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Enhancing Respiratory Protection: PEROSH Project on Workplace Protection Factors for RPD

Understand the challenges in selecting Respiratory Protective Devices (RPD) for optimal wearer protection. Learn about Nominal Protection Factors (NPF) and Assigned Protection Factors (APF) to ensure workplace safety. Join the initiative for harmonized protection factors in Europe.

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Enhancing Respiratory Protection: PEROSH Project on Workplace Protection Factors for RPD

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  1. Workshop C“Future challenges for PPE standardization“ Determination of Workplace Protection Factors (WPF) for Respiratory Protective Devices – A PEROSH Project4th EUROSHNET Conference26–28 June 2012Helsinki (Espoo), Finland

  2. PEROSH Partners in WPF-Project PEROSH WPF Factors for RPD

  3. Respiratory Protective Devices (RPD) must be correctly selected to achieve optimum wearer protection Background RPD must be: Suitable for environment, the task and the wearer Adequate for the concentration of contaminant Selection has been based on nominal protection factors (NPF) PEROSH WPF Factors for RPD

  4. Nominal Protection Factors NPFs can be set for RPD based of total inward leakage requirements in standards Source: EN 13274-1 NPF = Indicates the highest expectable level of protection under laboratory conditions using a standard protocol with possible instructions and interventions PEROSH WPF Factors for RPD

  5. These factors do not always reflect the real protection and are derived in different ways within Europe and across the world Assigned Protection Factors The Assigned Protection Factor (APF) is derived from available NPF data and is the expectable protection level in a real working environment. Dilemma:Different approaches for setting up workplace related protection factors are used, e.g. by multiplication with safety factors, workplace measurements… (lack of common concept) PEROSH WPF Factors for RPD

  6. Assigned Protection Factors Example: Protection factors for negative pressure self contained breathing apparatus in various countries.Source: EN 529, Annex C & OSHA PEROSH WPF Factors for RPD

  7. Objectives • Development of measurement strategy and method • Measurements on real work places • Develop and deliver RPD Programme training • Re-measure RPD performance on real workplaces • Assessment of the efficiency of training measures by comparing before and after situation PEROSH WPF Factors for RPD

  8. Benefits • Harmonisation of work place related protection factors on European level ( Comparability, common basis for taking safety measures) • Validation of the efficiency of targeted education & training programs • Support for the (retrospective) investigation in health related diseases PEROSH WPF Factors for RPD

  9. Thank you for your attention! Contact Dr. Peter Paszkiewicz E-mail: peter.paszkiewicz@dguv.de Phone: +49 (0)2241 231-2750 PEROSH WPF Factors for RPD

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