十八烯(ODE)和油胺于25ml三口瓶,加热至300 将1中黄色液体注射到2中,热液即变黑色 15min后反应停止,冷却至室温 用乙醇洗三次分散到环己烷中。
表征:TEM/HRTEM,STEM,XRD,EDS Pd2+/Pd比Sn2+/Sn潜能高,易于氧化, 且Pd生成后可以促进Sn2+的还原 低温下腐蚀速率比高温下低。 DDAB是关键因素,不含DDAB不能形成穴。进一步讲,Br作为关键因素
In SituGrowth of Catalytic ActiveAu-PtBimetallic Nanorods inThermoresponsiveCoreShellMicrogels