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Journal Entry. Think of a friendship. What makes it a healthy relationship?. Health Alive!. Debbie De Franco, HPE Supervisor Arlington Public Schools Sheila J. Jones, HPE Supervisor Loudoun County Public Schools. Health ALIVE!!.
Journal Entry Think of a friendship. What makes it a healthy relationship?
Health Alive! Debbie De Franco, HPE Supervisor Arlington Public Schools Sheila J. Jones, HPE Supervisor Loudoun County Public Schools
Health ALIVE!! • Modeled after Theory-based Active Instruction (Teachers’ Curriculum Institute/TCI) • TCI uses Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner), Cooperative Interaction (Elizabeth Cohen) and Spiral Curriculum (Jerome Bruner) • Based on standards with dynamic lessons
Health ALIVE!! Multiple Intelligence Activities: • Visual Discovery • Skill Builder • Experiential Exercise • Writing for Understanding • Response Group • Problem Solving Group work
Levels of Questioning (Spiral) Level 1: Gather Evidence Level 2: Interpreting Evidence Level 3: Making Hypotheses from the Evidence
Levels of Questioning Level 1: Gather Evidence • List everything you can see & touch Level 2: Interpreting Evidence • “I think _______ feels because I see ________. • “I think this is taking place_________ because I see ___________.”
Levels of Questioning Level 3: Making Hypotheses from the Evidence or Draw conclusion about Evidence • What is happening? • How do you know this is happening? • Why is this happening?
Visual Discovery Steps for Selecting Powerful Images • Determine lesson objective that image will support • Determine whether the image contains ‘evidence’ that students can find & relate to objective (level 1) • Determine whether students can interpret evidence (level 2) • Determine whether students can use hypotheses/conclusion information to lead back to the lesson (level 3)
Possible Next Steps: • Show additional images, either related to dating violence or other risk behaviors, and continue spiral questioning • Have students record information about the topic in a graphically organized format • Choose one image to conduct an act-it-out, having students interact with the image
Possible Next Steps: Processing Assignment: • Create a public service announcement poster that brings the issue of dating violence to the public’s attention. The PSA should include an image of a couple and a “tag-line” that could be used to represent the issue. Consider the poster to be part of a series that could be hung in high school hallways.
Differentiating Instruction in Mixed-Ability Health & PE Classrooms One size does not fit all!
Differentiation of Instruction is a teacher’s response to learners’ needs guided by general principles of differentiation, such as respectful tasks ongoing assessment and adjustment flexible grouping clarity of learning goals appropriate challenge
Steps in a Differentiated Lesson Identification of Objectives Pre-Assessment Differentiated Activity Whole-Group Discussion Post-Assessment
Identifying Objectives • What do you want the students to know and be able to do? These should be clearly articulated: Objective: Students will be able to predict the outcome of risky behaviors and develop a personal plan to avoid these situations (addresses SOL 9.3c).
Steps in a Differentiated Lesson Identification of Objectives Pre-Assessment Differentiated Activity Whole-Group Discussion Post-Assessment
What is pre-assessment? Finding out AHEAD OF TIME: What students know (or don’t know) about what you’re going to teach What students are interested in How students best process information How can this be accomplished? Class discussion, entry card, survey, etc.
Pre-Assessment • Entry Card • Draw or describe an example of a risky behavior you have encountered. • How did you respond? Why?
Consider flexible grouping: Sometimes you group according to students’ “READINESS.” “Readiness” refers to a student’s grasp of a particular concept or task – not to “general ability.” Sometimes students make CHOICES about how they will be grouped. Sometimes you group according to students’ INTERESTS. Sometimes you group according to students’ LEARNING PROFILES.
When differentiating instruction, be mindful of assigning respectful tasks! • Differentiation is NOT individualized instruction with separate lessons plans for each student • Differentiation IS recognizing that students are different and responding to those differences in a thoughtful way.
Are these respectful tasks? STRUGGLING LEARNERS: Complete the packet of worksheets on risky situations . You may choose to work with a partner if you like. Check your work with the answer key in the back of the room. ADVANCED LEARNERS: Using flip cameras and your natural brilliance, create a video about handling risky behaviors. This will be presented at the next school assembly!
Steps in a Differentiated Lesson Identification of Objectives Pre-Assessment Differentiated Activity Whole-Group Discussion Post-Assessment
Sample Differentiated Activity Description of Activity: Students will work in small groups to analyze pictures of teens engaging in behaviors that put them at potential risk of disease. Students will then complete a graphic organizer that will identify the risky behavior, predict what may be the consequence, and create a plan for prevention and/or control of the behavior.
Steps in a Differentiated Lesson Identification of Objectives Pre-Assessment Differentiated Activity Whole-Group Discussion Post-Assessment
Whole-Group Discussion • Based on the activity, the group discussion reinforces the objective of the lesson. • Groups can present different scenarios and share/discuss with class. • Based on the discussion students are assigned an extension assignment such as creating videos or PSAs, designing ad campaigns, doing research & finding data, etc. The possibilities are endless!!!
Steps in a Differentiated Lesson Identification of Objectives Pre-Assessment Differentiated Activity Whole-Group Discussion Post-Assessment
Post-Assessment • Now, let’s see what you have learned about risky behaviors • Answer the following questions • You’ll have 5 minutes to complete this assessment PLEASE BEGIN the POST- TEST>>>
Directions: Complete the following: 1) On scale of 1 to 5, rate your present knowledge of identifying risky behaviors. (low) 1 2 3 4 5 (high) 2) In bullet form or sentences, write all you now know about risky behaviors. 3) I now know more about how to identify and avoid risky situations (number by confidence level, #1,2,3). ___ identification of risky behaviors ___ predict consequences of risky behaviors
So What? Yale research indicated that, “Students whose instruction matched their pattern of abilities performed significantly better than the others. Even by partially matching instruction to abilities, we could improve student achievement.” We tend to teach in/from our own learning preference the majority of the time. AWARENESS!
Tips for Managing a Differentiated Classroom Develop a Classroom Community (teams, shared rules, collaboration vs. competition) Yellow pages of classroom experts, kids design personal ads
Tips for Managing a Differentiated Classroom • Assign various roles in cooperative groups (facilitator, materials coordinator, time keeper, task master) • Develop a system for resolving conflicts or differences of opinions (peer mediation, class meetings, agenda box)
Tips for Managing a Differentiated Classroom • Increase student-student interactions vs. teacher-student • Visual and auditory learning supports (posters, interactive charts, tape-recorded directions, common symbols for learning tasks, word walls)
Tips for Managing a Differentiated Classroom • Create room arrangement that permits easy student movement and high teacher visibility • Provide purposeful activities and procedures for students who finish tasks early that extend or reinforce learning
Nutrition Skill Builder Food Label Activity: • What is the food item? • Match label to food. Verify w/ teacher. • Questions: -Main ingredient? -Nutrient w/ highest % daily values? -How many servings per food item?
Another Activity! Objective: The student will learn the process of evaluating the nutritional content and portions of a meal (SOLs 9.1.a, c, & d).
Differentiated Activity • With a partner, have students “order” a meal from the menu (hide nutritional content). • Have a few students share the meal they selected with the group. • Open the menu with nutritional content and have them analyze their meal.
Extension Objective: Students will apply nutritional concepts in the creation of a properly portioned meal (SOLs 9.1.a, c, & d).
Differentiated Activity • Using the analysis, have students compare with the Food Guide Pyramid. How did their meal compare? • Now, compare portion sizes on the menu vs. the portion plate. • How many meals are super-sized, compared to the portions recommended?
Materials needed: Standard size plates (12-13”) Portion plates (9-9.5”) Food Guide Pyramid Menus Calculator Paper & pen
So many activities, so little time! Resources: Theory-based Active Instruction (Teachers’ Curriculum Institute/TCI) Differentiation Presentation: Catherine Brighton, Ph.D., University of Virginia www.mypyramid.gov http://www.theportionplate.com/