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Imagine Hout Bay – The Voice of the People 31 July 2004. HUGE appreciation. Today wouldn’t have been possible without the following people:. Imagine Hout Bay “Management”: Bronwen Lankers-Byrne, Bon Gertz, Mirjam Anema, Deserona Cloete. Appreciative Inquiry gurus:
Imagine Hout Bay – The Voice of the People 31 July 2004
HUGE appreciation • Today wouldn’t have been possible without the following people: Imagine Hout Bay “Management”: Bronwen Lankers-Byrne, Bon Gertz, Mirjam Anema, Deserona Cloete Appreciative Inquiry gurus: Brenda Williams, Jane Kennedy City of Cape Town: Pam Naidoo, Valencia Arendse, Tracy Hansen and team Sponsors: Venues: Community Cultural Centre, Sentinel Primary, Kronendal School, Hout Bay International Church Resources: Rotary, Research Surveys, Centrepoint, Medialab, Silverado Spur, The Florist, La Cuccina, Hout Bay Stationers, Woolworths, Spar Quantitative processing and analysis: Dr. Jannie Hofmeyr, coding team led by Alison Rice, Pia Bachmann Multimedia: Athol Rice, Damian Hardy, Chris Devlin, Zwai Pongoma, Oliver Fuch, Helena Fagan … and a host of others who have worked behind the scenes to make this possible
And, thanks especially to the interviewers and their “buddies”
Introduction • Appreciate what is • Imagine what can be • Create what will be
Methodology – how did we interview the voice of Hout Bay? • Over the course of two months, a diverse team of 70 volunteers interviewed a representative sample of 289 Hout Bay residents aged 15 years or older, living in all three communities: • Harbour – 100 interviews • Imizamo Yethu – 93 interviews • Valley – 96 interviews • Interviews were conducted using a pure random sampling methodology to ensure true representation of all Hout Bay residents. Interviews were conducted in: • Every 15th home in the Harbour • Every 30th home in Imizamo Yethu • Every 40th home in the Valley • Once the home was selected, the “next birthday” rule was enforced to make sure that all adults living in the home had an equal chance of being interviewed • For analysis, interviews have been re-proportioned to population numbers, according to the 2001 Census • Interviews were conducted in the respondent’s own language to ensure depth and richness of response. Interviewers made use of a “buddy” system – partnering with a person from the respective community to act as translator and to foster cross-community involvement
Methodology – Appreciative inquiry • All interviewers were trained in the Appreciative Inquiry technique - a collaborative and highly participative process for engaging people to build the kind of community that they want to live in • Three main phases of the interview: Appreciate what is: • Please tell us a story about a high point when you were involved and connected to your community; What is it about Hout Bay that you value, appreciate or treasure the most? What is it that gives life to Hout Bay? What can Hout Bay offer the world? Imagine what can be: • Imagine Hout Bay 10 years from now. The year is 2014 and extraordinary and wonderful things have happened. Hout Bay is a community of which you are extremely proud. Describe this community that you are living in Create what will be: • If you could create 3 things in this community right now, what would they be? What would your contribution be? How would you get involved?
Methodology – This is what you need to know • Appreciative Inquiry: • Appreciate – what do you value about Hout Bay now • Imagine: How would you like Hout Bay to look ten years from now • Create: What must we do tomorrow to get going • Stratified Representative Sample: • 100 in each community • Chosen to ensure representivity • Therefore represents ‘Voice of the People’ • Within 7% - 10% in each community • Within 5% - 7% in Hout Bay as a whole
A quick profile of Hout Bay residents - Did you know that … • The average age of Hout Bay residents is 34 years • The Valley is the oldest community - one quarter of the Valley are aged 60+ years, bringing the average age there up to 42 years • Over half of Hout Bay residents live in a house (55%), versus a shack/bungalow (34%) or in a flat (11%) • Similar numbers of residents speak English (38%) as Xhosa (33%) as their home language. One quarter speak Afrikaans (24%) • On average, residents have been living here for 11 years • Harbour residents claim the longest tenure averaging 30 years in Hout Bay – compared to 8 years in both IY and the Valley • This is due mainly to the fact that almost two thirds (63%) of Harbour residents were born in Hout Bay, with an additional 19% coming from the Cape Town area • Over three-quarters of IY are originally from the Eastern Cape and 14% from other parts of Cape Town • Valley residents have come from all over – overseas/other Africa (30%), Gauteng (28%) and greater Cape Town (25%)
Introduction • Appreciate what is • Imagine what can be • Create what will be
Hout Bay is valued for its people, its beauty and the fact that people can work here
Hout Bay people … Community spirit – 49% Sense of community exists here, people are friendly, the community acts together, people know each other, people interact with each other, it’s a caring community, you get a feeling of belonging here, “Hout Bay is like a big extended family” People help each other – 28% People help out in the community, help children, helped out when there were fires (10% mentioned this as a high point) Diverse, multicultural community – 19% (V) Mixed community, mixed races, no discrimination here, friendliness from all races
The beauty of Hout Bay … Sea and the beach – 27% Close to the sea, sea views, beautiful beach (V) Beautiful place, visually stunning, “a piece of heaven” – 17% (V) Beautiful mountains – 16% Combination of sea and mountains, the valley surrounded by the mountains and the sea – 11% Natural beauty, natural surroundings – 10% (V)
Working in Hout Bay – different connotations for Harbour vs IY residents… Fishing industry – 27% (H) Plenty of jobs in Hout Bay, job opportunities, currently working in Hout Bay – 17% (IY) Work is easier to get here, easy to find a job – 7% (IY) Work is close by so that you don’t need transport (5%) (IY)
Employment Employment Village Character Safe/less crime Safe/less crime Employment Village Character Village Character The different communities value different things
Introduction • Appreciate what is • Imagine what can be • Create what will be
What facilities will be improved? More schools, decent schools, all children go to school and are well educated Special care and enough resources, old age homes, make Hout Bay wheelchair friendly (V) Sports grounds, sports fields, soccer fields well kept, other sporting facilities eg basketball, netball, etc Community centre for the youth, activity centres, children’s playgrounds All houses have water, electricity, proper sewerage, toilets (IY) Better roads, safe roads, proper roads (V) Cinemas (V), enough shops
Houses for everyone… Everyone has houses – 30% (IY) There will be houses for everybody, brick houses, building of houses No more shacks – 13% Hout Bay will have houses, not shacks, no more bungalows, no squatter camps Better houses, better homes – 7% Controlled housing, well-spaced houses – 5% (V) No large housing developments, no cluster homes, no high rise flats – 3% (V)
People and leadership in 2014… People respect each other – 13% Cohesive community in which everyone works and lives together – 13% Warm, caring community with good community spirit – 11% No us and them – all one - where all three communities live in peace – 11% People living in harmony, peaceful – 10% Leaders look after and care about the community – 14% Honest leaders who think of the people not themselves – 11% Dedicated leaders – 10% United leadership – leaders working together and serving all sectors of the community – 9%
What are the different dreams of each community? Mentions over 10%
What are the different dreams of each community? Upliftment People/Community Leadership Environment Employment Safety/No crime Tourism Upliftment Leadership People/Community Environment Safety/No crime Employment Tourism Upliftment People/Community Environment Leadership Environment Safety Employment Mentions over 10%
There is only one way to summarize all this… Fragile Interdependence
Introduction • Appreciate what is • Imagine what can be • Create what will be
What are the immediate wishes of Harbour residents? • Other specifics: • Clean up the area (14%) • Drug-free community (12%) Thematic mentions over 10%
What are the immediate wishes of Imizamo Yethu residents? • Other specifics: • Control alcohol problem, licence shebeens (9%) • People live in harmony (10%) Thematic mentions over 10%
What are the immediate wishes of Valley residents? • Other specifics: • Solve IY problems (23%) • Upgrade police (8%) Thematic mentions over 10%
Conclusions • There will be no social harmony without upliftment and the alleviation of poverty • People will stay poor unless the village continues to attract tourism and wealth • There will be no tourism unless the beauty is preserved • Unmanaged development will destroy the beauty, and with it the tourism • Wealth will flee if the beauty is destroyed and there is no social harmony • Self-interested, narrow-minded, uncooperative leadership will destroy it all