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How can I find Guru Jee ?. Greeting Task: Write down how reciting last lesson’s shabad made you feel. Let’s recite it together. WALT: Consolidate our knowledge of Shabad Guru. Understand the significance of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. Punjabi Alphabet – pYNqI. a A e s h
How can I find Guru Jee? Greeting Task: Write down how reciting last lesson’s shabad made you feel. Let’s recite it together. WALT: Consolidate our knowledge of Shabad Guru. Understand the significance of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.
Punjabi Alphabet –pYNqI a A e s h k K g G| c C j J \ t T f F x q Q d D n p P b B m X r l v V S ^ Z z & L Santhiya
Recap: What is a Guru gurU? Vah = Wow = Astonishing Darkness Light vwihgurU GurugurUis one that removes Darkness (Ignorance). Removes the darkness of the 5 vices Everywhere/Anywhere
so prabhneraihootenerai. simardhiaaegaae gun gobind din rain saajh saverai.1.rahaao. Vaheguru is the nearest of the near. Remember Him, meditate on Him, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, day and night, evening and morning. ((1)(Pause)) (Devgandhaaree, Ang 530, SGGSJ) vwihgurU saassaassimarhugobind. man antarkeutraichind. With each and every breath, meditate in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe, and the anxiety within your mind shall depart. (Gaurree, Ang 295, SGGSJ)
vwihgurU TASK: Spider diagram 8 ways we can recite VAHEGURU Sit and spend 5 minutes eyes closed with focused Vaheguru simran (say VA in your stomach, HE in your heart, GU in your throat and allow the RU to be felt through your head With a clicker With a mala With each step- one step VAHE one step GURU Say VaheguruJee Ka Khalsa VaheguruJeeKiFateh out loud to sangat, in emails Say Vaheguru before each job, each action, each mouthful of food Silently with each breath VAHE deep breath in GURU deep breath out As you walk, as you play, as you listen to your teacher, the drive to school .... Each individual will have to experiment to find the method that helps them focus. Chanting his name, remember each part of VA-HE-GU-RU reaps many rewards.
puhpmiDijaubwsubsquhYmukrmwihjYsyCweI ]Like the fragrance which remains in the flower, and like the reflection in the mirror,qYsyhIhirbsyinrMqirGthIKojhuBweI ]1]the Lord dwells deep within; search for Him within your own heart, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1|| Ang 684
As well as within, see God in all and everything...... “If you can’t see God in ALL, you can’t see God at all” Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi Jee
God is in everything....it is about your perspective. Guru Jee says OPEN your eyes and heart and truly see..... G*O*D*I*S*N*O*W*H*E*R*E What does the above say?? It can be read: God is no where or....... GOD IS NOW HERE! Like everything else in life of any significance, the way I see it always depends on how I look at it. Do you see the VAAAAAAA- WOW everywhere? in everything?
Open your eyes.... AKI AMDujIBrsunwhIrhyprwkauqwxw ]akhee a(n)dhhjeebhrasnaaheerehaeparaakothaanaa ||Your eyes go blind, and your tongue is unable to taste; you live only with the help of others.guxAMqirnwhIikausuKupwvYmnmuKAwvxjwxw ]gun a(n)tharnaaheekiosukhpaavaimanamukhaavanjaanaa ||With no virtue within, how can you find peace? The self-willed manmukh comes and goes in reincarnation. AKI pRymksweIAwijauiblkmsweIrwm ]akheepraemkasaaeeaajiobilakmasaaeeraam ||My eyes are drawn to His Love, like the cat to the mouse AauDGtYidnsurYxwry ] mngurimilkwjsvwry ]1] rhwau ]aoudhhghattaidhinasrainaarae || man gur mil kaajsavaarae ||1|| rehaao||This life is diminishing, day and night. Meeting with the Guru, your affairs shall be resolved. ||1||Pause||
We’ve received the below picture text from BOB! VjkkVjkf Wat u sayin Sikh peeps? I is txtinfrm space innit What the flippy doo dah is this orange swiggly stuff ? Confused face!
You need to taste the jalebi to know its true form...... We can talk about the Guru but we need to experience the Guru to understand why we need him and who he is.
How can I find Guru Jee? • To know the Guru you have to feel the Guru • To feel the Guru is to feel the vibration and anand of naam • To understand the Guru is to deeply ingrain in his Shabad • This is Shabad Guru, the treasure, the light of the 10 Gurus in DHAN DHAN SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JEE MAHARAJ • Merge with the jewel of naam, understand the key of liberation and MERGE with AKAAL PURKH VAHEGURU! • The light, the power, the knowledge of the Guru Sahib’s resides in our one and only LIVING GURU- SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB JEE MAHARAJ. • Once you feel the Guru you’ll know why Guru Jee is not merely a ‘book’ or ‘scripture’ rather SHABAD GURU! Gurbani is the key. The treasure. Remember the journey........
What does Maharaj say? “Whatever you desire can be obtained by meditating on the Shabad (Verses) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.”
What is Shabad? Shabadsbdu=The Word (sound) Sri GuruNanak Dev Jeewas asked by Siddhs…who is you Guru (Teacher)? Guru Jee replied: sbdugurUsuriqDuincylw ] The Shabad is the Guru, upon whom I lovingly focus my consciousness; I am the chaylaa, the disciple.
How can Shabad be the Guru? kIqwpswaueykokvwau ] You created the vast expanse of the Universe with One Word! auqpiqprlausbdyhovY ] Creation and destruction happen through the Word of the Shabad. nwmkyDwryKMfbRhmMf ] The Naam (the word) is the Support of the earth and solar systems.
Reflection Time.... What a powerful video....FULL of EMOTION and LOVE. Let’s go and sit with Maharaj for 5 minutes and reflect on the video content. How can you build your relationship with Maharaj? Think back to your 3 targets.
TASK: What is Shabad Guru? TASK : Around the class there are many Shabads-one per student. Spend a minute reading each shabad and reflecting on what Shabad Guru is. Add these thoughts to your mind map. Why should we not copy out the Gurmukhi?
What lifestyle might this woman live? Mother Lolicia is a Buddhist Father is an Anglican Alexandra was a model Hedonistic party girl Brought up as Christians We’ve been through so much together, including my father’s dramas, which include bankruptcy, jail for perjury and divorce
Maharaj does not judge...Maharaj blesses “If you can’t see God in ALL, you can’t see God at all” Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi Jee “Change always comes bearing gifts” We all have the blessing to make each day count
“After all, I was positively allergic to organised religion. It just seemed so grey to me. But then I don’t really think of Sikhism as a religion, more a path for anyone who is looking for something more spiritual” • How do we find Guru Jee? • We need a Guru to allow us to understand true bliss. • We need to surrender our mind, body and soul to him. • Everything is a BLESSING. • Open your eyes, open your mind, open your SOUL. TASK: Listen carefully to BibiJee discussing how to find Guru Jee.
TASK 1: Read through the DAILY MAIL article TASK 2: Reflect on and answer the questions on the sheet