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599 Program Transition to the One Stop System Overview for Phase I Statewide Implementation. Webinar Presentation July 31 and August 5, 2008. Review of Webinar Rules. Please Mute your Phones during presentation If you experience technical problems during the session:
599 Program Transition to the One Stop System Overview for Phase I Statewide Implementation Webinar Presentation July 31 and August 5, 2008
Review of Webinar Rules • Please Mute your Phones during presentation • If you experience technical problems during the session: • If you still have access to the webinar, you can type in request for technical assistance directed to Charlie Turner • If you are not able to access the webinar or type in your question, you can call for assistance at 518 485-1794 • Or if needed feel free to un-mute your phone and interrupt to ask your question • Throughout the Session feel free to type in questions. We will attempt to answer all questions at end of session • There will be open Q&A session following the presentation
599 Program - Purpose The 599 Program provides an opportunity for eligible UI claimants who lack competitive job skills to receive UI benefits while attending an approved training and or retraining program. To be approvable, training must be: • At least 12 hours (or credit hours) per week • Must be able to be completed within 24 months 599 refers to the specific section of Article 18 of the NYS Labor Law
599 Program - Purpose The 599 Program allows claimants to collect UI benefits while in approved training without having to: • Search for work • Be available for work • Accept suitable work
599 Program - Purpose • Under Section 599.2, claimants may also be entitled to additional benefits (up to 26 weeks maximum) after exhausting their regular benefits, if funding is available. • $20 Million of funding for 599.2 benefits available annually (Program operates on a July to June fiscal year)
Current Operations • UI applicants who self-identify during the UI Original Claim (OC) application process as already in training (attending and/or accepted in training) are either: • Mailed an application for the 599 training program to be completed and returned by mail • Given the opportunity to complete the 599 training application on-line (if filing for UI on-line) • UI claimants are advised that if they enroll in training during their UI claim to immediately call the TCC – they are then mailed a 599 application to complete.
Program Enhancements Needed • Follow-up with individuals who fail to apply timely or fail to complete and return 599 applications timely (can impact eligibility for additional benefits) • Follow-up with claimants who fail to complete and return applications and/or claimants who apply but are disapproved • Provide support to those approved for 599 training for successful completion of their training program
Program Enhancements Needed • Identify potentially eligible claimants unaware of program (Program marketing) • Expand program eligibility guidelines • Fully obligate all 599.2 funding
Implementation A number of program changes have already been implemented over the last few months by the Special Program Unit (SPU) of the UI Division. • The Department has expanded approval criteria over the last year. • Result: Increase in the percentage of applications being approved has increased as compared to same time last year
Implementation Next Step: • Integrate the 599 program into the One Stop System • Establish Linkages between the SPU and the One Stop System • Shared One Stop and UI program responsibility: • Shift certain responsibilities to the One Stop system • Maintain responsibility for certain functions in SPU to provide oversight and insure program integrity and statewide consistency
Anticipated Benefits of Transition to One Stop System Coordination of services through the One Stop system will: • Ensure that individuals who start training are better able to finish • Enhance NY’s labor force making the state more attractive for economic development. • Target a larger pool of UI claimants • Better market the 599 Program to UI claimants to increase numbers that apply and are approved for the Program • Fully obligate available 599.2 funding
Anticipated Benefits of Transition to One Stop System (cont.) • Utilize experienced One-Stop staff to assist UI claimants to: • Choose appropriate training programs w/consideration of local labor market conditions • Coordinate support services • Provide information on funding availability for training • Improved program outcomes for the system (All programs - UI, WIA, ES, Reemployment) • Improved individual outcomes for participants: • successful completion of training • successful employment following training (higher wages, job retention, skills upgrading, career advancement…)
Plan for Transition to One Stop System Full Implementation: • One Stop System • Responsible for review/processing all 599 Applications and approval recommendations • Responsible for customer follow-up to insure satisfactory progress being made and to facilitate successful program completion • SPU • Review One Stop recommendations and Issue all official 599 Determinations (approval/disapprovals) • Monitor 599.2 fund availability • Program Oversight
599 Phase In Strategy Transition to One Stop System Phase I: • SPU: • Continued responsibility for processing 599 Applications from claimants self-identified as in-training at time of their UI Original Claim (OC) • Responsible for follow-up with all claimants approved for 599 • One Stops: • Responsible for review/processing 599 Applications and approval recommendations identified after the OC process • Responsible for outreach to claimants in training at time of OC and disapproved by SPU
599 Phase In Strategy Transition to One Stop System Goals of Phase In Strategy: • Begin Integration to One Stop System ASAP • Allow Implementation to begin with current systems (without IT changes) • Coordinate timing of implementation with Fall 2008 Training applications • Phase I One Stop Responsibilities: • Expand program awareness • Target customers currently not being served • Emphasize value add to customer • Insure full obligation of PY 2008 funds
Phase I: Role of the One Stop Staff • Increasing claimant awareness of 599 program • Identifying UI claimants interested or in need of training • Assessing training needs, developing individual training plans • Assisting UI claimant/customer in making informed decisions regarding training. • Coordinating One Stop services as needed (LMI, Training funds, support services, etc..) • Review and Recommendation of approval/disapproval of 599 Applications identified after OC • Scheduling Follow-up with 599 Applicants identified as part of OC and disapproved by SPU • Coordinate with One Stop common measures
Phase I: Role of the SPU • Continuing to process 599 applications from claimants identified in training at OC • Reviewing the recommendations from One Stop staff for approval/disapproval • Issuing all 599 Determinations to the claimant • Calculating individual eligibility for additional 599.2 benefits • Follow-up on progress of training to ensure continued eligibility and satisfactory progress • Monitoring the 599.2 funds availability
599 Approval Criteria 1. The training is needed by the claimant because: a). Claimant’s employment opportunities limited or b). Training likely to lead to more regular long term employment or c). Training will upgrade existing skills And 2. At least 12 hrs/week classroom attendance or 12 credit hours of training, And 3. Training or remaining training period not more than 24 months, And 4. Competent and reliable training facility, And 5. Training relates to an occupation or skill, And 6. Training relates to an occupation or skill with reasonable employment opportunities, And 7. Claimant has the qualifications to complete training successfully
599.2 Additional Benefits • If Training is approved under 599, claimant may be eligible to receive up to 26 weeks of additional benefits (following exhaustion of regular benefits) while still in approved training plan • Number of Additional Weeks of Benefits depends on: • Availability of funding (only $20 Million available statewide annually) • At what point in the claim cycle the claim is accepted into training and/or applies for 599 approval
599.2 Additional Benefits • SPU is responsible for determining availability of funding for additional 599.2 benefits • Individuals approved for 599 training may receive a maximum of 26 weeks of additional 599.2 benefits. • The calculation of additional benefits is determined based on the number of weeks of regular benefits remaining on the individual’s claim as of the “calculation date” (up to a maximum of 26) • The date used for calculating additional benefits (“calculation date”) is being changed. The result is that claimants may be eligible for a greater amount of additional benefits, provided the training is disclosed timely.
Highlights of Modifications to Expand 599 Approval Criteria • If claimant approved for WIA Training Funds, then training program also automatically approvable under 599 as long as meets criteria for 12 hours/week and completion in 24 months • Competent and Reliable Training Facility: • Approvable if approved ETPL or SED • Both local and state labor markets can be considered when determining whether the training relates to an occupation or skill for which there are reasonable employment opportunities in the state
Highlights of Modifications to Expand 599 Approval Criteria • Expanded definition of training leading to an upgrade of existing skills • Now includes training that will lead to higher paying job or career advancement in the same field or field related to the claimant’s regular occupation • Expanded definition of training leading to more regular long-term employment • Now includes training that will provide a more skilled higher paying job for claimants in entry level or low wage/high turnover occupations • If currently in low wage/high turnover occupation, the fact that employment opportunities are not substantially impaired or categorized as in “demand” will no longer be barrier to approval
Highlights of Modifications to Expand 599 Approval Criteria • ESL, GED, or Basic Skills training may be approvable: • If claimant already has in-demand occupational skills but lack of English proficiency, high school diploma, of basic skills is a barrier to reemployment in that occupation – now considered upgrade of claimants existing skills • Also approvable if such training would position the claimant to pursue more regular, long-term employment • If needed as prerequisite for occupational training • Training still has to be 12 hours
Maintaining 599 Eligibility • Satisfactory progress • Providing grades timelyat the end of each marking period/semester • Providing new/revised class schedule timely • Returning DOL correspondence for periodic training verification timely
Phase I Communications and Data Recording Requirements The One Stop Operating System (OSOS) will be used as a shared tracking system: • New OSOS Activities have been established to record and track 599 processing steps and status of 599 applications • OSOS Activities will be entered in OSOS both by One Stop and by SPU staff
Phase I Communications and Data Recording Requirements New OSOS web-based local management report for 599 Case Management Report will be accessible to both One Stop and SPU staff • 2 parts to report: • Part I: track status of Applications originating in One Stop • Part II: communicate status of Applications processed by SPU for claimants in training at OC
One Stop 599 Applicant Tracking Report Sample Screen Shot Rows: represent individual 599 applications identified by SSN, OSOS ID, and Name Columns: represent activities and activity dates to track status of application – based on OSOS entries
Phase I Communications and Data Recording Requirements The UI Imaging System will serve as official file for 599 Applications and supporting documentation • One Stops will transmit 599 Application, approval recommendation form, and any supporting documentation to UI Central Support for Imaging • Documents will be Imaged and put in SPU queue for processing
Phase I Communications and Data Recording Requirements • One Stops will be given access to UI Imaged Files for future reference if/when needed. One Stops will be able to view/print Imaged documents through FAF software • To view documents related to claimants disapproved by SPU • To review document as needed to resolve discrepancies in cases where SPU and One Stop disagree on approval recommendation • To view original 599 approved application, if/when modification to training plan requires submittal of new 599 application • To view class grades and/or other progress materials submitted by claimant
Phase I Communications and Data Recording Requirements Access to UI Imaged Documents Initially: – 1-2 DOL staff per One Stop location will have FAF software loaded onto their PCs and be granted access to view imaged documents Department is still discussing parameters for expanding access to UI Imaging in future
NEXT STEPS • Conduct minimal 2, one-half day in-person training sessions in each of the Regions to accommodate training of staff that will be responsible for handling 599 program responsibilities in Phase I • Each Region will be contacted regarding scheduling of dates/time/location for In-Person Training
NEXT STEPS In-Person training scheduled and completed by mid September Training will include: • Detail review of 599 Application and Approval Recommendation process • Detail review of forms • Detail review of criteria for approval including definitions/resources and case study examples • Document processing, data recording and status tracking procedures including use of OSOS, UI Imaging, and OSOS Web Based local management tracking report
NEXT STEPS Each LWIA will be asked to designate a 599 Liaison. Responsibilities will include: • Key point of local contact for dissemination of 599 program information, policy/procedural changes • Local program “expert”, first point of contact for staff questions • Key liaison with SPU staff to resolve any issues related to approval recommendations
NEXT STEPS Any issues that can not be mutually resolved between SPU and LWIA staff would be escalated to the Central Office DEWS program liaison* to review and resolve. * DEWS Program Liaison is Carol Elwell.
Questions and Answers Your Turn to ask your questions: Either type question Or Raise your Hand on-line Or Ask your question verbally if presenters open up