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The Attribute Gatherers Team. Team Leader: Suvendu Kumar Dash Developers: Adrijan Radikovic Shari Naik Wang Xue Tester: Hogil Kim. Achievements. First Team to complete all the functionalities by March 31 st Started with the Timesheets idea to track the project development
The Attribute Gatherers Team • Team Leader: Suvendu Kumar Dash • Developers: • Adrijan Radikovic • Shari Naik • Wang Xue • Tester: Hogil Kim
Achievements • First Team to complete all the functionalities by March 31st • Started with the Timesheets idea to track the project development • Given the suggestions for changes in the Database Schema (Thanks to Adrijan)
Rational Tools Attribute Gatherers Application MS SQL Server Database Rational Clearcase CAL Parser System Architecture
Hogil Kim: Tasks • Implementation of AG GUI(Attribute gather GUI) program • Interface with CAL sub module and Parser sub module • Interface with Pampa_d Database • Attributes gathering and Saving them into DB • Function test • User Manual documentation
Views for AGGUI • My Views for the AGGUI • Intermediate program between CAL sub module and Parser sub module • User Interface for Attribute gather • It works properly. • Suggestion • Build the wider system environment • Future work • Need to be upgraded for WEB-based program
Adrijan: Tasks • Check in resume • Connect to ClearCase server and get some data from it • Get a full listing of all available elements for a project • Rebase stream • Prepare the list of attributes that you can gather from clearcase • Get the size of the file from clearcase • Prepare a unit test plan for your sub-module • CleaerCase drive mapping of complete version tree • Complete version information based on activities after a given date • Integrate programs and fine-tune the output fields • Demo 1 • Obtain DB information and import data to correct tables in correct way • Demo 2 • Modify tables in the DB • Get projects and tasks from DB and make corresponding associations
CAL Module perl ClearCaseData.pl view=M:\<your integration view> out=<filename> since=<date> Instructions: The user must have ClearCase and access to the desired project(s). User needs to specify the following: view – His integration view name preceded with the main ClearCase drive (usually M:) out – output filename since – date after which the modifications were made Example: Perl ClearCaseData.pl view=M:\asr3744_PAMPA_integration out=out.txt since=24-Apr-2003 Rework Lines added Lines deleted Lines changed ClearCase Date of change User Event Extended path File type Event Branch File version
GUI/ Integration FriendClass AttGather • Main GUI class with all the code PublicFunction Run_CCScript(ByVal view AsString, ByVal outfile AsString, ByVal since AsString) AsInteger • CAL interface call PrivateSub adddb_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles adddb.Click - database import PrivateSub Parse_data() • Parser interface call PublicSub Load_File(ByVal filename AsString) • output file import PrivateSub loadtask_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles loadtask.Click • task db query PrivateSub loadproject_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles loadproject.Click - project db query PublicClass results - represents a file version with its software metrics PublicClass task - represents a task obtained from the DB PublicClass project - represents a project obtained from the DB
Wang Xue: Parser Sub-Module for Java, C, C++ file • Tasks: Parse the java, c, c++ files and gather the attributes that were not gathered by the CAL sub module. • Get the volume of the source code in bytes • Get the number of lines of source code • Get the number of comments • Get the number of blank lines • Get the number of functions • Get the number of Compiler directives • Get the number of data declarations
Hello.c Test Results • Size of file = 764 bytes • Number of code line = 38 lines • There are 2 comment lines in the file • There are 2 comment blocks in the file • There are 1 function in the file • There are 6 blank lines in the file • There are 4 compiler directives in the file • There are 14 variables in the file
Shari: Parser • Parse source files (for C, Cpp and Java) and gather information related to file size • Tasks • Prepare List of chunks and plan to get those chunks • Retrieve Various Size attributes • Communication between VB application and parser(Java) • Module testing and Preparation of test cases
Architecture • Language used – Java • Software – jdk 1.3
Module Structure • Classes • Parser - finds the type of file to be parsed and invoke the respective parsers • ReaderWriter - Read lines from input file, after retrieving file’s attributes, saved information to output file. • Cparser - parses C file and retrieve attribute information • CppParser - parses C++ file and retrieve attribute information • JavaParser - parses Java file and retrieve attribute information