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Maine’s Approach for College and Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities

Maine’s Approach for College and Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities. State Personnel Development Grant Maine Department of Education Overview of Sustainable Bi-directional Convergent EBP PD Model. Our Charge: Improving Learning for All Students Statewide.

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Maine’s Approach for College and Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities

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  1. Maine’s Approach for College and Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities

    State Personnel Development Grant Maine Department of Education Overview of Sustainable Bi-directional Convergent EBP PD Model
  2. Our Charge: Improving Learning for All Students Statewide Build a Comprehensive evidence-based professional development plan that is: Evidence-based Partnership driven Definitive in roles & responsibilities Statewide accessible Sustainable Leverages federal, state and local resources Meets the PD needs at the state, regional and local level
  3. A Systems ApproachNational Center on Educational Outcomes Moving from isolated to layered: Integrating the work highlights similarities without committing to a unified approach Work at all levels to improve capacity at other levels (coherence)
  4. A Systems ApproachNational Center on Educational Outcomes 3. Designing state/regionally developed products and tools for universal access and applicability (accessible) 4. Intentional usage by all regional providers for a consistent process and connected set of state/regionally developed tools (focused approach)
  5. 15 BIG IDEAS to Improve InitiativesBeth A Steenwyk CCSSO/ASES Leadership: HARD skills and Soft skills to get the job done Shared Vision & Purpose: Establish & Revisit continuously Communication: Need an intentional Plan Selection Process: Structured process to select the practice that is connected to the need Leveraging: Awareness of context & opportunity
  6. 15 BIG IDEAS to Improve InitiativesBeth A Steenwyk CCSSO/ASES 6. Readiness: Adoption & Implementation Process 7. Identify Critical Components: What it IS & What it is NOT 8. Complexity of Implementation: If you can’t explain it, they can’t do it 9. Demonstrations & Scaling: Know the difference 10. Capacity Building: Continuously assess personnel growth to performance standards
  7. 15 BIG IDEAS to Improve InitiativesBeth A Steenwyk CCSSO/ASES 11. Role and Function Change: This will happen, it can’t be avoided 12. Measurement & Progress: If not measuring progress you are not implementing 13. Feedback & Support: Can’t improve or change without it 14. Aligned & Integrated: Activities at one level can derail activities at another level 15. Braiding Initiatives: Relationship between practices not competition
  8. State Policies Law: LD 1422 is a legislative document outlining the expectation for a proficiency based diploma for all students by January 2018 Expectation: All standards in all content areas (Maine law, Title 20-A, section 4722-A) as set forth in Chapter 131 & 132 Charge: MAINE DOE charged to develop assistance to the local units (technical assistance plan)
  9. Local Control How students are taught is a local decision Decisions regarding curricula  and instructional practices are local decisions Challenges 1. What does the State do to provide the level of EBP PD & TA that is embraced by the LEA? 2. How do does the State ensure accessibility to the EBP PD & TA?
  10. Credibility: Finding Local Leadership Credibility (State’s, designers, coaches, implementers) Finding implementers and building implementation teams Identifying the right practice, approach to implementation Alignment of feedback and supports Resources: state, local, and regional
  11. ALIGNMENT OF FEEDBACK & SUPPORTS Feedback and Support Loops should address the following: Status/Stage of innovation implementation; Competencies needed for innovation fidelity; Leadership supports necessary for innovation sustainability; Systems necessary to support innovation implementation; Consistent cycles of improvement to insure the elimination of barriers and optimize system to improve implementation.
  12. Differentiated EBP PD & TA
  13. Infrastructure ImplementationUniversal Approach Stage I: (All SAUs, partner agencies, SPPS, Private Academies) Maine Autism Leader Teams (MALT) EBP PD to meet Compliance: LRE, CCSS & Postsecondary District level MAINE DOE TA Implementation Timeline September 2012 January 2013 Ongoing February 2013
  14. Stages of EBP PD Stage II: (All SAUs, targeted SAUs, partner agencies, SPPS, Private Academies, Parents) Effective Implementation Better Outcomes for students Monitoring, PD & TA Capacity Building Implementation Timeline CCSS: June 2013 MALT I &II: August 2103 Post-Secondary Transition: October 2013 Regional PD January Cohort & Content specific Ongoing
  15. Infrastructure Implementation Stage III: All SAUs, partner agencies, SPPS): Capacity Building State, IHE, SAU: District/Building Regional EBP PD Centers State, Regional, Local Team Leaders/Experts Implementation Timeline Spring 2014 Fall 2013
  16. So, what happens

    at the local Level?
  17. Integrating the Common Core State Standards with Special Education:

    Igniting the change process from within Maine’s school districts Jess Yates Maine SAU #17
  18. Phase 1: In the classroom Kindling the Fire
  19. Setting the Scene Day Treatment Program at Medomak Middle School in Waldoboro, ME Most intensive special education service offered in public school setting Designed to serve students with emotional disabilities in grades 7 and 8 Self-contained academic program with therapeutic components: Small group/individual instruction in all subjects Developmental therapy approach Access to mainstream dependent on student readiness High staff to student ratio (13 students, 4 staff) Weekly social skills group, individual therapy sessions Behavior modification system
  20. Lighting the Match… Standards Referenced Grading System Pilot Collaborated with general education teacher/admin Proficiency based learning approach Progress based on mastery Started with area of instructional strength – Math Selected Common Core State Standards State requirement for instructional alignment by July 2012 Created crosswalks from Connected Math Program to CCSS Identified and obtained supplemental materials to address missing topic areas Translated standards into learning targets - Student will…
  21. Two instructional techniques 8th grade: Students with similar academic abilities Students progress as a group through the standards Aha! moments happen together Group instruction, leading from the front 7th grade: Students with extremely disparate academic abilities Students frequently absent due to hospitalizations Students progress individually through the standards Checklists, leading from behind
  22. Individualized Programming Options
  23. Results: Both instructional approaches focus on student mastery: Multiple means of presentation and demonstration of knowledge CCSS aligned instructional programming put Day Treatment students on par with, or above, the instruction in general education classrooms: Student pride Student mastery of content Increase in test scores, proficiency demonstrations Ease of mainstreaming/inclusion
  24. Phase 2: The IEP Adding Fuel to the Fire
  25. The next logical step… Instruction aligned to the Common Core State Standards necessitates IEP goals aligned to the Common Core State Standards: Students should be held accountable for mastering grade level content as part of their special education programming. Focus on their instructional level just doesn’t make sense… College and career readiness…. Little precedent for this on local or state level Research AND Common Sense Identify essential components of goal writing process Develop approach and format
  26. IEP Goal Writing Process Know the student Detail student’s present level of performance Identify critical areas of need Recognize students cannot reasonably have huge numbers of goals Identify, and unpack, appropriate grade level clusters/standards Clusters vs. Grade specific standards in Math Anchor Standards vs. Grade specific standards in ELA Highlight essential “conditions” necessary to foster access and progress Accommodations: change materials, procedures, alternate response formats Assistive Technology: calculators, dictation software, etc. Specially designed instruction Instructional strategies and supports: graphic organizers, prompts, wait time Modifications: change the standards (for those 1% of students with significant cognitive disabilities) Focus on student independence Level of independence associated with mastery Conditions can include tools to develop independent skills in regards to content Create a goal Use language from the standards when possible
  27. Aligned IEP Goal Components
  28. Sample Goal Given base-ten blocks and a hundreds chart, the student will generalize place value understanding to read, write (with a computer), and verbally compare multi-digit whole numbers with 100% independence as measured by classroom-based assessments, IXL progress, and NWEA scores by May 2014 (CCSS: Math, 4.NBT.1, 2, 3).
  29. Dylan’s Story Strengths: Sense of humor, creative, complex tinfoil crafting projects, extensive scientific knowledge Disability: Emotional Disturbance Math: NWEA: 7th percentile Life Skills Math Program: multiplication and division (3rd grade level) Reading: NWEA: 1st percentile Beginning Reader Life Skills Reading Program: Reading Milestones (1st grade level) Social/Emotional: Withdrawn and ignored peers Significant Issues with personal hygiene Hyper-focused on crafting Behavioral: Frequent somatic complaints and absences Frequent refusals, “shutting down” behaviors Needed constant cues, check ins, and one-on-one assistance during work time
  30. Dylan’s Story Integrated into 8th grade math class in the Day Treatment classroom Could access grade level, CCSS content with appropriate accommodations: Provision of human reader, peer supports, or text to speech device Use of scribe Clarification of directions Option for oral exams/alternative demonstrations of knowledge Use of assistive technology (calculator, etc.) IEP included CCSS aligned goals in Expressions/Equations, Functions Results: Participation in class equal to or exceeding that of his peers Social connections Academic progress: Math: NWEA, Fall to Spring, 7th percentile to 27th percentile (growth of 20 points) Mastered standards with accommodations
  31. Catching on… Resulted in visible student successes Students, parents, regular educators, administrators Efforts addressed major issues with special education: Eliminated instructional focus on lower level content Mandated exposure to grade level content Devised supports to scaffold from instructional level Ensured ALL students receive education based on high standards Enhanced opportunities for collaboration with regular education teachers Used same standards in IEPs as those used in classroom Fostered increased opportunities for inclusion Focused on college and career readiness
  32. From the classroom to the district level… Enrolled in Educational Leadership Program Internship with my Special Education Director Assigned project of researching and linking the CCSS to special education and providing staff with related professional development Spreading the word: Presentation to district special education staff Presentation to district regular education staff Presentation mid-coast regional directors group Presentation to staff in other local districts Presentation at Maine Association of Directors of Special Education conference Local knowledge sharing led to the development of connections with the Maine Department of Education
  33. Phase 3: An Administrative Perspective Flare Up
  34. Setting the Scene Assistant Director of Special Services Maine’s Oxford Hills School District 8 Elementary Schools, 1 Middle School, 1 High School Approximately 3500 students Approximately 500 special education students (14%) Programs available to serve students at multiple levels of restrictiveness Resource rooms, social skills programs, applied academics programs, life skills programs, day treatment programs Uncharted territory With Director’s permission, set the integration of Common Core and Special Education as top priority for professional development.
  35. The Change Process… District Level Basic familiarity with Common Core Classroom instruction - pilots Special Education = Leaders of change Key Components of Change Process: Start with the IEP Maintain constant focus on CCSS Monthly staff meetings, individualized supports Provide time Frequent opportunity for discussion Shift in expectations and purpose Increase expectations as skill level increases
  36. Action Steps Step 1: Professional Development: “Know the student” work Construct detailed Present Levels statements Step 2A: Professional Development: Aligned IEP Goal Instruction/Guidance Identify and prioritize student’s critical needs in areas of skill deficit Identify, and unpack, appropriate grade level clusters/standards Identify the conditions necessary to support access/progress Modifications vs. Accommodations Required, at minimum, at least one aligned goal on every IEP Varying responses
  37. Action Steps Step 2B: The “GAP” kids Address the needs of those students who fall within the “gap” in implementation Students without the benefits/rigor of the CCSS since K CCSS assumes students possess foundational skills and mandates access to grade level content Supplemental Goals and Integrated Goals
  38. Action Steps Supplemental Goals: Address skill deficits (decoding, phonics, reading fluency, math fluency, etc.) with concurrent instruction/goals Not necessarily tied to grade level Example: Given guided instruction and daily opportunities to practice, the student will develop a bank of 50 known high frequency words that he/she can both read and write independently with at least 90% accuracy in 4 out of 5 trials as measured by informal assessments, word vocabulary assessment, and student writing samples by February 2014.
  39. Action Steps Integrated goals Link instruction in areas of skills deficit with grade level aligned goal as “conditions.” (careful!) Example: Given daily practice with multiplication facts and oral response formats or dictation software, the student will solve real-world and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations with 100% independence in 4 out of 5 opportunities as measured by formal and informal classroom assessments, teacher observation, and a growth of 7 points from fall to spring on the NWEA by May 2014 (CCSS: Math, 7.EE.3, 4, 4a, 4b).
  40. Action Steps Step 3: Continued Professional Development Exploring available resources Goal measurement tools Transition plans Monitoring for compliance Individualized staff supports Tough conversations What is appropriate? (FAPE) Instructional Level vs. Grade Level Expectations General ed instruction is not aligned.. Now what? Celebrations/Exemplars
  41. Action Steps Step 4: Unpacking the standards Use common language Identify essential understandings Increase accessibility for all stakeholders Collaborate with general educators, specialists to develop district-wide resource Central location (Google Docs) Ongoing…
  42. Results:The Paperwork Perspective (IEP Goals) THEN: The student will meet 3rd grade expectations in the area of fluency. NOW: Given small group instruction in word patterns and daily opportunities to practice, the student will use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology to read accurately unfamiliar multi-syllabic words in context and out of context with 90% accuracy as measured by running records and word lists by February 2014 (CCSS: Reading, 5.RF.3).
  43. Results:The Paperwork Perspective (IEP Goals) THEN: The student will increase her math skills to the mid second grade level. NOW: Given small group instruction and resources such as multiplication tables, the student will analyze proportional relationships and use them to accurately solve real-world and mathematical problems in 4 out of 5 opportunities, as measured by unit assessments, student work samples, math journal, and teacher observation by May 2014 (CCSS: Math, 7.RP.1, 2, 3).
  44. Results:The Paperwork Perspective… Now, IEP goals are … Aligned with a student’s grade level. Longer. Directed towards specific skills/content in the Common Core State Standards. (vague, subject based goals are no longer appropriate). Greater in number.
  45. Results:The teachers’ perspectives “The best part of the CCSS is the flexibility of assessment. Rather than remain tied to the traditional written or arithmetic assessments the students on my caseload tend to flounder on, we can assess standards-mastery through verbal, graphic, and kinesthetic tasks.” – Matt McGreevy, Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School “Having students access common core standards has presented its challenges, but with modifications and accommodations in place, I’ve been able to deliver instruction to students in a slower manner, which allows me, as a teacher, to delve into content deeper.” – Christina Ferreira, Guy E. Rowe School “As the mainstay, though, IEP goals for this instruction are written to address grade level Common Core State Standards for learning… These IEP goals remain key components of a student’s program … across school settings. With this in mind, the ultimate purpose of elementary resource instruction is to support each student’s increased success in the regular classroom.” – Margaret Templeton, Paris Elementary School
  46. Results:Anticipated Increased levels of student inclusion Increased collaboration between special educators and regular educators Co-teaching opportunities Cohesive student population Increased likelihood students will be college and career ready Proficiency-based diplomas Time Will Tell…
  47. Resources PLAAFP Statement Hints Aligned IEP Goal Writing Process IEP Goal Writing Hints Designing Proficiency-Based IEPs Action Plan (suggested)
  48. Questions?
  49. Contact Information Debrajean Scheibel, SPDG Coordinator debrajean.scheibel@maine.gov Jessica Yates, jessica.yates@maine.edu
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