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Mrs. Stovall’s Classroom Procedures

2014-2015. Mrs. Stovall’s Classroom Procedures. Entering the Classroom. Enter room at voice level 2. Complete bell ringer on screen. Follow any directions listed on screen. Copy down the TOC (Table of Contents) in your interactive notebook if posted.

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Mrs. Stovall’s Classroom Procedures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2014-2015 Mrs. Stovall’s Classroom Procedures

  2. Entering the Classroom • Enter room at voice level 2. • Complete bell ringer on screen. • Follow any directions listed on screen. • Copy down the TOC (Table of Contents) in your interactive notebook if posted. • Copy down the WWK (Words Worth Knowing) in your interactive notebook if posted. • Get to voice level 0 and get out homework to prepare for homework check.

  3. What to do at the end of class • Put calculators and any other classroom materials away. • Be sure your work space is clean. • Remain seated until I dismiss you –you will not be dismissed until these things are done.

  4. When I want you to get quiet… • I will raise my hand OR • Flicker the lights • You should get to a level 0 immediately!!

  5. Staying Organized • The agenda will be written on the board everyday – copy it into your agenda!!! • Keep all papers that we do not put into your ISN in your folder. • Always put your first and last name, class period, and date on every handout!

  6. Where to find assignments if you’re absent • Write down the agenda from the day you were absent. If absent on a Friday, look in the agenda book at the supply station. • Collect handouts, ISN pages, and/or returned work from the “while you were out” folder for your particular class period at the supply station. • Be sure to update your TOC from the agenda!! • WWK can be found on Edmodo (I will post a picture of WWK each day). • Remember to ask “3” before you ask me!

  7. Missing ISN Pages • You can obtain additional copies of ISN pages from the top drawer of the blue filing cabinet. • Look for the folder with the date of the ISN page(s) you need. • For example: If you need the ISN page from August 21st, look for folder #21 in the filing cabinet. • ISN folders will be cleaned out after each unit.

  8. Request to Retest • Allowed one retake per unit test only! • You must complete this form before retaking test. • Must be scheduled within one week of receiving original graded assessment • Can only be completed before/after school, on math lab day, during detention. • Retake policy is subject to change if retake privileges are abused.

  9. Small Group Work • C – Voice Level 1-2 • H – Raise your hand or come see me • A – GROUP WORK • M – SUPPLY STATION • P – TEAM WORK • S – Success

  10. Whole Group Work • C – Voice Level 0 • H – Raise your hand • A – EYES ON ME • M – ASK PERMISSION • P – DISCUSSION TIME, TAKE NOTES, LISTEN • S – Success

  11. Individual Work • C – Voice Level 0 • H – Raise your hand or come see me • A – Working quietly • M – SUPPLY STATION • P – WORK DILIGENTLY ON TASK • S – Success

  12. Keeping your desk area clean • The only materials on your desk should be those needed for math class. • Keep all other materials under your desk, not in the aisle. • If backpacks are in the aisle, you will not be allowed to bring your backpacks to my classroom. • Always place bottles and cans in designated recycling bins!!! • Plastic: bottles • Aluminum: cans

  13. Getting materials in my classroom • If you need additional materials during class, such as paper, pencils, etc. please raise your hand and ask permission before getting them. • Never take things without asking.

  14. Turning in papers • All papers should be turned into your designated orange class basket, unless otherwise directed. • No name papers can be collected in the NN Basket (No Name) then should be given to Mrs. Stovall in order to receive credit. • Late work should be turned into the Late Work basket for Mrs. Stovall to check.

  15. What to do if you finish work early • If you finish your assignment early, be sure to ask Mrs. Stovall any questions you may have over the assignment. • Begin working on an Early Finisher Activity– the list and supplies are located at the supply station. • Remember to keep the activity to finish the next time you finish early!!

  16. Be Respectful • Always raise your hand to answer or ask a question – calling out will result in a T3 card. • If someone enters the room, sit quietly and remain working as you normally would. • If the phone rings or announcements come on, please get to a voice level 0. • If I have to step out of the classroom, stay in your seat and continue working.

  17. In case of emergency • Get to a voice level 0. • Wait for instructions. • You must be at a voice level 0 during all fire, tornado, earthquake, and lockdown drills. • Failure to do so will result in an immediate T3 card on first offense.

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