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Introduction to Logical Proof

Introduction to Logical Proof. A proof : is a sequence of logical arguments where the “ premises combined together ” implies the “ conclusion .” (reminds you of ---- theorem?) A simple example of (hypothetical syllogism) 1. P -> Q ( P implies Q) is true 2. Q-> R is true

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Introduction to Logical Proof

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  1. Introduction to Logical Proof • A proof : is a sequence of logical arguments where the “premises combined together” implies the “conclusion.” (reminds you of ---- theorem?) • A simple example of (hypothetical syllogism) • 1. P -> Q ( P implies Q) is true • 2. Q-> R is true • 3. P -> R must be true • A simple example of (disjunctive syllogism) • 1. P or Q • 2. Not P • 3. Q

  2. Premises and Conclusion • What are premises and conclusion? • They are propositions , assertions, or statements. • Using this notion of premises and conclusion, we will make assertions about computation in the form of • Preconditions (premises) • Post-conditions (conclusions)

  3. A Programming Statement “Example” • Show that following (after) the execution of the statement: “ if X > Max then X:= Max ; ” it is impossible for the condition, X>Max, to be true . • Proof: (before and after execution conditions are given) • Let P stand for X > Max (before execution condition) • Let Q stand for X = Max (after execution condition) • Let R stand for X > Max (after execution condition) • P is either true or false • assume P is false, then the statement is never executed and R is also false or ( not P -> not R because P is the same as R). • assume P is true, then X is set to Max and Q becomes true. If P is true then Q becomes true or (P ->Q). If Q is true then R must be false or (Q -> not R). Thus using hypothetical syllogism of (P->Q and Q-> not R, we have P-> not R). • So (not P -> not R) and ( P -> not R); that gives us not R. • This says that it is impossible for X>Max to be true after the execution of the statement.

  4. Program Correctness Proofs • Preliminary Concepts: • the state of a system is “usually” given by the values of the variables of the system • preconditions indicate the initial state prior to the execution of the code • post-conditions indicate the state after the execution of the code • to show different pieces of code work “correctly”, one must (1)divide the pieces of code into individual statements and (2)convert the precondition (“initial state”) of each statement into post-condition of that statement which in turn becomes the precondition of the following statement

  5. Preliminary Concepts (cont.) Code C (execution) Code A (execution) Code B (execution) Post-condition which is Precondition for Code C Post-condition which is Precondition for Code B Precondition for Code A (usually states of some variable) Post-condition for Code C Example : the precondition for a SQRT(x) function is that input,x, is greater than or equal to 0; the post-condition is the desired square root of x.

  6. Preliminary Concepts (cont.) • An assertion is a statement regarding the state(s). • A piece of code is considered correct if all the precondition assertions will lead to the post-condition assertions once the code is executed. • Note that “correctness” may not address whether the precondition and post-condition assertions are what the designers or users had in mind.

  7. Hoare Triple • Definition : If C is a piece of code-statements and {P} is a precondition assertion and {Q} is a post-condition assertion, then the expression {P} C {Q} is called the Hoare Triple. (Tony Hoare is a UK Computer Scientist, well know for his Quick Sort algorithm and many other contributions.) • Example of Hoare Triple: • consider the pseudo-code statements • Integer x, y, z ; • z := y; • y := x; • x := z; • let “A” be initial value of x and “B” be the initial value of y. • then the following is considered a Hoare Triple • {x=A, y=B} z:=y; y:=x; x:=z {x=B, y=A}

  8. Correctness Definition • Definition : If C is some code with precondition {P} and post-condition {Q}, then {P}C{Q} is said to be partially correct if the final state of C satisfies {Q} provided that the initial state satisfies {P}. C is also considered partially correct if there is no final state ! (that is, if C is non-terminating !) • Definition : If {P}C{Q} is partially correct and C terminates, then {P}C{Q} is said to be totally correct. • Note : Partial correctness and total correctness differ only in termination. Thus they differ (only) in “looping” or “recursive” programs.

  9. Thinking Pre and Post Conditions • Finding a “typical” novice programming error • assume variable x contained value A, and variable y contained value B initially • consider sequence of code for “exchanging values” : x:= y ; y := x ; (novice programmer code) • precondition {P} for x:=y is (x=A, y=B) • post condition (Q} for x:=y is (x=B) • precondition {P} for y:= x is (x=B) • post condition {Q} for y:= x is (y=x=B ) • Combining the code we have : • {x=A,y=B} x:=y; y:=x {x=B, y=B} • this is NOT the post-condition the programmer intended to get. • Had the programmer formally stated the post condition to be {x=B,y=A}, which is the intended requirement, then we could say the above code is incorrect.

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