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FGDC GeoReovery Team and Executive Committee Report

This report highlights the efforts of the FGDC GeoRecovery.gov team in providing representation and input for geospatial aspects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It discusses the team's goals, progress, and key discussions from the Executive Committee meetings.

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FGDC GeoReovery Team and Executive Committee Report

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  1. FGDC Coordination Group FGDC GeoReovery.gov Team and Executive Committee Report Ken Shaffer FGDC Deputy Staff Director kmshaffer@fgdc.gov April 14, 2009

  2. Recovery.gov • Stimulus funding reporting website • Part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) efforts • Reporting Guidance was released • Commitment to use geospatial tools • OMB asked FGDC to provide representation/input for the geospatial aspects

  3. FGDC Representation • A geospatial member for the development team • Doug Nebert, FGDC Secretariat is participating on the development team, Tom McCarty from DHS is the lead for the data architecture • Input into the architecture and guidance documents • FGDC GeoRecovery.gov Team • Ken Shaffer is the FGDC liaison • Reps from DOI, EPA, DHS, GSA, DOE, USDA, NFS, NPS, NGA, HUD • Meet weekly

  4. Goals • Define geospatial data feed requiremetns and incorporate into the Architecture and Guidance documents • Define how data will be geospatially enabled in recovery.gov • Define a 1st (maybe 2nd) tier of suggested geospatial data rendering guidelines for use on the recovery.gov site and as a 1st tier render on the agency sites • Provide ‘best practice’ guidance to agencies who choose to develop a geospatially enabled agency recovery.gov web capability

  5. Status • Initial text to both the guidance and architecture documents has been provided as place holders • Enable the GeoRss extension for spatial attributes • The Team is meeting with the broader development team and team leads on Thursday to discuss use cases and provide geospatial site reporting examples from EPA, USFS, FortiasOne (CAP award) • Team is developing a 1st level use case of a choropleth render of award totals by state • Based on initial analysis of the USDA/USFS, EPA, and DOI development efforts • Team is compiling a list of geocoding/geo-locator services that agencies may use

  6. Executive Committee Meeting Update • March 10, 2009 ExCom meeting • March 31, 2009 ExCom IFTN meeting • April 15,16 Offsite

  7. ExCom March 10, 2009 • A new OMB portfolio manager for the GeoLob was introduced, Sarah Siddiqui, replaces Dominic Sale • OMB is beginning E-Gov initiative visits to look at success, strengths, challenges • 2-page summary of GeoLob was sent to both the ExCom and Mike Howell, OMB • Began discussion of National Geospatial Policy and Strategy Framework • Members agreed we need an overarching strategy • Needs to take into account all Federal geospatial policy • Stimulus priority criteria were reviewed and discussed • Previous stimulus package proposals will be used to test the criteria • Evaluation will occur at the offsite • Preparation for future available stimulus and budget proposals

  8. ExCom March 10, 2009 cont’d • Discussed approach for recovery.gov efforts • NGAC update – they provided recommendations on how to implement recovery.gov • CG proposal to perform an FGDC operational analysis received general approval • The 4/16 Steering Committee was postponed to provide time for new leadership to be identified

  9. ExCom IFTN March 31, 2009 • Main focus was on Imagery For The Nation • USGS presented their Recovery Funding allocations. Focus on floods and hazard areas • Only geospatial funding was for The National Map • Fill data gaps for coastal and inland waterways NED data • Augment 133 UA high-resolution imagery • Discussed the weighting criteria for where the data priorities would be determined • Discussion on how these aligned with the Stimulus Priority Criteria occurred • Some are close, some are more project location specific criteria • GeoRecovery.gov Team 1st meeting efforts reviewed

  10. ExCom IFTN March 31, 2009 • Brief discussion to move forward with an ExCom offsite to focus on National Geospatial Policy • Based on new direction of ExCom on high-resolution and governance strategies • Need agreement to the approach • Changes affect other plan aspects, funding • Affects timeframe for Phase 1 • Seeking approval/direction for: • Contracting strategy • Hosting/archive, deferred due to time constraints • Actions: Update Federal contracts matrix

  11. ExCom IFTN March 31, 2009 • Outcome Summary • Update Federal contracts matrix • Private sector does have capacity to implement the strategy • Contract type (part 15 or 36) will be determined by the contracting officer • Suggestion to look at a single contracting strategy long-term, joint program office • ExCom endorsed the contracting approach • Other items deferred due to time • Alaska Elevation issues overview, discussion deferred until offsite.

  12. Ken Shaffer FGDC Deputy Staff Director kmshaffer@fgdc.gov April 14, 2009

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