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Organic Lapsang Souchong

This tea is certified organic by OCIA (U.S.), BSC (Germany), and JONA (Japan). Our Organic Lapsang Souchong is the best grade to come from the place of origin of this great tea, Tong Mu Guan in Xing Village, or simply known as Bohea. Many had drank this tea before but only a handful have tried the best (organic) authentic Zheng Shan Souchong from the original farm. Highly recommended!This tea is also known as Zheng Shan Souchong. Zheng Shan means "Original Mountain" and only tea leaves picked from Wuyi harvest area can be called as "Zheng Shan". These tea leaves have a special characteristics in that they have a subtle hint of a very sweet fruit in China called "longan".

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Organic Lapsang Souchong

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  1. OrganicLapsangSouchong-BlackTea Price(50grams):US$11.00 FreeShippingonOrdersover$30 Description ThisteaiscertifiedorganicbyOCIA(U.S.),BSC(Germany),and JONA(Japan).OurOrganicLapsangSouchongisthebestgradeto comefromtheplaceoforiginofthisgreattea,TongMuGuanin XingVillage,orsimplyknownasBohea.Manyhaddrankthistea beforebutonlyahandfulhavetriedthebest(organic)authentic ZhengShanSouchongfromtheoriginalfarm.Highly recommended! ThisteaisalsoknownasZhengShanSouchong.ZhengShanmeans"OriginalMountain"andonlytealeavespicked fromWuyiharvestareacanbecalledas"ZhengShan".Thesetealeaveshaveaspecialcharacteristicsinthatthey haveasubtlehintofaverysweetfruitinChinacalled"longan". Othernames: ZhengShanXiaoZhong,Queen'sTea Taste: OrganicLapsangSouchongfeaturesamildsmokyflavor.Thedesiredhintofsweet"longan"isobviousinthetasteofthis one. Appearance: Darkcolortwistedtealeaveswithgoldentip.Clearamberredcolorinfusion. Origin: WuYiShan,FujianProvince,China HarvestPeriod: Spring2013 TeaLink:http://www.chineseteaart.com/organic-lapsang-souchong-black-tea-p-23.html Picturecomefrom:http://www.chineseteaart.com/

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