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Focus on Jesus II. Church School Program. Focus on Jesus Term 2 What Jesus Said. Week 1 I AM Week 2 Parables Week 3 The Beatitudes Week 4 The Lord’s Prayer Week 5 Forgive 70X7 Week 6 Love One Another as I have loved you. Focus on Jesus What would Jesus Say?.
Focus on JesusII Church School Program
Focus on JesusTerm 2What Jesus Said • Week 1 I AM • Week 2 Parables • Week 3 The Beatitudes • Week 4 The Lord’s Prayer • Week 5 Forgive 70X7 • Week 6 Love One Another as I have loved you
Focus on JesusWhat would Jesus Say? • This term we will be learning about Jesus • We will be focussing on the life of Jesus as our example • We will be learning to block out other distractions and think “What would Jesus say?”
Hearing • Tell the children to put their hand up when they cannot hear you speaking any longer. Begin by speaking loudly then getting progressively quieter, to whispering, then to just mouthing the words. • Play a tape of a conglomeration of voices and sounds and ask the children to identify all the different sounds and words • Speak while the combined sounds tape is playing. Can the children tell what you said? Was it easy to distinguish one voice among many? • This term we will be practising listening to what Jesus would say in spite of all the other advice and opinions we can hear.
Rubrics • Show the children a Bible which has all Jesus’ words printed in red and explain that these are called rubrics and are very important because they are the words that Jesus said
1. I AM... • Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings • Tell the children that for the first half of the year we focussed on the life of Jesus and learned how His life is an example for us. For the second part we will be hearing about the things that Jesus said and cultivating the habit of thinking “What Would Jesus Say?” when we are faced with a decision or a problem. We will be finding out how we can know what Jesus would say and the type of thing Jesus would like us to say • Talk about Focus. When you focus on something you concentrate all your attention on it and do not get distracted by the things around • Do the examples of hearing and discuss how difficult it is to listen for one voice among many distracting sounds • Talk about Rubrics - the red letters used in some Bibles for showing which parts are the words of Jesus • I AM - These are the things Jesus said about Himself and the way He describes Himself. Discuss what these mean
1. I AM... • This term we will be making a booklet. • Get the children to prepare covers with textas, pencils and glitter glue and to colour the first week’s sheet. The page ‘Jesus said’ should be coloured in red. • Make sure that the children write their names on the back of each page. The children do not take their booklets or pages home as they will be working on them next week. • Make a circle and pray for the week ahead.
What Would Jesus Say?
2. Parables • Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings • Revise last week’s lesson • PARABLES - An Earthly story with a Heavenly meaning. Jesus often used stories to teach people truths about God. He used stories of the situations and happenings in everyday life • READ some parables. Choose from The Parable of the Sower, The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Mustard Seed and The Parable of the Good Samaritan. • ACT out a chosen parable in MIME • TALK about the Earthly story and the Heavenly meaning of the story and about how we know what Jesus would say ( see How do we know what Jesus would say?) • WORK on colouring the pages for the booklet Make sure that the children write their names on the back of each page. The children do not take their booklets or pages home as they will be working on them next week. • Make a circle and pray for the week ahead.
How do we know what Jesus would say? • We can finding out by • Reading the Bible • Praying • Talking to mature Christians eg the pastor and elders and wise members of the congregation
3. Beatitudes • Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings • Revise last week’s lesson • THE BEATITUDES - Blessed are... • READ The Beatitudes • DISCUSS • BRAINSTORM What blessings do we have? Write the children’s replies on the whiteboard or a large sheet of paper • WORK on colouring the pages for the booklet Make sure that the children write their names on the back of each page. The children do not take their booklets or pages home as they will be working on them next week. • Make a circle and pray for the week ahead
4. The Lord’s Prayer • Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings • Revise last week’s lesson • HAND OUT copies of The Lord’s Prayer SMS and see whether the children can decipher it • THE LORD’S PRAYER - Jesus’ disciples asked Jesus how they should pray and He gave them The Lord’s Prayer as an example of the type of things we can bring to God in prayer • READ The Lord’s Prayer. Say it together - teacher reads a line and the children repeat • DISCUSS (See What does Jesus tell us to say when we pray?) • WORK on colouring the pages for the booklet Make sure that the children write their names on the back of each page. The children do not take their booklets or pages home as they will be working on them next week. • Make a circle and pray for the week ahead
Dad@hvn, ur gr8 we want wot u want &urth 2b like hvn giv us food &4giv r sins lyk we 4giv uvaz don’t test us! Save us! Bcos we kno ur boss ur gr8 &ur cool 4 eva! ok
What does Jesus tell us to say when we pray? • Give praise and glory to God • Express obedience to God’s will • Bring concerns of our life and pray for others • Ask for forgiveness of sins • Forgive other people for things they have done to you • Ask for daily necessities
5. Forgive 70X7 • Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings • Revise last week’s lesson • READ the account of Peter asking how often we should forgive • DISCUSS The Jews were legally required to forgive 6 times. Peter thought he was being very generous offering to forgive one extra time. But Jesus said you should not limit forgiveness (See What does Jesus tell us to say to other people?) • ASK the children if they think that little white lies are not as bas as other lies and then demonstrate that lies are all the same size (See Optical Illusion) • DISCUSS how you can make your conversations with other people encouraging. There is a book about Encouragement called Little Silver Boxes with Bows on Top • MAKE little silver encouragement boxes with a decorative bow on top. Write encouraging words on small pieces of paper to putin the box. The boxes can be taken home today • WORK on colouring the pages for the booklet Make sure that the children write their names on the back of each page. The children do not take their booklets or pages home as they will be working on them next week. • Make a circle and pray for the week ahead
What does Jesus want us to say to other people? Our words shouls Be truthful Be respectful and accepting Be encouraging and edifying Ask, grant and accept forgiveness Be consistent with our actions
Let your yes be yes and your no be no
6. Love one another as I have loved you • Talk to the children about their week and pray about any concerns. Take up offerings • Revise last week’s lesson • SING Jesus loves the little children • READ the story of Jesus and the children • DISCUSS Jesus New Commandment • A new commandment I give unto you - that you love one another as I have loved you • How much did Jesus love us? Enough to die on the Cross and rise again so that our sins could be forgiven. • SING John 3:16 • IMAGINE what the world would be like if people always thought “What would Jesus do?” and “What would Jesus say?” What would the world be like if people always forgave each other and loved each other like Jesus loved them! • FINISH colouring the pages for the booklet The children can take their finished booklets home today. • Make a circle and pray for the week ahead
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you