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Embark on an educational journey to study stars, planets, space bodies, and more. Learn about telescopes, space stations, NASA, and rocket history. Engage in web quests, readings, games, videos, and hands-on rocket building. Develop a comprehensive understanding of space exploration and technology through interactive tasks and exploration. Spark your curiosity and expand your knowledge of the cosmos in an engaging and informative way.
Learning Goals: • Learn about people who study stars and planets and other space bodies • Analyze theories that explain movements in space and Earth’s place in it • Learn about telescopes • Explore The Hubble and International Space Stations • Examine NASA and their roles in space exploration
Space and Rocketry • Pre Test - Before you begin this module, you will need to take the Pre Test. Click on the pre test link on my website. www.nyenhuismsn.weebly.com
Space and Rocketry Throughout this module, you will work on correcting the Study Guide. This will be your study guide, which you will use to study for the post test at the end of the module.
Space and Rocketry • Before we begin, let’s learn some of the basics about our solar system. Copy and paste the link below in Internet Explorer to read about the space in which we live. Remember to work on your study guide as you read. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/solar_system.htm
Space and Rocketry • Your first mission is to complete the Space WebQuest. Copy this URL in Chrome to begin Task 1 http://supanscience.weebly.com/space-exploration-webquest.html
Space and Rocketry The first task of your mission is to read the Supercool Space Tools Book and complete Task 1 Worksheet • Click on the link below to open the Task 1 Document • Space and Rocketry Task 1 Worksheet.doc • On the website, click on the Supercool Space Tools link to begin reading about the history of space exploration • Complete the worksheet and your study guide as you read
Space and Rocketry • Click on The Orbit Game • READ “This is How Orbits Work!” You must read this section. It is below the cannonball game • Click on the link below to open the Task 2 Document. Complete Task 2 and print it. • Space and Rocketry Task #2 Worksheet.doc
Space and Rocketry • On the website, click on the link to watch the Huble Space Video • Write a summary of the video. Your video must be one paragraph, AT LEAST five sentences in length. • Next, click on the Huble Info link and include three new, fascinating discoveries from the link. Use the Task 5 Worksheet to complete your summary and new facts. • Space and Rocketry Task 5 Worksheet.doc
Space and Rocketry • DO NOTCLICK ON “How Telescopes Work” You DO NOT need to complete this task
Space and Rocketry • Play the game Space Walk DO NOTclick on Living in Space You DO NOT need to complete this task
Space and Rocketry • Read the short article “Data from a Fire Hose” BEFORE you play the game, Satellite Insight • Play the game, Satellite Insight • DON’T FORGET TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE GAME!!!
Space and Rocketry • DO NOTread about the NASA Orbital Debris Office You DO NOT need to complete this task!
Space and Rocketry • Click on the link, NASA TV to watch live broadcasts from NASA. • What did you learn? Use Task 11 Worksheet to write a summary of three facts that you learned. Your summary should be one paragraph, at least five sentences in length. • Space and Rocketry Task 11 Worksheet.doc
Space and Rocketry • Now it’s time to look at another important aspect of Space and Rocketry…ROCKETS! • Open the Rocketry link below to learn about the history of rockets • http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/k-12/TRC/Rockets/history_of_rockets.html
Space and Rocketry • Click on the following link and read about some awesome Space Firsts! • Next, complete the Space First Worksheet • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/explorers/spacefirsts.shtml • Space and Rocketry Space Firsts Worksheet.doc
Space and Rocketry • Click on the following link to watch videos of International Space Station Commander Sunni Williams. • http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/suni_iss_tour.html • Click on the tabs to the left to view additional images, videos, and information.
Space and Rocketry • Write a ten sentence summary of what you learned from The International Space Station website. You may type your summary in a Word document or write it on lined paper. • Be sure to include the following information in your summary: ~What is it like to live in space? ~How is living in space different from living on Earth? List AT LEAST three differences. ~What accommodations are made to live in space? ~What is the purpose of the ISS? ~What do the astronauts do all day on the ISS? List three examples.
Space and Rocketry • Rocket Build – Now that you’ve learned all about space and rockets, you’re ready to build your own rocket! See your teacher to receive your rocket kit! We will launch these outside at the end of the quarter. • Be sure to READ and FOLLOW all instructions carefully. • Ask your teacher for the plastic glue when you are ready to glue the nose cone pieces together.